I've actually been revising this since I found the b3 option select. Whether you go for hitconfirm and more damage or an option-select and less damage is up to you.
b3xxFBC, b12xxFA, 214xxTP, 21xxSpear, fjp, f4xxTP.
B3xxFBC, 214xxTP, 21xxSpear, fjp, f4xxFA, 21xxTP.
b3xxspear, njp, fjkxxTP, FA, 11xxTP.
It's very easy to link 11 from FA in this combo because it hits late. Only does 21% but it's meterless and gives standing reset without using spear. If you already have FA active, you can add fjp after njp to delay the combo, but it doesn't do any more damage.
1 bar:
b3xxspear, fjp, 214xxTP, 214xxEXTP, run, FA, f3xxTP.
b3xxspear, fjp, 214xxEXTP, fjkxxTP, FA, 11xxTP.
b3xxFBC, b12xxFA, 214xxTP, 214xxEXTP, run, 21xxSpear, fjp, f4xxFA, 4xxTP. Big damage, but does not use the option-select.
basically b3xxspear combos are less damage, but offer an option-select over a hitconfirm. Which one you prefer is up to you.