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VesperArcade did a piece on what he feels are the game's tiers as of Beta 3 in a recent video. DevilJin01 did a transcript breakdown for those who don't want to watch the entire 3 hour long video just for the tiers.
Vesper Arcade video tiers

Nash, Dictator, Claw, Birdie

Cammy*, Gief, Ryu, Chun*, Karin

Dhalsim, Rashid, Laura, Necalli, R.Mika



Afrocole, Lamerboi, F.Champ were all messing around with Nash. Killey has always been a Nash main. Used to be considered pretty bad and were even joking about him. Rollercoaster ride on twitter of nerf and buff rumors. Finally now in beta 3 they feel he is a BEAST. Very popular character so meta for Nash got developed faster. Normals, damage and conversions are all strong. Did nerf some things. s.MK no longer special cancelable. More pushback on jabs. No more low short, low jab target combo. s.LK, s.MK into s.LP, s.MP target no longer works. Moonsault pressure/hit box nerfed a bit to not loop as easily.

Phase 3 Nash is the most fair Nash, but with the changes to the other characters still ends up being really strong.

Tier Explanation: Cinderella story worst to first character. Helps that he's pretty popular in the beta and people are cracking him out. Doesn't have walk speed, but has a ton of strong normals that are longer than a lot of the other casts. It's just you have to know where to use the normals you will get punished. f+HP at the right range is really oppressive and crush counters. Lot of things can be confirmed into V Trigger and can be used to open people up (sonic boom/ex boom port). Fast overhead. Really good list of AA specific normals (great air grab too). Has some problematic matchups (Cammy, Gief, Necalli), but not enough to hurt him too bad yet. Has to spend V Gauge to get out of bad situations and not easy to use. Slow walk speed, but fast dashes.


Always been a great character. Still excellent character. Knee press is minus 4 now so you can't use it old school anymore and just throw it out. Bison's EX knee press is plus one block. Good to do after regular knee press if it's spaced so they can't punish. V Trigger really unlocks his options as you can cross over people's bodies while pressing buttons at them. EX psycho blast goes full screen now and plus 2 on block. One of his main ways to negate one hit projectiles and start an offense as he teleports behind.

Afrocole's Bison was really interesting. Played like GG Slayer just lots of dash around and buttons.

Tier Explanation: More fair (not as mindless). Still strong comeback potential and people are discovering things about him more. Target combo has potential. V Trigger also good for coming back. Can't count him out.


Really strong character. Every single move cancels into V Trigger. Bullhorn, VTC bullhorn hurts hard. V Trigger also gives him walk speed buff. Birdie can eat donuts during V Trigger to add time to his V trigger. c.HP special cancel very strong. c.HP, bullhorn into V Trigger into bullhead. EX dive grab is faster and harder to react to with better hit box detection. f+HP is now crush counter again (was before, took it away, now regained it). Knocks opponent into air. Armored crush counter which is unique. Anti air c.MP is beastly. One of the few near fool proof AA's in the game and hits behind. Sets up resets also.

Ratanna (old MVC2/MVC3 player) and Pavocado were 2 strong Birdie's during the beta. Ratanna had setups for days and made the character feel very complete. Easy to play, but someone good will take him to next level. Feels like the SSFIV Honda of the game.

Tier Explanation: One of the few characters that has survived Nerf Fighter V and pretty much only gets buffs for the most part. V Trigger comeback factor is strong, lots of tools at different ranges. New setups players are learning really showing off his potential. Couple problem matchups, but otherwise good to go.

Claw's claw game got buffed quite a bit. f+HP got buffed as now a crush counter. Extremely good poke. c.HP might have been buffed as AA. Stand fierce into stance change is more minus on block. Big thing is V Trigger now hits crouching opponents. s.HK CC damage potential is better. Feels Claw vs BH is pretty even in utility and reason to use. You will probably see different people using different stances depending on play style or matchup. Holding down during EX wall dive allows for better corner pressure with dive as it does a fast fall.

Tier Explanation: No brainer. Standing next to Bison as clear top tier. Really good walk speed. Overall most mobile character in the game. Really good footsies with a myriad of normals to make him pretty much the ideal footsie character for the game. With Claw off his rushdown tools improve. Good AA options, V Trigger hitting crouchers now gives him better comeback potential. Fast fall out of EX wall dive improves mix up as well.


