At launch, no. Not at all. But after they lowered the cost of everything and made gear and skins unlockable through playing through ToT, it's definitely been a lot more worth it (Edit: it's become more tolerable, I mean). However, I still think playing online should also award you skins and gear for the character you play as, and not just through single-player means.
The randomness of the Krypt is still bullshit. The Shrine should never have existed in the first place. And that some stuff are completely unavailable until NRS decides to throw in some random event that lasts an all too short a time for people to get it, is unfathomable to me.
KL rewards being exclusive to those who are good enough to get to a certain rank is fair enough though. Though I'm not a fan of such exclusivity, I get it. There are people willing to work hard to get good enough to get to a certain rank, and they are rewarded for it. Like winning gold at the Olympics, a cookie for those who earned it. Though I'm not of that mindset, I do understand why it's a thing. It just sucks if you're not good enough to get said rewards, but that's just how life is.
It's the RNG shit I don't like. Though it has changed for the better, it's definitely still not good. It's all just meant to make people pour so much time into the game, so it becomes a statistic the higher ups at WB can show off to their investors. "Hey look, our product is a success, see how many people are using it and how long they keep using it! Now give us more money!" That's all it is for, and as a fan of this franchise and video games in general, it rather sickens me, tbh.
This game is the best MK game yet, imo. But there are things like all the above mentioned crap that cheapens the experience immensely. I love playing it, it's a beautiful game, and it's clear that there's something special here. It's all the WB stuff that's gross and harms the game.