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Match-up Discussion Supermans Trait trivializes other traits in some match ups


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
The trait has start up, and if superman throws out random F23, bane can punish it.

Superman mix-up, lol.

Bane has a godlike anti-air, even superman isn't just able to mindlessly jump around him
You can't punish a random F23.
And obviously he can't jump around, but its an option.


MK is kinda dope
PoweredbyProtein You're opening pandora's box. I JUST got him to go the Bane forum, let's keep the matchup discussion there sir:) And we aren't having much success either (people that play bane vs the guy who doesn't but seems to know more than all of us lol)


Eternal student
You can't punish a random F23.
And obviously he can't jump around, but its an option.
Um, have you seen bane's backdash. He can dodge and whiff punish.

Jumping in against Bane isn't a good option at all when bane blows people up for jumping and then gets enabled to start his pressure, which is one of the best in the game hands down.


Can we close this thread? It's just ignorant whining from people who don't even understand the char or the game
Horribly ironic fromt he guy who seems like he doesn't play this game. Yeah Bane's advantage on block is great, I know this because I play the character, but his startup frames are a tremendous issue, yeah if he gets in D+1 range he can do work but being in D+1 range and just outside of it puts him in range for F2,3 and plenty of other options to beat him out in that range due to startup on anything he has. You also gotta take into account pushblock, yeah Bane can pushblock Supes off of him but doing that puts him out of range for F2,3 and Supes always has that option also. Supes controls the ground game far to strongly against Bane and Trait just makes this worse.

Um, have you seen bane's backdash. He can dodge and whiff punish.

Jumping in against Bane isn't a good option at all when bane blows people up for jumping and then gets enabled to start his pressure, which is one of the best in the game hands down.
True, but Bane still has to be careful if Supes reads a backdash he can airdash and punish or establish pressure on Bane. If Bane's anti-aor grab worked properly it wouldn't be so annoying. I may sound fatalistic but I think the matchup is 7-3 at worse, closer to a 6.5 in Supes favor. Unless he has full meter or wants to block meter on constant pushblocks he has a hard time with Bane's pressure when he's in.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Um, have you seen bane's backdash. He can dodge and whiff punish.

Jumping in against Bane isn't a good option at all when bane blows people up for jumping and then gets enabled to start his pressure, which is one of the best in the game hands down.
Not if he does F23 breath. And again, superman simply needs to be cautious. He does not need to do F23, F23, F23. He simply needs to wait for Bane to get close, do a blockstring, and then dash back to be safe. Yes, if superman was being stupid and constantly doing F23 where he can get wiff punished by a good read, then he deserves it, but a smart superman is more about punishing bane, and not rushing him down.

Bane can't jump in on a superman, and can't dash in safely without eating a blockstring.


MK is kinda dope
Horribly ironic fromt he guy who seems like he doesn't play this game. Yeah Bane's advantage on block is great, I know this because I play the character, but his startup frames are a tremendous issue, yeah if he gets in D+1 range he can do work but being in D+1 range and just outside of it puts him in range for F2,3 and plenty of other options to beat him out in that range due to startup on anything he has. You also gotta take into account pushblock, yeah Bane can pushblock Supes off of him but doing that puts him out of range for F2,3 and Supes always has that option also. Supes controls the ground game far to strongly against Bane and Trait just makes this worse.
If you are getting bodied by Superman and don't understand the matchup, that's fine. Obviously a Bane player doing D1 OUTSIDE of hitbox range deserves to get blown up, so what are you talking about? Show me in the post, ANY post, where I said to just mindless stick my foot out so I can get ass raped? F23 is the best string in the game, period. It's fast, it's safe, it's great. It's not unbeatable and there are ways around it. I posted several ways to blow it up. And why do you assume I don't know how to play the game lol? That's just ignorant. I think you need to spend more time in the Bane forum as well cause saying you can't EVER jump in on Superman and can't EVER dash in safely.........no comment


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
If you are getting bodied by Superman and don't understand the matchup, that's fine. Obviously a Bane player doing D1 OUTSIDE of hitbox range deserves to get blown up, so what are you talking about? Show me in the post, ANY post, where I said to just mindless stick my foot out so I can get ass raped? F23 is the best string in the game, period. It's fast, it's safe, it's great. It's not unbeatable and there are ways around it. I posted several ways to blow it up. And why do you assume I don't know how to play the game lol? That's just ignorant. I think you need to spend more time in the Bane forum as well cause saying you can't EVER jump in on Superman and can't EVER dash in safely.........no comment
You can't jump in safely, unless supes is in the corner, and your dash can be safe if you dash block. If you dash and try to pressure, you're getting blown up.


I think you need to spend more time in the Bane forum as well cause saying you can't EVER jump in on Superman and can't EVER dash in safely.........no comment
I never said that, I peruse the Bane forums constantly along with pretty much all the other character forums so I can know as much as possible. And I never implied that you had said that you can just mindlessly spam D1, I'm saying lets face it taking in human error you're going to miss every now and then and every now and then you're going to get blown up.


