could you breakdown the lao mu for me? because idk why but that mu looks very bad for skarlet, especially since every time i see skarlet vs lao, the lao player winds up winning.
Skarlet has to play very patient against lao, she has tools to deal with almost everything he has.
-F3 can punished by anticipation of F4 or B11F4, the active frame is only in the end of the move, the easiest way to deal with F3 is NJP Reads, or simply D3 on reaction.
-Dive Kicks on Block leaves free for a regular BnB, Dive kicks can also be anticipated by U3
-Down Slash's Crouch state avoid any Laos tele and punish it, it doesn't matter if he do it too fast or too slow, there is a moment while she is on that draw stance, any tele follow up that comes faster will whiff, and if comes slow won't get out before Down Slash punish. Those same teles can be F4 punished on reaction as well
-She can Bait Spins by fake a jump in and whiff with a air dagger and full punish Lao before he recovers.
-The safe overhead Lao has, can be armor punished out of it, but he doesn't really needs to do it since he can low hat on skarlet
-She may struggles a bit with low hat on block because she doesn't have a meterless fastest punisher out of it, but a 10f standing 1~rd ex up slash will punish if the skarlet player is well trained on move between frames.
She can use B11F4~rd~slide as block string, because the spin can stop her for using it
-Up Slash and down slash on block will be punished every single time by his 7f standing 2, so skarlet should stay away from it on this MU.
Its all summed up to patience, if she doesn't lose her cool, she can deal with it.
To me, things a skarlet player should focus his training against KL is the recognize a F3, Tele, his air game of dive kicks and crossups