Brainstorming some anti-KF tech. I started this because I read someone say it was impossible to charge trait vs Killer Frost except during full screen Shackles. So I wanted to find the best ways to charge maximum trait before having to block or counter Slide/Iceberg. Then explored some possible punish options for the 3 main combo enders I thought were the most interesting.
d2 is more likely to bait Slide. If they don't roll you can bj2, b13 for. If they roll you can nj3, d2 xx bb MB. Or you can MB b3 or IA Axe of Terror, d2, b12 xx Shackles.
3 is more likely to bait Iceberg. This wake up attack doesn't have any invincibility which means on a read you can stuff it completely with either Shackles or MB Meteor. Or you can charge trait a bit longer then Meteor to trade 8% vs 4.38%.
112 doesn't knock them down. They can only wake up attack from this if they roll back, which puts them further away from the screen which makes Slide risky to use. So for this reason I think 112 is most likely going to bait Iceberg.