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Shattered Alliances Part 1 - Trailer - Cyborg Reveal


I really wanted to main cyborg in injustice 1 but i didn't like how he played. If they changed up his move set and play style im definitely playing him.


All too easy...
Cyborg was *this* close to being amazing! Awesome zoning, b3, f3, and some nice frames and damage. He just needed a totally new trait and a few tweaks, which he almost certainly got in this game. @The Slaj Jazz
New trait should just be omni-directional grapple hooks instead of that retarded inout from the first game that only let you go diagonally. Keep him as the mobile obstacle course character
I hate that NRS would fulfill their two black character quota with such a bland ass character. Shame on them and shame on DC for not having more black heros in general.


Cyborg himself is a meh character but if they would have gave him full trailer instead of 5 seconds in story cutscenes people wouldnt be so down and maybe more hype.

Even NRS knows nobody cares about Cyborg and thats why they put his reveal ina story trailer but that was the wrong decision.

They should have focused more on Cyborg instead of less.


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
Cyborg is cool and all but the way he was bumped up in the New 52 reboot from the Titans category up into the regular JL category has always felt forced. It's definitely true that the team needed some diversity, but the answer to that was simply to bring back John Stewart, who is the Green Lantern most fans grew up with nowadays due to the Timm/Dini cartoons -- Geoff Johns is just too in love with Hal Jordan to see that, unfortunately.

It just feels weird to have Cyborg hanging around without Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Nightwing, Donna Troy, Aqualad/Tempest, and Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal/whatever you want to call him today.

That said, in this trailer he looks very sleek visually, I dig it.


Chilled to the Core
Cyborg is cool and all but the way he was bumped up in the New 52 reboot from the Titans category up into the regular JL category has always felt forced. It's definitely true that the team needed some diversity, but the answer to that was simply to bring back John Stewart, who is the Green Lantern most fans grew up with nowadays due to the Timm/Dini cartoons -- Geoff Johns is just too in love with Hal Jordan to see that, unfortunately.

It just feels weird to have Cyborg hanging around without Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Nightwing, Donna Troy, Aqualad/Tempest, and Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal/whatever you want to call him today.

That said, in this trailer he looks very sleek visually, I dig it.
This! I think Cyborg belongs with the Titans and should've stayed there. John Stewart should be the main Green Lantern and another female hero (hawkgirl?) Could take the empty slot, but oh well.


The Wannabe Prodigy
Fucking hell, some of you are actually idiots. God forbid someone doesn't like a character. And what on earth is going with you idiots throwing the race card when not one person has been racist in this thread?
Besides, when Cheetah got revealed people were calling her a waste of a slot left and right and I'm pretty sure people weren't defending her reveal the same way you guys are defending Cyborg, guess its only when its a character you like people aren't allowed to express disappointment.