Man of Tomorrow
I didn't think it was that easy on hard, though that might just be me, but I definitely think it had it's moments of suspense. Sure it wasn't absolutely terrifying, but I think it was pretty effective considering what it was (a zombie game).
I didn't really find the Silent Hill games I played very hard either (1 and 2) but difficulty isn't what makes a survival horror game scary anyway. A creepy atmosphere and building suspense are more important than challenging boss fights.
How is Silent Hill 3 by the way, I was thinking about giving that one a shot?
Hard is artificially ramping up the difficulty though. You're purposely giving yourself less resources just so it can be the Survival-Horror it's supposed to be. You might as well go through the game and pick up only half the things you find in that case. RE itself, in this case, isn't providing the Survival-Horror, you are.
It's OK but don't play it before playing 1 as it's a direct sequel. 2 is still the best and is pretty much a stand alone.