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Stoners and MK


Lets be honest. Who hear appreciates a little ganja whilst perfecting them combos? Please don't ban me mods for this (even though marijuana isn't nearly as bad as alcohol or cigs... it is illegal though and I've been banned from boards for even mentioning it). Just lock this if its not approved of and I won't mention it again.

Who hear enjoys a lil' herbal remedies before they do battle?



Quite a few of my friends from high school who said they were MK fans were known weed smokers. One of them even said most stoners are MK fans.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I hate it when I see a gamertag like xx420_SmOkEwEeD_420xx
also 420 rooms. We get it, you smoke weed. I don't mind people doing it, but publicly announcing whenever possible urks me.
I've never tried it myself, but I'd be willing to if someone offered.~


im a wake and baker myself... but this thread will get closed or moved. Probably not so much because of the subject, but because you posted a weed thread in "mortal kombat 9 general discussion" lol. Gotta keep these things subtle, and more than likely in some kind of "general discussion" area of the forum. >___>


Sinestro's might!
To clarify: He was smoking weed and he had too much and it gave him a heart attack. Shit is dangerous.


I don't often, haven't ever on MK.

Would like to try it though. Might be alright.
Only live once Metallica xD. Shit's hype :) but yea I'm pretty poor so don't get to blaze up often enough I find it really good when you're playing like FPS games but fighting games you kinda don't know what you're doing >_>.
I smoke weed but I don't inhale. Anyway to lyuben, I've never heard of anyone having a heart attack or an overdose from smoking weed. You can have a panic attack though and trip out LOL But for that to happen it has to be some very powerful shiat. Crippy comes to mind, don't know what they call it elsewhere, down here in Dade that Crippy will couch lock you and if you're a rookie, you're in for a panic attack if you can't handle the palpitations it causes.

P.S Forget what you heard in Reefer Madness. That movie is a comedy and not meant to be taken serious LMAO.


Only live once Metallica xD. Shit's hype :) but yea I'm pretty poor so don't get to blaze up often enough I find it really good when you're playing like FPS games but fighting games you kinda don't know what you're doing >_>.
Oh yeah man I'm in the same situation is all. No money to spark it hah :p

I've only played resident evil like that and fuck that was terrible, my one babysitter for all of us was pulling shit too(he was "not into" smoking at the time, rather call it scared but <.<)


Chris G looked hella like a pothead lol. But for me, I do smoke on occasion, but honestly, I dont like watching movies or playing video games when Im high. Reason being is because I get submersed in the game/movie that I forget I am high. Before I know it, I am no longer high... I feel as if I didnt take the full effect of it. I just like sitting there talking and chilling. Lazy basically. But I have played MK9's demo when I was high. It was okay. Nothing too drastic.


I get submersed in the game/movie that I forget I am high. Before I know it, I am no longer high... I feel as if I didnt take the full effect of it.
this. I like getting into what I'm watching, doing. So while it's happening nothing really registers as the same as before and I get bored and it ruins the movie/show/game whatever


Button Masher
I Smoke with my friends time to time but i dont like playing MK while Blazed. it seems a little too serious of a game. so we normally play mario cart on the N64 :D


Oh yeah man I'm in the same situation is all. No money to spark it hah :p

I've only played resident evil like that and fuck that was terrible, my one babysitter for all of us was pulling shit too(he was "not into" smoking at the time, rather call it scared but <.<)
Dude weed and Capcom games is like the worst combination haha, Capcom controls really screw you over >_<. Dead Rising potentially the most horrible controls for a video game ever.


Dude weed and Capcom games is like the worst combination haha, Capcom controls really screw you over >_<. Dead Rising potentially the most horrible controls for a video game ever.
Really? I haven't played it yet, I want to fairly badly, as it looks nice.

But yeah I couldn't agree more about the controls lmfao


Really? I haven't played it yet, I want to fairly badly, as it looks nice.

But yeah I couldn't agree more about the controls lmfao
Yea man aiming with R2 or whatever it is on PS3 is retarded lol. I think I played Lost Planet 2 when I was blazed once... it didn't end so well I was trying to play like COD so yea suffice to say I died a crap tonne of times and everyone left :( lmao.


No weed.

Instead I take a huge shot of heroine right in the jugular vein and sit there staring at Shao Khan for about an hour before I pass out on the floor, drowning in a black vortex of broken dreams and lost causes.

Then I play some MK.