MK1 has been the worst NRS game at launch. I like the gameplay the most out of any NRS games, though. It is fine to hate MK1! I want to hate it, like I did with Mk11, but to me, they are inversely equivalent: mk11 had the best presentation with the worst gameplay. (TO ME) and mk1 is the exact inverse - this MK could be SO MUCH MORE if WB or whoever is in charge had not been a greedy asshole, but it is what we have.
Co-signed vs the straw man argument.MK1 has been the worst NRS game at launch. I like the gameplay the most out of any NRS games, though. It is fine to hate MK1! I want to hate it, like I did with Mk11, but to me, they are inversely equivalent: mk11 had the best presentation with the worst gameplay. (TO ME) and mk1 is the exact inverse - this MK could be SO MUCH MORE if WB or whoever is in charge had not been a greedy asshole, but it is what we have.
Let me just say that I liked when you two were getting along. You make good points about MK, some which we have disagreed with and then we shrugedd off. You could, however, be inspired by your other-half, the Polite Rude. I know this is your thing, but sometimes its okay to not be provocative.Co-signed vs the straw man argument.
I've always said it was perfectly fine if people don't like the game.
What I've always argued against is people saying absolutely insane stuff like, "SFV was better at launch," or, "There are no villains," or, "MKX was loved by the community" or, "The HTBs in MKX were hard to set up," and any number of made up shit.
It's Fine to not like a video game. There's plenty of games I don't like. What I don't do when I don't like a game is spend all my time crying about it and making up bullshit about it.
But that's just me.
I honestly don't see what's so provocative. Is it because I call people with bad arguments dumb fucks?Let me just say that I liked when you two were getting along. You make good points about MK, some which we have disagreed with and then we shrugedd off. You could, however, be inspired by your other-half, the Polite Rude. I know this is your thing, but sometimes its okay to not be provocative.
I love when you ARE provocative, don't get me wrong. But let's just be a little more charming on new year's eve, hmm?
of couse you can just tell me to fuck off in the DMs
Let me just say, I've been through a lot in my personal life, and I don't expect sympathy or pity for that, but the point is, whether joking or not, I'm just not comfortable with someone being constantly instigating, insulting, and derogatory. Honestly, especially as a joke. It's cringe to me first off, and it's disrespectful. If I've asked the behavior to stop and it continues, I feel harassed.
That's all fine, but I'm gonna talk shit back and I'm not gonna even attempt to get along. I tried to keep it in game and settle it with a Beef Set, hell, I made the most active thread this site has had in years directly to solve the situation. Didn't work.
So, no. I don't care for Rude or Vulgar on a personal level. Insults are playground levels of "friendship." I'm fucking 31 with a daughter. It gives incel. It has loser vibes. It's low hanging fruit. It's fun for the mouth breathers. It's lazy uncreative bro humor that I mock and ridicule in real life and feel no different about online.
I make light of it because I'm naturally a person that turns things into jokes. All my Memes on this site should make that pretty obvious. But at the end of the day, I genuinely think dude is a bitch and has ruined TYM for me. It's stupid as fuck that even though I've blocked him, I get his reactions popping up to let me know he's still studying me.
I come back here, make an unrelated to him comment, he's laugh reacting and calling me a Psychopath or something similar.
And a lot of yall defend the behavior or are chummy with the absolute invalid. So honestly I've kinda started to resent the lot of you.
Aaaand wanna know what this opinion I have has in common with the greater FGCs opinion of MK players? Everything.
Yall are kinda fucking incel coded, ya know?
MK1 is purple though. That's what the Sun Do festival was about.I honestly don't see what's so provocative. Is it because I call people with bad arguments dumb fucks?
Cause that's pretty tame stuff. I've never threatened anyone with physical violence or told anyone to kill themselves or doxxed anyone.
I call people I disagree with stupid because - more often than not - they are. When you're dealing with the kind of smooth-brained arguments I deal with on the regular(MK1 is bad because it isn't purple. This is a real argument someone made once), of course the rhetoric is going to get a little spicy.
It's more of a sign of how young and new everyone is here than anything to do with me personally. These forums used to be a lot harsher back in the day.
Of course, people used to actually play the games they spent time crying about back then. Unlike now.
Happy New Year's!
Exactly.MK1 is purple though. That's what the Sun Do festival was about.
You are constantly personally insulting. This reads like you have fucking amnesia.The fact that you've devoted this much time and emotional band with to a random user name on the internet is genuinely - and I mean this with all seriousness - sad.
