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SFV Beta Discussion

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Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
No doubt any time. We'll definitely try. My connection is the typical "insert why it's great" one so we have a shot. I'll be playing like an addict lol.

It's what they mean when they say you have to find the right character! I did ok with Laura and Karin, but Chun-Li is the only one that I could find consistency and understanding with. I felt like I was finally playing the SFV I hear about and I saw on stream lol. Love her pokes/normals, her defense, her air game of death, her range, damn near everything. The only thing I don't like is her shitty "jump at you" V-Skill lol. But she's so complete it doesn't really matter at all. She's the one. :D
I'm glad you found your character and that you actually played Street Fighter. I tried with my babe Cammy, but it's just not working out. But Ryu... he just feels like a rock to me. He might be the one for V! Or another shoto character. Chun is really good character, great footsie tools. Is she still a charge character in this game? I haven't touched her yet lol.


In Zoning We Trust
I'm glad you found your character and that you actually played Street Fighter. I tried with my babe Cammy, but it's just not working out. But Ryu... he just feels like a rock to me. He might be the one for V! Or another shoto character. Chun is really good character, great footsie tools. Is she still a charge character in this game? I haven't touched her yet lol.
Cammy is my all time favorite SF character but I just didn't like her too much in the beta. Ryu seemed good too. Solid pick. My cousin would kill me if I used his main so that wasn't an option for me haha.

Yup Chun is still a charge character. The Lightning Legs are Qcf kick now, but the other moves are charged. She has exactly what I'm looking for. Strong normals, defense, footsies, and AA's/air to air. Her V Trigger is just an added bonus. I'll admit it's kinda strong though. She gains a full blown 50/50 combo mixup with it, bigger combo extensions, and more combo options from pokes. It's pretty big lol. Hopefully it survives into the final version the way it is but if they catch on to it I can see a slight tone down.


So for those that care here are my Thoughts/Review of the Characters i play Cammy, Karin, Vega.

I will talk about where i feel they place in the rankings and their viability against the overall cast, this is a long post so if your not particularly interested in reading about all the characters feel free to just jump to the character you want. Many Thanks


After the huge nerfs she sufered in the last build she is back to her normal self for the most part, most of her stuff got put back the way it was with the exception of a few things here and there, more noticebly her b,Mp anti air, which was left nerfed, and quite so infact, in comparison to other anti airs that are more effective hers saw its hurt box extended, meaning it will trade more often, and the hit box is not as big... Now its still an anti air and it works as such, but whilst before you could throw it out late and still win now you will trade/lose depending on how late you put the button out there, this however is not a problem to her gameplay and i believe in the highest lvl of competition for this game she will not suffer at all from having a more shallow anti air, considering her DP is still great and its a way better form of anti air.

Overall she is still among the top A rank characters of this game in her current state simply because her button configuration is made for success, the ability to outpoke and outrange pretty much everyone in the roster will outline her as a force to be feared at all times. It has to be noted however that those looking for an airborn Cammy will be dissapointed considering her game plan no longer relies on the Dive kick / cross up heavy play but in a more outpoke grounded one. While you can still use her Dive kicks to some effect they are obviously nothing like their SFIV counter part, and her jumping attacks seem more meant to keep other ppl out of the air then jump ins with the exception of her H that are ok but still not hugely great...


Karin oh dear Karin, This character was made to be good, extremely good in fact. from her buttons, to her special moves to her frame data everything about this character screams TOP...
With the Nerf to some previously Top characters that disputed her place among the best ( i Will talk about said characters in my Vega Review) She has now found her place in the Top 3 of SFV. Everything about this character is fantastic and there is little to be said other than newbies beware she will be the pain of you SFV existance... But lets delve a little deeper onto why she is so good.
With her button design being very similar if not a carboon copy of Cammys, she could only be great, her priorities are amazing meaning even tho it will seem like you should have traded she will infact win everytime. Her frames are amazing and they almost remind me of how relentless Fei Long was. Her specials outside of the obvious Unsafe after Rekkas are extremely good... Now while i dont feel her Overhead/Low Rekkas will play a big part in a high lvl situation, its still amazing that they are there, Even if they hit only once in a match its already a plus, so when you consider the constant threat of having high/low that could come out at anytime from near full screen away!!! Yeah she is good!!!

There isnt much to be said here honestly she is amazing and even the more new to the series will see success with her due to how simple she is to understand and win with... Its extremely eazy to go into auto pilot with her and just destroy an opponent in a few seconds...


sigh. Vega, my main, soooo i have talked about Vega here and some know quite well how bothered i am with his current situation, But lets go back to phase 2 for a moment and discuss how he stood.
In Phase 2 Beta it was almost undeniable that Vega and R.Mika dominated the rankings of characters... They where extremely good and had near all the tools for success in a Street Fighter Game, While Karin players where still figuring out the character Mika and Vega had a bit more time in and where fun to play... So we saw a lot of praise being thrown at their direction, some even placing R.Mika as a true top character and Vega Closely following... but this tale of woe saw a most unwellcomed mid section, as almost by the design of a now boring and over used template we had our heroes stripped of their powers and beaten to near death.... Now i might be over exagerating and for those interested and reading this They are not horrible characters by any means, but with this being said they are a shell of their former selfs but lets continue more in depth..

