Had a thought today, can't test it right now and don't know if it has been posted but it has to do with Sinestro's pressure game. Playing 2 Win showed his standing reset with shackles, he then does a JI2 followed by air axe or cross-over 1.
If you have trait, I think you may be able to use trait as you jump over your opponent, this causes them to hold back to block, if they don't, train lands into air axe combo for 30+%.
If they hold back to block, you can air axe once over their head and hit them from the opposite side into 30% combo. It is like Batman's bat cross-up pressure, just harder to do. So either they eat trait if block trait and eat air axe. Maybe they can somehow block both but they have to be pretty dang good to do it.
Anybody have time to test this? Combo pressure can look like this:
Back 1, 3 xx back 3, jump in 3, back 1, 2 shackles. Jump in 2(or 1), jump forward (trait), air axe, forward 2, shackles, back 3, JI 3, back 3,1,2. First combo is near 30%, second is 25-30% for a total of ~ 60% no meter, one trait or two traits for a little added damage before the first back 3.