Cammy (potential to be A plus in the future)
Cammy still really good. Another character like Chun that they greatly underestimated. General VTC buff allowing you to VTC any normal helped her out big time. They felt the nerf to her V Trigger was just and doesn't hurt her too much. V Skill is now plus one on block so it's possible to gain meter on block and whiff. Normals are still really good. Really love how people start to get really defensive when she activates V Trigger since any poke leads to big damage/stun/reset. Then start mix ups with hooligan.

Start up of dive kicks is now faster. Feel it was ok that f+HK is negative 2 and would have been really stupid if LPN's tweet was true and it was plus 1. Overall if you have good footsies, you'll go really far with the character. c.LP, b+MP link still works at close range, b+MP good AA for stopping cross up attempts.

Tier Explanation: Strong footsie game, strong damage output. Amazing walk speed. Some mix up potential that allows her to open people up a bit easier than others. Footsie game a bit nerfed, but very frame trap heavy when she gets in.

Felt really fun to play. Methodical play as a big wall walking forward at people and making big reads makes him fun to play. Light SPD range is really good. Green hand isn't necessary anymore now that he has V Skill. Doesn't need too much more mobility with his new options. EX RGB is really good in low health situations as it has armor and can't be killed from the white health. V Trigger ranged was nerfed a bit and now a 3 bar Trigger instead of the initial 2 bars. Very interesting how you can use his V Trigger to suck people in for grab mix ups or use it to up your damage.

s.LP really good for the range. c.HP good AA that sets up big damage. f+HP absorbs projectiles, plus 2 on block and plus 7 on hit (hard to whiff punish as well). Has really good footsie tools. He doesn't have as much setplay/instant game win potential for getting in, but he can win over time doing this enough times with his new options and gets more in the neutral game as a trade off.

Tier Explanation. A bit high maintenance like Sim, but has more health to work with to get in and enact his gameplan. Very very fair, has some bad matchups, but otherwise well designed.

Lost a lot of tools from E3 build, but still very solid overall and was able to win a lot of matches with him. b+HK got nerfed a bit, but still strong as meaty. Still overall very flexible. Crush counter sweep was able to help win matches. Setup is sweep, activate V Trigger, whiff c.LP then begin charging. Japanese tournament build allows you to tech out of the setup, but that may be a sound change for the better of the game overall. Not a fan of AA DPs doing less damage without perfect timing.

Ryu's fireball still good, just have to space them differently. Can't throw them out blindly or at too close of range. Still would like to have crouching tatsu hitting options.

Tier Explanation: Not crazy damage, but still serviceable and crush counter buff helps him since he gets a legit unblockable setup. People are learning more how to use him. Forward walk speed buff. Solid tool set to handle any situation. Got AA's, frame traps, reversals, zoning etc.

Chun Li (potential to be A plus in the future)
Really good character. Vastly underestimated her before and didn't think she was that good (even though she had best kara throw in game hue hue hue). Now they see the potential. Combos got nerfed a bit, but still solid damage and ended up being pretty fun to play. s.MP, f+MP link removal was a weird nerf. EX lightning legs is safe on block which is good for combo fishing. b+HP CC is great buff. Surprised that she still has instant air legs. Felt almost plus on block and had a lot of utility for punishing fireballs and for pressure. Surprised Capcom hasn't done much anything to it (technically they nerfed recovery so you can't medium link off of it anymore).

Good comeback factor, feels very complete. Has come a long way, more than Ryu. Still one of the only characters that can link a light to medium, but they feel this is just since the range she can covert at is pretty small any way.

Tier Explanation: A bit harder to use than other characters since she has a lot of distinct angles/uses for her normals, but otherwise great character.


Footsie game feels really strong. Got some warranted nerfs to resets and links. Can't do c.LK, c.LP special anymore, but she didn't really need it. Her design seems to be just very footsie oriented and not as link/chain oriented as Chun/Cammy. Probably has the best c.MK in the game. Longest ranged cancelable one. Medium punch normals designed to frame trap you and space for her s.MK and c.MK. Just keep walking with buttons. Resets got nerfed a bit, but also warranted and still really strong. Lots of ways to combo into super.