This website is just that - a website. It is not a real place. It never has been.
Remember, I never interacted with you with any degree of seriousness until you decided - completely unprovoked - to spend an ENTIRE DAY posting at me in order to, "bully the bully."
Do you know how weird that is? You could have just blocked me and moved on with your life. I was fine with leaving things be between us after our set, but you had to overreact because I made a joke at your expense.
We're clearly built different, but friends joke and bust each other's balls. Only you couldn't handle it because this forum is actually your social life. Hell, you've even admitted that you talk to your wife about drama that happens here which is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever heard in my life.
I've never speculated on your personal life and weight and personal relationships like you have with me until now.
I've never physically threatened you like you've done to me.
I've made light hearted jokes at your expense and disagreed with you in an edgy way.
Truly, I'm the real monster here.
I think you need to log off and get a fucking grip. The people that are "chummy" with me are because they too realize that this is a forum. Not real life. They don't care the way you do.
No one is "studying" you.
I laugh reacted to a funny meme. That's it.
That you're this emotionally invested, to the point where you're judging people that don't hate me the way you do is a self-report.
You need help.
This isn't Vulgar or Rude talking. This is me. Not the bit.
And I am telling you that you need help. You need to log off because this site clearly isn't good for your mental health.
I am actually going to pray for you.
That's a strange interpretation of what was written, but all right.You are constantly personally insulting. This reads like you have fucking amnesia.
Sure buddy, whatever confirms your ego. I'll leave. There is nothing of value here, anyways.
All of those are my points except the "there are no villains". Probably gonna disagree there as it's not that there's no villains, it's that the one's we used to have are all either neutered or lame in MK1. These are the one's I can think of:Co-signed vs the straw man argument.
I've always said it was perfectly fine if people don't like the game.
What I've always argued against is people saying absolutely insane stuff like, "SFV was better at launch," or, "There are no villains," or, "MKX was loved by the community" or, "The HTBs in MKX were hard to set up," and any number of made up shit.
It's Fine to not like a video game. There's plenty of games I don't like. What I don't do when I don't like a game is spend all my time crying about it and making up bullshit about it.
But that's just me.
I mean I just don't think people were prepared for the characters to be so different. I think that - by and large - Reptile and Baraka have more personality(and more lines of spoken dialogue) in this game than ever before.All of those are my points except the "there are no villains". Probably gonna disagree there as it's not that there's no villains, it's that the one's we used to have are all either neutered or lame in MK1. These are the one's I can think of:
Sub: pretty GOAT in MK1
Shang: solid enough, only nitpicks
Khan: went from the GOAT for decades to an absolute salty useless jobber
Reiko: why even bring him back to be such a jobber???
Reptile: used to be a sneaky deadly bad guy loyal to the Big Bads now he's a magazine model looking good guy, fighting for his people
Baraka: bad guy jobber turned into a man of the people, alsoooo fighting for his people
Sindel: went from killing half the cast in one of the greatest scenes ever and Uber powerful as Khan's wife to the good guy Queen Sindel alsoooo looking out for her people
Mileena: lolz
Havik: Mr. "Chaos" was useless in the main story and one of the worst dlc villains ever
Nitara: alsoooo fighting for the unjust treatment of her people
Noob Saibot: Incoming redemption arc before the dlc even released
And whoever else I'm forgetting right now. I don't think I have ever seen a regression of villains in a game that usually had very strong villain roles for the most part like MK1 did.
Edit: Ermac and Quan Chi too lol.
Edit 2: and Tanya lol alright I'm done.
Just caught up to this, but bruh I'm almost 40 now been married 5 n a half years, etc etc, I can barely remember when I was your age at this point, so being 31 isn't some grand old age. But if you truly don't take things as seriously as you're saying then a lot of stuff shouldn't bother you the way it seems to. @Vulgar and I have disagreed on things in the past but by like the next day we're randomly talking about something else like it never happened. Because nothing said here is too serious, it's a video game(s) of all things where funny enough half the people bashing it don't even play lol. I've been a part of most FGCs, and you're talking about multiple guys playing video games in hotel rooms together. There's nothing "super manly" about it. It's all in fun.Let me just say, I've been through a lot in my personal life, and I don't expect sympathy or pity for that, but the point is, whether joking or not, I'm just not comfortable with someone being constantly instigating, insulting, and derogatory. Honestly, especially as a joke. It's cringe to me first off, and it's disrespectful. If I've asked the behavior to stop and it continues, I feel harassed.