MK is kinda dope
I never said that, I peruse the Bane forums constantly along with pretty much all the other character forums so I can know as much as possible. And I never implied that you had said that you can just mindlessly spam D1, I'm saying lets face it taking in human error you're going to miss every now and then and every now and then you're going to get blown up.
Well yeah, of course. The thing is w/Bane, as you know since you say you main him, if you miss against Bane or get hit, you might be eating 50%. Superman can hit like a truck too, he's the best char in the game IMO. My only point to JaredL was that this is not a 8-2 matchup in Supes favor, it's 6-4. Go back and look at the pages, that's all I'm saying:)


As a Shazam main I think Superman shouldn't be able to combo his trait. I have to be sitting in training mode looking for set ups for mine while he can get pretty much the same damage as Shazam by comboing into his.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Well yeah, of course. The thing is w/Bane, as you know since you say you main him, if you miss against Bane or get hit, you might be eating 50%. Superman can hit like a truck too, he's the best char in the game IMO. My only point to JaredL was that this is not a 8-2 matchup in Supes favor, it's 6-4. Go back and look at the pages, that's all I'm saying:)
You also say that you can block lasers at some mysterious range and do a full punish, which assumes you're facing retard supermen, who are likely you in the past, who do lasers at point blank range.

You talk about Banes frame data not being shit, and your evidence being he is +on block, as if that makes for good frame data.

You talk about D1, into knockdown, and then superman being dead, when D1 is more likely to be beat by F23, than for it to hit because it has less range and more frames on startup.

You talk a lot of crap. Its a matchup, in which two players of equal skill, superman will always win unless Bane has a lot of luck on his side.


MK is kinda dope
You also say that you can block lasers at some mysterious range and do a full punish, which assumes you're facing retard supermen, who are likely you in the past, who do lasers at point blank range.

You talk about Banes frame data not being shit, and your evidence being he is +on block, as if that makes for good frame data.

You talk about D1, into knockdown, and then superman being dead, when D1 is more likely to be beat by F23, than for it to hit because it has less range and more frames on startup.

You talk a lot of crap. Its a matchup, in which two players of equal skill, superman will always win unless Bane has a lot of luck on his side.
-Show me where I said you can block air laser and get a full punish. If I'm at midrange, I can punish. It's a fact, not opinion. If I'm at full screen, I can safely dash. What is so hard about this dude?

-I char to me w/moves + on block has good frame data. The rest of the world agrees w/that too. Sorry if you are the odd man out

-I never said D1 kills superman. Show me where I said that please. D1 also causes frame advantage on hit and if it hits, Superman cannot do F23. Fact. Go test it in training please and record yourself being shocked so I can see it

-I don't talk a lot of crap. I get along w/most people on the forums. That's why I get lots of likes on my posts, I'm a great human being, like Gandhi

-In a match of equal skill, Bane can beat Superman 4 out of 10 times. Not 2. Sorry again


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
People keep up playing Superman like he's the undisputed top character in the game, but the fact is he has yet to outperform other characters in tournament.

Well, since he has no bad matchups, you can't really not label him anything else.

Alexandru Pascu

As a Superman player with a somewhat limited experience in fighting against Banes good or bad I can definitely say that so far te trait isn't a get out of jail free card. Sure if I see Bane crank up his venom level to 3 I'll activate trait too if possible an if I can do it safely. But some of the better Banes I've played tended to Venom up either between or during strings which means there was now way I could trait up on reaction safely. Unless I made a right read and I'm punishing him with a trait combo at which point the armor buff Bane gets is irrelevant and the only advantage I get out of the trait is the extra damage. And also don't know if you've ever played Superman but F23 is not what you make it out to be. Sure it's a good string but it's not entirely unpunishable. If you bait it you can get a full combo punish just by jumping. Not too mention I've yet to see anyone good do it more than twice in a row.


Well, since he has no bad matchups, you can't really not label him anything else.
Yeah that's just not true. Deathstroke in particular comes to mind, even after the nerf. You absolutely cannot do any form of Heat Vision or use Flying Punch. He can gun any of them on reaction. If he's not scared of YOUR zoning, then you're playing his game. Then you get in and what? F23~Breath loops? Lol No. Let me tell you, that shit doesn't work on high level players. One pushblock and you have to do everything over again. Deathstroke also stops you from using interactibles if they're not meterburnable and gets to farm and protect his own.

I don't know why in gods name it's believed that match is even. He shuts down half your options. Play a high level DS and youll see. It's a 6-4 to Deathstroke at best.


deathstroke players in their subforum tend to think its a terrible matchup for deathstroke, there was a pretty good detailed explanation of the mu from ds's point of view there. and this was written before the nerf


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Yeah that's just not true. Deathstroke in particular comes to mind, even after the nerf. You absolutely cannot do any form of Heat Vision or use Flying Punch. He can gun any of them on reaction. If he's not scared of YOUR zoning, then you're playing his game. Then you get in and what? F23~Breath loops? Lol No. Let me tell you, that shit doesn't work on high level players. One pushblock and you have to do everything over again. Deathstroke also stops you from using interactibles if they're not meterburnable and gets to farm and protect his own.

I don't know why in gods name it's believed that match is even. He shuts down half your options. Play a high level DS and youll see. It's a 6-4 to Deathstroke at best.

I disagree. You'll find that most DS players are saying its in supermans favour. Its not a match where zoning superman shines. Its one where you punch that bastard to death.