oh great, you're one of those sheeple who regurgitate everything top players say.
If all these "Top Players" think Bison is so good then why aren't any of them using him?
What character do you use? Cause ill bet he/she doesn't have near as many tools/options as high tier bison. Bison has everything you could possibly want: 3 different dragon punches and kicks, 4 different 3-frame normals, 9 different reliable AAs, fastest back and forward dash in the game plus a command grab. Ive got so many options i sometimes forget them and don't use them.
What does your shitty character have? Ill bet your character is so bad it didn't even place at final round.
No one is lacking in frame data knowledge. All of the frame data is online and accessible.
You can't do jump back heavies on reaction with Bison, no one ever does that and I've never even seen that being done. props for making something that absurd up, though.
Moving around the screen with charge moves and slide? Slide?? Nobody does that unless they're trying to throw the match.
Bison is way more unconventional than Dhalsim. Having every character in the game place at FR except Bison, now thats unconventional.
Good thing his damage is great. Because characters in this game rarely have good damage so that really sets him apart... except his damage is average for his archtype unless he has v-trigger.
And his v trigger is also good too, so all I have to do is let the opponent beat the shit out of Bison so he can be a great character. That should be no problem.
Clearly everyone in this forum just hates Bison and F.A.N.G. and just wants to keep sadaloo in the low tier.

Must be nice having complete characters.