While Vegas nerfs are not as blunt as Mikas, they affected the character in all the right places to make him now stand among the more complicated characters to play in SFV ( from hero to zero as they say). Vega hasnt been in the upper exelon of a street fighters game in a very long time, ever since maybe alpha... So when he was released i was extremely pleased with the changes to his character and the overall strenght of the character, His buttons felt extremely good with nice frames and advantages, Stance change gave him a much needed form of offense and pressure, his jumps reached pretty far which made him a force to be reckon with from ranges most characters cant poke at. All in All and extremely solid character that could compete with any in the roster. Now lets come back to the reality of Beta Phase 3, As Soon as a picked up the character i felt something was off, couldnt quite tell right away what it was, but i was strugglin to repeat past success with my gameplan, so with this i took to the practice room to figure out what was going on...
After a mere 20 mins of trainning i noticed that anything that made him good was Toned down from 10 to 5... His jump, shorter, His Buttons now with a more reduced hitbox, and his specials with more recovery and block frames... So as the weekend moved along and i saw more and more flaws in Vegas design it truely hit me, Vega no longer has the tools to compete in the highest lvl of SFV, Now before anyone says this is me crying over my characters nerfs, please keep in mind i am a loyalist and i will continue to play him regardless of his rankings in the game, but after taking out the proverbial blindfold of pleasure that was seeing my character with new tools and new power i figured out what Vegas true problem has always being, and that is that, without extreme range in his normals to put opponents where you want them, characters like Ryu/Karin/Necalli and many more can run laps around Vega and there is little you can do about it because *drum roll* he has no proper DP or anti air... While before the nerf you could put your opponent in a range where you could Anti air him with cr.HP (which is probably among the worse anti airs in the game) now you cannot, because if they jump at you, you will 90% of the time lose, added to the fact that he no longer has his scarlet flip, or his back flips to escape danger makes him a sitting duck for anyone that feels like jumping into Vegas face...

Well but like in every other game Vega has always had Shitty (pardon my french) defence, and from a dev. standpoint i believe that to be a balanced way to design the character due to his amazing range in pokes (something he no longer has) that made his offense extremely good, So if he has poor defense he must have extremely good offense. Well yeah he had it, in the form of Stance change, that in Phase 2 was extremely good and gave him access to unpresedented means of pushing the opponent to the corner and extremely good block strings, yeah but thats gone 2, so now the character has poor offense and even worse defense meaning he cant keep up with most characters in the roster that excel at atleast one of those facets...

My sincere apologies for the Vega Rant, but i writte this with clean eyes and im not being moved by negative feelings over my characters nerfs, as he stands with no anti air or DP to help him and poor buttons and specials, he moved from a solid A rank to probably the button 5 characters along with Mika.

If you Disagree please feel free to say so, its always good to see things from diferent points of view and maybe find something i was missing in the first place. Cheers.


The anticipation is killing me
I wished I spent more time with the beta but real life wins. Usually every SF game I main Ken but this time I have a small character crisis going on. R. Mika is pretty fun, Ryu feels solid to me and for the first time I feel I can actually play Chun-Li and she is VERY fun to me, almost an instant click. Still have to try the rest of the cast but then I also have Juri coming later. Decisions, decisions
I'm pissed because I had to work the entire weekend and only got to play about 12 matches online and of course, I got my ass handed to me. As far as my connections, I think I had one game that dropped completely but other than that I couldn't even tell I was playing online. I hope that when 2/16 comes, the shelf copy plays as well or even better than the beta online. I also want to add that I think SFV Sim is half of SF 4 Sim, which I kind of appreciate because I mostly like characters who are more difficult to use. Looking forward to February.


In Zoning We Trust
@14K are you saying Karin's Rekkas won't be used often? Why not? If so then what do you think will player Karin's main tactic/strategy into winning matches since it seems she's being called the best?


@14K are you saying Karin's Rekkas won't be used often? Why not? If so then what do you think will player Karin's main tactic/strategy into winning matches since it seems she's being called the best?
hmm i Might have frased that wrong, i need to check back and maybe make that more clear for everyone, but what i mean to say is, on her Rekkas much like Feilong used to be you wanna look to throw the first one and then stop on most ocasions so you have frame advantage, considering you can do cr. MK (awsome poking move and a low with amazing priorities) into a normal rekka right, its awesome to push your opponent into the corner then just mix and match from there meaning you will then move on to cr. MK into overhead rekka (the one she twirls with punches, Sorry cant recall the correct name of the rekkas my bad) or do cr.Mk into V Skill that puts your opponent into perfect jump in or anti air distance. The following 2nd step rekkas are for the most part unsafe or leave you in enouth negative frames that you put your opponent into a neutral game, and as a rekka character you want to be in your opponents face with long range pokes and rekkas, not be put into neutral...

