I'd be okay if Catwoman looked like Kendall or Kylie 2.0.
Nobody in their right mind actually believes that solo is good representation of Starfire, it was like she had lobotomy. Did you even read the New52?In general I think this sums it up:
I don't think comics Starfire should be the completely naive/innocent version from the Teen Titans cartoon, but it's good to strike a happy medium. New 52 Starfire was almost always nude and literally had no emotions other than a desire to have sex with all the men in the book.
Recent comics Starfire has been great at striking a balance between sexy and sweet/adorable:
I meant the visual design. I'm much happier with Rebirth Starfire, overall.Nobody in their right mind actually believes that solo is good representation of Starfire, it was like she had lobotomy. Did you even read the New52?
Yeah thanks for adding nothing to this discussion. Piss off hater.You all got Snorefire. now you can stop begging for more members of the Babby's first Anime show.
Brush up on that Supergirl, she won't be day 1Does she come out day 1 or later? She'll be my main but if she's not day 1 then supergirl it is until she drops
Appreciate it partnerBrush up on that Supergirl, she won't be day 1
We have no classic zoners but people with zoning tools like Harley, but her trait makes her more zonerish so I would be surprised if Starfire was a pure zoner. I would actually highkey hate thatShe has to be a zoner because I don't think we have any female zoners do we? Poison Ivy maybe not sure
No classic zoner?We have no classic zoners but people with zoning tools like Harley, but her trait makes her more zonerish so I would be surprised if Starfire was a pure zoner. I would actually highkey hate that
He means female zoners.No classic zoner?
Have you seen dr fate and deadshot? Lol
If starfire isn't a zoner, I would be shocked
I like how they managed to make her still look kinda like a slut.
You do know she dresses the way she does because she absorbs solar energy through her skin and that give her enhanced powers and strength right?
I don't read comics but I have a friend who does and from what I understand it's a cultural thing on her homeworld as the men don't wear a lot either. I guess you could look at it like tribes or nudists, they don't have the same hang ups as we do.As an avid comic reader, I can tell you that's just a wimpy plot-device to excuse why she is depicted in such skimpy clothing, not a reasonable explaination for it.
Truth be told, if I had bullet proof skin I'd probably just fight people in nothing but my boxing shorts. Or nothing at all. It's why I love Saint's Row, I get to light people on fire while running around as a naked fat guy. XDWhy do so many people have a problem with a character wearing skimpy clothes? I understand if a game has every female character having huge tits & wearing Bikinis but if there is a character whose personality is they dont give a fuck or they like to flaunt there sexuality why is that a bad thing?
Urien only wore a speedo in third strike and i never hear anyone complain. When he was announced for SFV all i heard was people wanting his 3S costume and when it was found out you could have speedo Urien people were rejoicing. Why is okay for Urien to be almost naked but for Starfire people cry? I hope we get gear options with her in just pasties and a thong on just to piss you people off.
You know, now that you mention it, with all of these cancels in the game, I wouldn't be surprised if she had levitate cancels. I loved doing them with SindelFor some reason, I expect her to play like Sindel.