Tier Explanation: Did nerf her a bit, but still strong. Normals and frame trap game are strong. Mix up is a bit gimmicky, but still relevant nonetheless. Not necessarily a pure pressure trap character, but her solid footsies keep can keep momentum for her well. Without the nerfs she would have been A plus.

Was a bit troubling to use. b+HP was tough to use since it was slow and had to be used more on anticipation. Had to be very careful about normal placement and wasn't getting the same damage output as opponent. HP yoga flame when used raw can combo into LP yoga flame (or MP flame in corner). EX Yoga Flame sets nice corner combos. b+HP into EX flame into double air yoga flames was pretty interesting. Yoga Flames have plus frames on hit. HP flame has 25 frame start up, but is plus 3 on block.

Slides are really minus on block. c.HK even at max range is minus 6. V Trigger felt interesting, but a bit too situational. SFV so far isn't a very high execution game, but Dhalsim may be the first heavier execution character. Constantly have to tiger knee teleports and yoga flames to get the most out of him. They didn't make much mention of his V Skill IIRC.

Tier Explanation: Was at first thought to be a C Tier. High execution, high maintenance, not much room for error. Can be really frustrating to fight against as his teleports are very strong.

Has interesting mechanic where like Bison, he can use charge moves in combos without charging. PR Rog's Necalli was really strong going in with lots of meaties. Still weaker than a lot of characters, but still solid. Maybe with time will be more fleshed out, but V Trigger is VERY important part of his gameplay. Don't get the full character without it. Invincible reversal and command grab is good to have. j.HP has crazy hit box. Cross up is good. Close up game is good. Hard to get him off once he gets in.

Raw super is good for long range punishes. People aren't using V Skill enough. Builds V Gauge really fast. Stomps are good pressure, safeish and can create true or false block strings. Dash up command grab looks good despite short range.

Tier Explanation: Designed to intentionally have weaknesses, but becomes a stronger (A tier) character when V Trigger is popped. That also is considered a weakness overall.

A lot of people feel she is the Abel of SFV. She can be a footsie character, but doesn't get a lot of mileage/damage off them. Range on normals felt stubby, but a lot of normals moved her forward which might make them good for whiff punishing. Can't really low confirm unless she has super which hurts her mind games a bit. s.MP and s.LK are both solid buttons that are plus 3 on block which makes her a frame trap monster. If you let her get close and you don't have a reversal you are "fucked".

Command grab racks up stun and is pretty annoying. Specials revolve around mixing you up wit command grabs and pushing buttons. Fireball is really good especially with full or half charge. Very good as a stationary hit box, is basically an anti air, protects her from pressure and even fights fireballs well.

Tier Explanation: Neutral game is a bit weak, defensive game is poor. Once she gets in she's really strong and may need more exploration. Potentially A tier if you get into her preferred space.

HP crush counter into HP tornado got nerfed. f+MP can not be canceled into VTC on second hit. Seemed fair as that was really strong before. Rashid has some issues with normals and reliant on V Trigger for setups. Kept his setup with c.HP, into EX Tornado, V Skill which pushes the opponent during block stun to set up mix ups. Has strong, lengthy block strings when he gets into range, but getting into those ranges is tough. Lamerboi had good anti backrise set ups with dash tornado.

c.HP's second hit now causes crush counter. Felt that wasn't talked about enough. Killey feels that's a really good change. Still needs a lot of time to be explored. Seems like a good fit for people who are more setup/mix up centric with their play.

Tier Explanation: V Trigger seems overly important to his gameplay in order to apply real mix ups. Doesn't do great damage without resources. Weaker neutral game compared to other characters.

Was changed a lot. Can only do target combo after charge s.HK. No more s.MP link. Can no longer get wall bounce mid screen after Irish Whip. Now need meter and V Trigger to make mid screen Irish Whip worth doing. f+HP into c.MP is an alternative setup in the corner that leads into a meaty (instead of cross up that can be looped over). f+HP is now plus 3 on block. Charged s.HK seems less plus on block, but still good.

Tier Explanation: Still good. Made some fair changes to her stray damage conversion which is good. Got nerfs to some of her set play and block frame advantage so she is not quite fit for a very high tier anymore. Was said she has potential to go up and not necessarily bad.