So when i say they wont be used as often i mean the full screen ones and 2nd rekkas on block. At a high lvl you will only put yourself in danger and even a decent enouth player wont get caught offguard by it, Now the over head or low properties of her rekka wont really come into much play at the highest lvl because honestly they are not fast enouth to catch a good player, its still good to mix and match them, but if you try and fail i wouldnt try again. What i believe her gameplan is and will be once the game is maybe a couple months in is, Feilongs gameplan, because her kit is pretty much the same he had, you wanna move your opponent into the corner by doing cr. MK into 1 rekka, if you hit confirm cr.MK go for the full rekkas obviously but if not stop, because her initial rekka will leave you in a place where you can continue pressure while the following ones will leave you in a place where you just gave your opponent a chance to poke back or even get space from you, something you dont want.... once near the corner you pretty much have the game, there is little your opponent should be able to do to get out, continue with an onslaught of s.MK and cr.MK, anti air him if the tries to flee, and just keep trying to get him to open up into a full rekka, things will get even worse for him once you get V trigger cause you will be able to deal more dmg....

Thats just what i think she will became at the highest lvl, nerfs buffs etc.. might change this when the game launches but its a pretty clear cut tool kit like Feilong had so i still believe you should play her similar to how Feilong would...


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
You think that was bad? Check out how it crushes Sim's air normals lmao

The reason it's so effective is because it's a hitgrab. It has a strike hitbox, instead of a throw hitbox, so it will beat out a ton of shit.

That's probably why Gief's EX throw got taken out. He probably could randomly EX throw and destroy characters in footsies.


In Zoning We Trust
hmm i Might have frased that wrong, i need to check back and maybe make that more clear for everyone, but what i mean to say is, on her Rekkas much like Feilong used to be you wanna look to throw the first one and then stop on most ocasions so you have frame advantage, considering you can do cr. MK (awsome poking move and a low with amazing priorities) into a normal rekka right, its awesome to push your opponent into the corner then just mix and match from there meaning you will then move on to cr. MK into overhead rekka (the one she twirls with punches, Sorry cant recall the correct name of the rekkas my bad) or do cr.Mk into V Skill that puts your opponent into perfect jump in or anti air distance. The following 2nd step rekkas are for the most part unsafe or leave you in enouth negative frames that you put your opponent into a neutral game, and as a rekka character you want to be in your opponents face with long range pokes and rekkas, not be put into neutral...

So when i say they wont be used as often i mean the full screen ones and 2nd rekkas on block. At a high lvl you will only put yourself in danger and even a decent enouth player wont get caught offguard by it, Now the over head or low properties of her rekka wont really come into much play at the highest lvl because honestly they are not fast enouth to catch a good player, its still good to mix and match them, but if you try and fail i wouldnt try again. What i believe her gameplan is and will be once the game is maybe a couple months in is, Feilongs gameplan, because her kit is pretty much the same he had, you wanna move your opponent into the corner by doing cr. MK into 1 rekka, if you hit confirm cr.MK go for the full rekkas obviously but if not stop, because her initial rekka will leave you in a place where you can continue pressure while the following ones will leave you in a place where you just gave your opponent a chance to poke back or even get space from you, something you dont want.... once near the corner you pretty much have the game, there is little your opponent should be able to do to get out, continue with an onslaught of s.MK and cr.MK, anti air him if the tries to flee, and just keep trying to get him to open up into a full rekka, things will get even worse for him once you get V trigger cause you will be able to deal more dmg....

Thats just what i think she will became at the highest lvl, nerfs buffs etc.. might change this when the game launches but its a pretty clear cut tool kit like Feilong had so i still believe you should play her similar to how Feilong would...
Ah ok I understand now. I mostly agree with this analysis. Great breakdown.
Reactions: 14K

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Cammy is my all time favorite SF character but I just didn't like her too much in the beta. Ryu seemed good too. Solid pick. My cousin would kill me if I used his main so that wasn't an option for me haha.

Yup Chun is still a charge character. The Lightning Legs are Qcf kick now, but the other moves are charged. She has exactly what I'm looking for. Strong normals, defense, footsies, and AA's/air to air. Her V Trigger is just an added bonus. I'll admit it's kinda strong though. She gains a full blown 50/50 combo mixup with it, bigger combo extensions, and more combo options from pokes. It's pretty big lol. Hopefully it survives into the final version the way it is but if they catch on to it I can see a slight tone down.
I love Cammy, but I'm just not loving her in this game as much. I'll for sure be giving her a shot day 1 again. I know what you mean by not wanting to use somebody elses main, Rashid is off the table for me lmao.

Of course an MKX player chooses the character with the 50/50 :DOGE I'm sure they won't kill everything that's strong in this beta but it'll probably change drastically if history repeats.
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