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Combo List - Sonya Blade Sonya Blade Combo Thread


Hey guys, tried some Sonya Covert Ops today and made a combo video. I feel like this is a pretty good balanced variation as it has defensive and offensive options. Tried to come up with easy and some not so easy but damaging combos. Hopefully that helps =).

Excellent combos, good.use of F+2 and F+!
Haven't seen these in the vids or posts here, yet:

jip, d+4, b+332, db+2, 4, b+332, bf+4 35%

b+332, db+2, 4, b+322, bf+4 30%
b+14, db+2, 4, walk forward, b+322, bf+4 26%

The last two work as a hell of a mix-up, overhead starter and low respectively. The latter of these I'm sure can be extended in some way, or another.

Also, for people that are trigger happy on close-range ex wake-ups, command throws, throws, etc., Jumping away into d+4 and going into whatever string you prefer works really well. It's great for people that try to chase you down, as well.


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P

50% one bar corner combo.. Demolition!
Like the effort....Not a fan of tacking on the throw at the end since you are giving the opponent an opportunity to break the combo especially since they will probably predict that you want to throw them back into the corner....I know the sentence is a run on but it's the internet :p...Maybe tack on a d1 into leg grab since it will give you the same setup back in the corner....It is harder to do though but with a bit of practice, Im sure you can land it more often :D
My go-to BnB is a little different - I don't see it listed anywhere.

I like to do this (add or remove the jump in punch as you see fit - if I cross up I start with it .. if not I poke into this combo):

B14, db2 4, run (run under them so you switch sides), 21 then:

* To keep them on the side they were originally on, I do 21, bf4 for the leg grab ender to put them back on the original side.
* To put them on the opposite side to where they started (on the side I started on), I'll do 21u4 to corner carry them, or 21, db2 1 to grab them out of MS and put them close to me.

Its super easy to pull off and the timing on landing the 21, 21<something> while juggling is so wide that its possible to land this consistently even online.

With a JIP it does 28%. Without, 25%. Not huge damage .. but because I can go straight into another mixup if I choose that doesn't bother me too much.

The run under seems to confuse a lot of people - they relax and forget about the mixups that Sonya has. Without it, I noticed people seem to consistently block better? Weird I know - but, #mindgames.


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
Why are people including ji1 or dive kicks in your combos? We all know those are kinda impractical :confused:.

On another note I have a new corner bnb that does 34% with a b3 starter and 31% with b1,4
How exactly are you popping them up to make the f4 connect? Are you using MS4 or MS3 or low kamikaze or stun grenade? I do believe all those options will give you almost the same damage


25th place Tempest Lao
How exactly are you popping them up to make the f4 connect? Are you using MS4 or MS3 or low kamikaze or stun grenade? I do believe all those options will give you almost the same damage
lol sorry was like super sleepy....i use ms4


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
Glad to see more run combos in this thread from everyone who has been posting them :D

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player

Where Can I find a Sonya blade player That knows every thing about her so far? He or she has to be on Xbox live. I am trying to make a Cage Family Montage. I use Cassie. I have a johnny cage player to help me and I just need a sonya blade player to help me out with her combos and set ups so I can finish this project. Help please?


Retirement my ass
Trying to update the OP so we can have everything in one place...
Please do NOT post dmg with jump-ins, and include annotations with your combos! I don't always have the game in front of me to trnaslate the dmg w/o the jump in or pin down exactly what the combo was.

Good stuff all around guys!


Not seeing much demo sonya so I guess I'll post mine. Note: I like keeping meter for breakers and armor so everything is meterless (with one exception). Also I'm not a combo artist so these probably aren't "optimal" but whatever. I end in 1,2,4 cause its a hard knockdown

B3,3,2 - DF1 - 1,2 - RC 1,2,4 27%
B1,4 - DF1 - dash 1,2 - RC 1,2,4 23%
1,2,1 - DF1 - 1,2 - RC 1,2,4 (slightly walk forward after df1 connects) 25%

*Replace 1,2,4 with 1,1,1 - DD1 for safe grenade reload at the cost of 2% less damage


B3,3,2 - DF1 - NJP - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2,4 34%
B1,4 - DF1 - NJP - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2,4 31%
1,2,1 - DF1 - NJP - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2,4 32%

*For safe grenade reload only do one repetition of 1,2 into 1,1,1 - DD1 for 5-6% less damage
**Can also end combos in 1,1,1 - DB1 or DF1 for fun wu baiting and salt inducing rage (or just free plus frames yaaaaayayayayayayay)

Safe Grenade reload with no grenades:

B2 - DD1 (lol)


B3,3,U4 - 1,2 - 1,1,1 - DD1 21%
B1 - EX BF2 - D1 - 1,1,1 - DD1 17%

Tony at Home

For demolitions, I've been using this as "I need a refill" setups.

[B14 or B332] xx DF1 [detonate] Run xx 12, Run xx 222

It's seems to be pretty character specific what you do afterwards in order to get a grenade. Generally you toss one out given what you think the opponent will do, and call the drone in whilst simaultaneously detonating.

Other variations I've been doing include
[B14 or B332] xx DF1 [detonate] Run xx 222
[B14 or B332] xx DF1 [detonate] Run xx F3

Each for pretty specific distance-based reasons. Depending on how close to the corner you are at the end a 222 might not give a good opportunity for a free grenade, or at least you may want to do the 222 before pushing your opponent closer to the corner. Once again, it's VERY character specific based on their wakeup options.

But really, I don't find myself ever going for damage with demolitions- apart from "it could kill" situations- I want to stay stocked up on grenades constantly, and this generally means low damage combos tailored to grenade setups.
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Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
Practical Special Forces combos:

Midscreen meterless: already posted (anything into low kamikaze run 2134 call drone (to maintain drone and corner carry). You can also do anything xx low kamikaze into throw for a bit more (easy damage) if you're confident they're not gonna tech. (27-29% depending on starter for the throw)

Corner: (where it gets fun and still easy).

b14 xx low kamikaze, njp, jf3, 12 12 2134 call drone - 35% (into vortex)
b332 xx low kamikaze njp jf3 12 12 2134 call drone - 38% (into vortex)

b14 xx low kamikaze njp jf3 12 throw (40%)
b332 xx low kamikaze njp jf3 12 throw (42%)

for this one, 213 could also be a starter (which it usually is if they're not in the blender yet because 213 xx overhead shot is +8 and basically a block infinite with a very small gap which I wouldn't fuck with. Dvorah can't fuck with it without her armor getting broken for example) for the same damage as the b14 starter.

and um, I'm looking for a way to combo d2 into throw but I suck so um yeah, give me a min lol.

You can combo d2 into throw in this variation, but it isn't worth anymore than the ones that I posted before (same damage, actually)

However you can do 30% and stuff mid screen. b332 low kamikaze run d2 - 29%

Easy peasy (any other starter does less damage).
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good stuff! BTW I think every char can get out of the 213 OH shot just by d3/4ing since 2 is a high. So far it definitely works as Mil.

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
good stuff! BTW I think every char can get out of the 213 OH shot just by d3/4ing since 2 is a high. So far it definitely works as Mil.
Yeah they can just duck but in reality who doesn't block if I'm +8? Especially if I can opt to do an overhead instead.
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