My fav baits are (shimmy is where I shimmy(obs lol) and they try to tech the throw)
f23 4 throw bait:
F23 4 (shimmy) mbB3/f3 in corner for simplicity
F3 on block:
F3 (blocked) (shimmy) neutral j2
Sometimes a jump 2 on block into throw bait, then shimmy into neutral jump.
I have done before:
They were knocked down, I held the mb f3 cancelled it, I then shimmy (they don't take the bait) I then as part of the shimmy do the jump 2 bait (they don't fall for it) so then I have trait back and I do the f23 4 bait into neutral jump and they fall for it, they then took the standard combo, j2 f23 3 3 mbdb2 f3 3 db2.....It looks hilarious but it works, maybe not to this extreme tho haha