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Match-up Discussion Sinestro Matchup Discussion

I feel hardly qualified to give general Sinestro tips, so instead I'll direct you to some who are:

Watch some of WoundCowboy's matches in this stream: http://www.twitch.tv/leveluplive/b/422398285?t=4h32m8s

Also Playing2win's guide: http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/playing-to-w1ns-tutorial-video-with-sinestro.34443/#post-956508
from all the guidance you've given me so far you are well endowed enough to help me and thank you for the extra help i'm going to extreme length's to destroy every hawkgirl player i see
Had a thought today, can't test it right now and don't know if it has been posted but it has to do with Sinestro's pressure game. Playing 2 Win showed his standing reset with shackles, he then does a JI2 followed by air axe or cross-over 1.

If you have trait, I think you may be able to use trait as you jump over your opponent, this causes them to hold back to block, if they don't, train lands into air axe combo for 30+%.

If they hold back to block, you can air axe once over their head and hit them from the opposite side into 30% combo. It is like Batman's bat cross-up pressure, just harder to do. So either they eat trait if block trait and eat air axe. Maybe they can somehow block both but they have to be pretty dang good to do it.

Anybody have time to test this? Combo pressure can look like this:

Back 1, 3 xx back 3, jump in 3, back 1, 2 shackles. Jump in 2(or 1), jump forward (trait), air axe, forward 2, shackles, back 3, JI 3, back 3,1,2. First combo is near 30%, second is 25-30% for a total of ~ 60% no meter, one trait or two traits for a little added damage before the first back 3.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Can anyone give me tips in the Aquaman MU? LEGEND WoundCowboy
I'll do what I can but I am going to tell you know that it is almost unwinnable at the highest level. One of the biggest problems is his ground trident. You have to bait it with trait charge and you need to make sure that you are at a range in which you can punish it with FB or B13. The other problems are his ranged strings and normals, all of which outmatch Sinestro's footsies. To play footsies with him you have to use instant air axe, as well as F2D13. Your meter should mainly be used in FB when you read that he is going to dash in. The normal FB is negative on hit and it allows him to get another free dash before you can do anything.


Can anyone give me tips in the Aquaman MU? LEGEND WoundCowboy
weird, i don't remember getting a notification from this

Anyway what cowboy says is true. You aren't going to win this MU vs a top Aquaman that knows the MU. i'd advise you to go to watchtower and try and lame him out, otherwise play a strictly footsie based offense and only zone when you have meter to burn. Try and hover around B1's max range or alittle further


Just my experience and would like your opinion on this but..it would seem to me that Catwoman is one of Sinestro's worst matchups due to the fact that you can B3 under his Fear Blast & Doesn't he have issues with her Hitbox?
Those quotes were prior to Flash's buffs. The Sinestro/Flash match-up is now 4-6 in Flash's favor. Catwoman is similar to flash and, IMHO, is another 4-6 match-up. She gets in with one bar and up close, nothing Sinestro has (other than D1) can compete with her normals. Everything else is too slow.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Just my experience and would like your opinion on this but..it would seem to me that Catwoman is one of Sinestro's worst matchups due to the fact that you can B3 under his Fear Blast & Doesn't he have issues with her Hitbox?
I absolutely disagree

He punishes cat dash well
MB FB stops all armor dashes
Boulder wins trade w ji2
D2 can beat ji2
B3 MB every cat dash in general
Trait cancel into MB b3 to charge trait and bait dash to punish into resets
Overall I just don't find this MU difficult at all

I can play whichever catwoman you're playing online, record and show u


PSN - Midcarder_CT
I absolutely disagree

He punishes cat dash well
MB FB stops all armor dashes
Boulder wins trade w ji2
D2 can beat ji2
B3 MB every cat dash in general
Trait cancel into MB b3 to charge trait and bait dash to punish into resets
Overall I just don't find this MU difficult at all

I can play whichever catwoman you're playing online, record and show u
Hm..well I would have to get my ass kicked by Sinestro for me to believe this lol...we should play


I absolutely disagree

He punishes cat dash well
MB FB stops all armor dashes
Boulder wins trade w ji2
D2 can beat ji2
B3 MB every cat dash in general
Trait cancel into MB b3 to charge trait and bait dash to punish into resets
Overall I just don't find this MU difficult at all

I can play whichever catwoman you're playing online, record and show u
half of this is false or misleading:
-"punishing" cat dash is something almost everyone does well. . . if the catdash was done at a punishable distance in the first place
-MB FB does not stop MB Catdash unless MB FB is done first and the Catwoman player idiotically tries to cat dash through it
-boulder winning trade with Ji2 is a 1% trade off and you have to be scouting a jump for it to even be possible
-D2 "Can" beat Ji2 whip
-"MB B3 on reaction" but seriously thats only possible at distance, just saying, its still a good idea though
-random sentence full of non MU specific info
-your current experience, Valid

though, i'm not saying Catwoman beats Sinestro (anymore) but it definitely isn't easy. 5-5 if i had to label it, i don't think i've had Catwoman as a bad MU since before his buffs anyway

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
half of this is false or misleading:
-"punishing" cat dash is something almost everyone does well. . . if the catdash was done at a punishable distance in the first place
-MB FB does not stop MB Catdash unless MB FB is done first and the Catwoman player idiotically tries to cat dash through it
-boulder winning trade with Ji2 is a 1% trade off and you have to be scouting a jump for it to even be possible
-D2 "Can" beat Ji2 whip
-"MB B3 on reaction" but seriously thats only possible at distance, just saying, its still a good idea though
-random sentence full of non MU specific info
-your current experience, Valid

though, i'm not saying Catwoman beats Sinestro (anymore) but it definitely isn't easy. 5-5 if i had to label it, i don't think i've had Catwoman as a bad MU since before his buffs anyway
All I know is when I play a CW I'm never ever worried and I've heard about game/ground breaking tech constantly w cw but seen nothing from it.