Ken just not where he was before. Even went to the SRK forums to check and see what people found. Just to see everyone saying the same thing in that he's pretty shit ATM. Lot of juggles taken out. You can still do shoryu to shoryu, but the opponent has to be really high in the air now. Can't do c.LK, c.LP, s.LK into special anymore. V Skill speed is really slow now. c.MP, run into jump cross is very obvious to block now. c.MP link into SRK seems gone. Maximilian is a big Ken fan and even he said that he didn't find Ken fun to play and didn't use him for very long.

In general just nothing really stands out and weird to use since he is a rushdown character that has to play around very modest/negative frames.

Tier Explanation: Too many nerfs. No one really using him.
Interestingly enough, most Chun mains on SRK feel that she's already A+ and not just A.


Punching bag that throws fans !

Really strong character. Every single move cancels into V Trigger. Bullhorn, VTC bullhorn hurts hard. V Trigger also gives him walk speed buff. Birdie can eat donuts during V Trigger to add time to his V trigger. c.HP special cancel very strong. c.HP, bullhorn into V Trigger into bullhead. EX dive grab is faster and harder to react to with better hit box detection. f+HP is now crush counter again (was before, took it away, now regained it). Knocks opponent into air. Armored crush counter which is unique. Anti air c.MP is beastly. One of the few near fool proof AA's in the game and hits behind. Sets up resets also.


Yeah that part needs a nerf ASAP. He already has AA options, no need to give him the best AA normal in the game, especially considering he is a grappler / big damage character.

And even if they let him have it, at least nerf the hitbox so that you can actually crossup the dude ... ffs !

Rip Torn

Does Laura have armor on ex elbow? I was watching this video from socal regionals, which was an older build of the game. At about 4:08, you can see 801Strider does an ex elbow and it goes right through Ken's cr.MK. Also, there is a pink glow as Laura absorbs the hit. Also, she had V-Trigger activated, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Also, at other points in the match, she seems to have invincibility on wakeup with ex elbow.

My question is, did they remove this in later versions of the game? I don't remember seeing it in the last beta.


Punching bag that throws fans !
Yeah Capcom didn't think making reversals safe was a good idea :)

The worst that could have happened, would have been making them safe with armor AND 30% combo starters.

Oh wait !


Here's an interesting observation. The game can somehow run the characters and backgrounds at different framerates. At certain times, you can notice the backgrounds slowing down to 30fps, but the characters still move at 60fps.
Not nearly at that damage. And not a combo that leads into stun into another combo

Half life yes, damn near 90% no lol
Ryu has J.hp, s.mp, c.hp xx m tatsu, (block DP) s.hk (CC), walk forward, s.mp, c.hp xx m tatsu (stun), j.hp, s.mp, c.hp xx h shoryu, which does 70% meterless.

Yes, 'Gief gets his off a simple knockdown, but at the same time it's very situational, since he already needs to be in V-Trigger to do it (and may not have enough to complete it).


Here's an interesting observation. The game can somehow run the characters and backgrounds at different framerates. At certain times, you can notice the backgrounds slowing down to 30fps, but the characters still move at 60fps.

Ryu has J.hp, s.mp, c.hp xx m tatsu, (block DP) s.hk (CC), walk forward, s.mp, c.hp xx m tatsu (stun), j.hp, s.mp, c.hp xx h shoryu, which does 70% meterless.

Yes, 'Gief gets his off a simple knockdown, but at the same time it's very situational, since he already needs to be in V-Trigger to do it (and may not have enough to complete it).
Big difference between 1 solid combo that does 90% and two separate ones.

I love how the damage is very high on this game though. Just some of these dp punishes are a bit much.


Big difference between 1 solid combo that does 90% and two separate ones.

I love how the damage is very high on this game though. Just some of these dp punishes are a bit much.
As stated, it's still highly situational. Zangief isn't getting that every time he blocks a DP, even with 2 full bars. He needs to have V-Trigger activated, and it needs to be done early in activation so he has enough meter remaining to get all the hits.

Even then, it still somewhat counts as "two combos" as he needs to set it up with something that does some amount of stun first.

And it's not like SF hasn't had situational combos that did that much damage or more before.


