Most excited for Kabal because Kaballin xD other then that Noob, Kung Lao and Erron Black
You have the best avatar on this forum!yep, watched recently, all episodes .... Mads is fucking good actor,and nailed as Hannibal, but, cannot overcome or replace the masterpiece original creepy performance that Tony delivered .... so, each one with the version you like better , rsrsrsr ... no opinion struggle needed !
Thats ironic! Cetrion is the avatar lolYou have the best avatar on this forum!
It's like I look for #SUCCESSrion references everywhere and react because you all give me my material.Thats ironic! Cetrion is the avatar lol
no way .... but thanks anyway .... you're a fine nice TYM member !You have the best avatar on this forum!
Actually, I think you have the best Avatar on the forum! But, like what the other said...you are a nice TYM member!You have the best avatar on this forum!
Definitely going to play with Kitana a bit myself even if I'm not interested in taking her seriously. They put so much work into her it's rediculousHonestly, while i do have characters im excited for, Kitana takes the cake for this game.
I picked her up again in mk9 and mkx, and im super excited for what they are going to do to her, considering they revealed her this week, and not earlier.
Yeah She looks to be more fun than MkX Imo. But FROST is who I am Hyped for the most Atm!Definitely going to play with Kitana a bit myself even if I'm not interested in taking her seriously. They put so much work into her it's rediculous