Catwoman is the rain/sindel of injustice


All I know is when I play a CW I'm never ever worried and I've heard about game/ground breaking tech constantly w cw but seen nothing from it.

Catwoman is the rain/sindel of injustice
all i'm saying is that your post was somewhat inaccurate/misleading, and that Catwoman is no cake walk if the Catwoman player actually knows what they are doing

. . .who ever hyped up Sindel?

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
What do you guys think of the MMH matchup and what do you do vs MMH's teleports? If they are spamming the safe teleport that drops in from the sky, I walk forward (causing the teleport to land behind me) and then punish with standing 1, shackles. Then once I've taught them they can't freely use the safe teleport, they will usually try the unsafe one that punishes walking forward. At that point I mostly block back and wait for unsafe ones to punish. Not sure what else to do in this matchup bc most the MMHs I play center their game around teleport haha.


What do you guys think of the MMH matchup and what do you do vs MMH's teleports? If they are spamming the safe teleport that drops in from the sky, I walk forward (causing the teleport to land behind me) and then punish with standing 1, shackles. Then once I've taught them they can't freely use the safe teleport, they will usually try the unsafe one that punishes walking forward. At that point I mostly block back and wait for unsafe ones to punish. Not sure what else to do in this matchup bc most the MMHs I play center their game around teleport haha.
I have been out of the game for a minute but if I am not mistaken you can hit mmh out of the air when he does his air teleport. So if you are reading him really well you can d2 to hit him out of it...but again I could be wrong.


My Current Sinestro MU list, just for shits

Sinestro V Opponent
5-5 Flash
7-3 Nightwing
5-5 Batman
8-2 Cyborg
6-4 Green Arrow
5-5 Superman
5-5 Raven*
2-8 Aquaman
6-4 Wonder Woman
5-5 Scorpion
7-3 Hawkgirl
6-4 Shazam
6-4 Green Lantern
4-6 Batgirl
6-4 Lobo
7-3 Joker
6-4 Harley
4-6 Grundy
7-3 Lex
6-4 Catwoman
5-5 Deathstroke*
6-4 Ares*
3-7 Killer Frost
4-6 Doomsday*
4-6 Black Adam
7-3 Bane
6-4 Zod
4-6 Martian Manhunter

* = currently working on / unsure

Feel free to question my reasoning for certain MU numbers.


I write too much.
Okay, while I disagree with a lot of this, my main question is how, HOW do we go 7-3 against NW? How in the hell do we say that Nightwing has as much trouble vs Sinestro as Sinestro has vs Frost?


Okay, while I disagree with a lot of this, my main question is how, HOW do we go 7-3 against NW? How in the hell do we say that Nightwing has as much trouble vs Sinestro as Sinestro has vs Frost?
idk, could be only 6-4. Its one of those MU that really depends on the map, cause on like gotham alley its easily just 6-4 but on watchtower its like 8-2

6-4 being only slight advantage doesn't really suit how free this MU is imo. As for frost, i don't feel like that MU is nearly as bad as Aquaman since you can actually deal damage to her and she has a much more difficult time dealing with your footsies options than he does

What else do you disagree with? or anything you want a MU breakdown of


I write too much.
No I mean how exactly is NW free or even positive? From my experience he beats us at every range in staff stance. I mean Escrima NW is free, but not seeing how staff stance has any trouble, especially since we have to approach him.

I also don't think DS is even. I admit I have less experience in this one and while it's not a terrible matchup, he definitely has an edge since he can punish us for everything full-screen (Although depending on how he plays, we can also punish him to a certain extent).
Mid range we definitely have an advantage I think since he tends to have short range normals and most of his mid-range tools can be punished fairly hard.
Close range we both have safe strings, but he has 50/50s and we don't, allowing him to open us up easier.
This is one of those matchups that I feel is heavily in our favor online but differs drastically offline.

Another MU that I have only limited experience in would be Cyborg. I've fought him twice offline in tournament and roughly the same number of times online, but I'm not entirely sure why this is so heavily in our favor. Granted I don't know the MU too well, but it didn't feel horrible for him, even if it was clearly in my favor.
Care to explain?


Cyborg really has nothing on Sinestro, everything he does can be traded with or beat by your zoning options. Cyborg basically has to stay grounded to have any kind of chance, and his grounded options are next to useless. Idk how Cyborg is even supposed to win this MU

Nightwing doesn't win in staff, infact it is escrima that carries the real threat. When he's in staff you can zone him for free, even if NW tries to Ground blast you can trade with it all day since FB does 6% and Ground Blast does 5%, mix in MB FB and jump/dash a ground Blast when you lose the zoning advantage. You also heavily out footsies the staff and the staff's mix-ups aren't nearly as lethal as Escrima's, though you can build trait up easier against it. Of all the MUs in the game i have played this one the most by a large margin

Its true that DS has better up close options, but Sinestro does win the zoning war ever so slightly, and if you build trait the DS can be in so serious trouble. You want to position yourself at a range that your FB doesn't get ducked by low shots or get close enough to be able to punish DS guns with FB. Once DS respects you, you can then start with trait cancels to force mistakes and make him come to you