Punching bag that throws fans !
The real goal of that video is about showing that random reversal DPs in SFV won't be as ok as it was during most of SF4's life.

No more FADC and counterhit state along with crush counter mechanic (helps filling V-Trigger and stunning people), forces DP happy people to think carefully about using reversals against people that know how to punish these for max damage.

Especially true now that comboing after a stun occured is now still a good idea (in USF4, resets were way better because of damage scaling) as long as you plan to use a Super since it only scales up to 50%, no matter how long your combo is.

Meaning a long combo into stun into another long combo into Super is usually a valid option, and will most likely be your way-to-go option for punishing reversals on last round (no longer need to save meter).

I really like the fact that they added a forced KO on counterhit sweeps. You still can apply setplay as long as you work on your frametraps / footsies, rewarding people for playing smart instead of giving vortex options for free.

Can't wait for February to come :)


Kitana, Scorpion
I can see how some 09'ers and other SF4 enthusiasts are a little bit shellshocked by the lack of OS's lick crouch-teching, invincible back dashing, armored neutral tools like Focus Attacks, options for making invincible tools safe (FADC), etc,,, but all of those things listed are the things I hated about SF4 and why the core of the game was so unattractive to me in the first place. Coming from someone who played since Day 1 Vanilla, all the way up until 2015, I just couldn't fall in love with SF4 because it lacked the intensity of SF's past iterations. I'm not saying it was a bad game, obviously it's the most important Street Fighter since 2 if only for growing the scene so exponentially - and yes it's technical, challenging and hype at high levels, but for me it always felt like a game that rewarded cautious offense and mitigating risk at every turn. It seemed like top tier characters were determined by their ability to maximize a wall of defense and capitalize efficiently, while every other core aspect of the game took the backseat.

While playing SFV I'm reminded of how important it was not to fuck up in ST because of how damaging and damning a good read can be, without being quite as silly, *cough* tick throw loops *cough.* I'm reminded of CVS2, of how everything was won or lost in the neutral. And yeah, this game, as Valle and others have noted, is going to be jarring for players raised solely on SF4, because they don't have the points of reference that have influenced this particular SF's design...

SFV is so far not as technical as SF4 (which will change, it ALWAYS has, in just about any fighting game. Depth is defined chiefly by a game's community and less so by a game's mechanics in my experience. I feel like people forget how the older players constantly complained about how simplified and scrub friendly SF4 was when it first came out...). With that said, it's already more dynamic. The game is being built to cater to more diverse playstyles by conscientiously designing a balanced roster of character archetypes. It's also making everything count - if you are wrong you will be punished for it, hard, and you have to adapt more quickly in order to mitigate these mistakes. You have to read your opponent quickly when you lack measures to make things safe and when your reversals can be baited and punished even harder.

I guess I like risk and reward and making hard reads and forcing my opponent to quickly adapt to my options while simultaneously having to do the same. I like the feeling of sweating bullets when I'm knocked down or in a block string - it releases endorphins and it feels good for me. I always felt apathetic, win or lose, with Street Fighter 4 because it never engaged my survival instincts or really rewarded me for making ballsy plays - or properly punished me for that matter.

I don't know, these are just the things on my mind when I think about SF4 vs SFV and the whining on Eventhubs comments.... With all that said, I am too hype for this game and can't wait to sink my teeth into it and I think that most of the naysayers will come around to it when they've spent more time with it.
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Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!

Street Fighter: Resurrection is scheduled to launch sometime this March!!!! Apart from being developed by the team behind Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist, the series will also feature appearances by Mike Moh and Christian Howard, reprising their respective roles as Ryu and Ken.



Street Fighter: Resurrection is scheduled to launch sometime this March!!!! Apart from being developed by the team behind Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist, the series will also feature appearances by Mike Moh and Christian Howard, reprising their respective roles as Ryu and Ken.
Gotta say im looking extremely forward to seeing this, its ridiculous to think that now a days the only adaptations worth watching are those from the hard work love and effort of fans, and not the supposed dedication from the series owners... oh well what can we do... Assassins Fist was amazing and i expect nothing less from this new series... highly anticipated


Resident Cynic
So I know this thread is dead or whatever but I still wanna talk about SFV somewhere so it might as well be here. I saw this Max Dood vidya about the likes of Akuma, Sagat, and other boring ass shoto clones legacy characters making it into the roster of SFV. Do we think SFV needs more shotos? How do we feel about character archetype/playstyle variety in SFV? Here's a link to the vidya if you haven't seen it yet.