That's all fine, but I'm gonna talk shit back and I'm not gonna even attempt to get along. I tried to keep it in game and settle it with a Beef Set, hell, I made the most active thread this site has had in years directly to solve the situation. Didn't work.
So, no. I don't care for Rude or Vulgar on a personal level. Insults are playground levels of "friendship." I'm fucking 31 with a daughter. It gives incel. It has loser vibes. It's low hanging fruit. It's fun for the mouth breathers. It's lazy uncreative bro humor that I mock and ridicule in real life and feel no different about online.
I make light of it because I'm naturally a person that turns things into jokes. All my Memes on this site should make that pretty obvious. But at the end of the day, I genuinely think dude is a bitch and has ruined TYM for me. It's stupid as fuck that even though I've blocked him, I get his reactions popping up to let me know he's still studying me.
I come back here, make an unrelated to him comment, he's laugh reacting and calling me a Psychopath or something similar.
And a lot of yall defend the behavior or are chummy with the absolute invalid. So honestly I've kinda started to resent the lot of you.
Aaaand wanna know what this opinion I have has in common with the greater FGCs opinion of MK players? Everything.
Yall are kinda fucking incel coded, ya know?
god forbbid burning bridges because of different opinions, even nrs shouldn't have take some of the bashing this serious.Just caught up to this, but bruh I'm almost 40 now been married 5 n a half years, etc etc, I can barely remember when I was your age at this point, so being 31 isn't some grand old age. But if you truly don't take things as seriously as you're saying then a lot of stuff shouldn't bother you the way it seems to. @Vulgar and I have disagreed on things in the past but by like the next day we're randomly talking about something else like it never happened. Because nothing said here is too serious, it's a video game(s) of all things where funny enough half the people bashing it don't even play lol. I've been a part of most FGCs, and you're talking about multiple guys playing video games in hotel rooms together. There's nothing "super manly" about it. It's all in fun.
All that to say is, I think you're taking a lot of things way too seriously for what they are. It's never that deep.
Exactly. I went from calling your country garbage to encouraging you on your new gaming project.god forbbid burning bridges because of different opinions, even nrs shouldn't have take some of the bashing this serious.
We disagree a lot in one day, in the next we're trying to find an obscure movie title together.
That's also one of the things i like about TYM
After that Clive update I have barely played Tekken since lol. Dude is the prime example of how one character can ruin a game. Tell Namco thanks for getting me back into MK1 and SF6. Much appreciated.can we all just play Tekken and get along?
What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?After that Clive update I have barely played Tekken since lol. Dude is the prime example of how one character can ruin a game. Tell Namco thanks for getting me back into MK1 and SF6. Much appreciated.
tbh Jin and Nina are way worse to fight. The Clive playrate has dropped off tooAfter that Clive update I have barely played Tekken since lol. Dude is the prime example of how one character can ruin a game. Tell Namco thanks for getting me back into MK1 and SF6. Much appreciated.
Man, if Tifa was in the game, I bet you anything that she'd be far, far worse than Clive when it comes down to being a menace.What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?
He has long range moves that are hard to deal with. Mainly Armor that is often unpunishable and a safe disjointed half screen mid that tracks. Also extremely easy to play and has top tier damage and wall carry.What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?
What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?
The shill hill...I will die on this hill.
There is no evidence to suggest that he is OP yet.What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?
What's wrong with Clive? Other than the fact that he's not Tifa. What makes him OP?
It isn't even the character being OP or super busted (though the character is obviously strong), it's the completely unenjoyable experience fighting him. I don't want to lab this character, I don't want to play this character, he is playing another game while other characters are playing Tekken, a game that I don't wanna play. Bro has full screen tracking and safe and heat moves like he's some Injustice 1 NRS zoner or something, it's just annoying and tedious to beat him even when you win. Dude has braindead 5 mins to learn auto plus on block mix-ups. Just too stupid a character for how he plays.He has long range moves that are hard to deal with. Mainly Armor that is often unpunishable and a safe disjointed half screen mid that tracks. Also extremely easy to play and has top tier damage and wall carry.
He has shortcomings though up close.
That laugh you made at the stupidity is exactly the laugh I made when fighting this guy lol. Felt like I was turning into the Joker laughing and had to cancel the game.