Second thing I wana talk about since the 3rd beta's been closed is Dhalsim. I see people listing him as pretty low tier, but the only matchups I feel he legitimately struggles with are Chun Li, Bison, and possibly Karin. I'd give him a firm upper hand on all grapplers. Rashid and Nash are a bit strange but I feel their mobility makes the a tough match for Dhalsim but it's nothing he can't get over. Not sure about the shotos.

Anyhoo I really like his new tools and his anti air game is easily some of the best to be found in SFV. If you don't even want to risk trading with an opponents air normals his slides are really effective for a clean dodge and a grab on landing. I've seen Art and FChamp do this several times. His V-Skill is pretty slick and turns tides very quickly. Back throw followed up with heavy fireball seems to be his best setup to attempt a teleport approach. Really dig Sim right now from what I've seen.

Here's some Sim play from Arturo's stream.​

Reactions: GAV


So I know this thread is dead or whatever but I still wanna talk about SFV somewhere so it might as well be here. I saw this Max Dood vidya about the likes of Akuma, Sagat, and other boring ass shoto clones legacy characters making it into the roster of SFV. Do we think SFV needs more shotos? How do we feel about character archetype/playstyle variety in SFV? Here's a link to the vidya if you haven't seen it yet.

Cant Coment on Dhalsim But in regards to Shotos the problem is not that there are to many of them is that they are not unique enouth past the 4 main ones (Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat) The SF title only ever needed these 4 and honestly not taking into consideration the condition of Ken in SFV the new changes to him are actually very refreshing to see... Akuma and Sagat in their own right are pretty unique Shotos, the problem came from the "mass production" of that archtype in the latest iteration of the game (Ultra SFIV) i can understand ppl like characters such as E.Ryu Oni Gouken Sakura Seth Dan and Sean even i do, i love the idea of Evil Ryu and Gouken... but honestly the game doesnt need this many unoriginal characters that play relatively the same, now if they where to receive the same treatment as Ken has in SFV, i can see great things for them, but as they stand its just to many of a good thing making it boring and annoying to see...

As for the variety of SFV, this is my own personal opinion and as such i dont make it a rule but i feel the generic roster: Ryu, Vega, Chun, Ken, Bison, Dhalsim Zangief and Cammy All feel look amazing, Their buffs/nerfs aside, they all feel like fun characters to play in their own regard with the new changes, to their kit they feel fresh and new even for those like me that have played them since their first iteration. Now i have mixed feelings about the rest.

Birdie - gameplay wise i think he has amazing potential, not because he is one of the best characters in the game, but his overall kit is pretty good... Visual Wise, complitly horrible and i think they butchered a otherwise cool character...

Nash - Another amazing Rebirth, Gameplay Looks feeling of the character, everything on this character is top notch for me not much else to say.

Necalli - Really cool Visual and Kit, the only thing that bothers me is the damn stutter... i think its stupid and sounds stupid the way they did it...

R Mika - Interesting to see her back, wouldnt exacly think she was a contender for this game but here she is, with some pretty cool tech being used with her assist thing, overall pretty damn good looking character

Rashid - I honestly dunno what the hell they where thinking, his gameplay has some interesting ideas and he is a pretty cool take on a mix of archtypes and playstyles but, he just looks stupid... 90% of this moves look ridiculous and comical in a bad way... this character for me is the worse addition to the roster...

Karin- Only good things to say honestly...

Laura - aside from the obvious "oh look at my bouncing all over the place boobies" she is fairly boring to look at, and her gameplay looks and feels pretty boring...she simply doesnt have flare in my opinion. Im sure some guys will love her, im just not one of them...

FANG - oh boy the idea of him is pretty cool, love it, the execution is allover the place weird... his looks dont fit the game very well honestly, this mixture of Gen with Bon Clay from One Piece is just weird and some of his moves are less the "cool" looking. but his gameplay does bring something new to the table and thats pretty cool...

Again my opinion and nothing else everyone can feel free to disagree....
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