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Reptile videos?


Snake eyes
Man, if it wasn't for Baraka getting two good strings, this patch would've made me incredibly sad because Reptile..


Snake eyes
Hopefully gonna' get some friendlies recorded on Monday, of my Reptile/Baraka/Liu Kang. Also, Chef, wanna' start playing matches this week, you or me can go Reptile, and the other will go Ermac I guess, I kinda' know some stuff.


Snake eyes
Mk sounds good, I'll just roll Reptile till we're sick of playing the match up I guess then we'll just play some for fun friendlies.


Snake eyes
Yeah Chef, good shit, really played the Ermac match up well. Waited for him to make dumb mistakes with levitate and destroyed him for it.


Kenshi Moderator
Hey all. I made this Reptile video and i would like if u guys can take a look at it! hopefully might be helpful in anyway.
the vid is a little long though very constructive with idea's that i didnt see lot of people use or know? it's a combo, traps and other miscs vid.... enjoy
feedback, critique are very welcomed please!
pre thanks for watching and looking forward for some feedbacks



Hey all. I made this Reptile video and i would like if u guys can take a look at it! hopefully might be helpful in anyway.
the vid is a little long though very constructive with idea's that i didnt see lot of people use or know? it's a combo, traps and other miscs vid.... enjoy
feedback, critique are very welcomed please!
pre thanks for watching and looking forward for some feedbacks
This is some sick intel. Will be trying all of this out at casuals later tonight. Thanks!!!


Kenshi Moderator
Hey all and thanks all for watching. any question please feel free, any idea's or critique also please feel free.

here's the Transcript:

[B]Part - 1: Combos:[/B]

some combos i didnt see being used before, as well as main focus on EX acid hand which has a lot of potential when it comes to juggles...nothing special if you know them, though if you dont know about changing sides after acid hands and pushing it to the limit a bit then please have a look

A-Acid hand = d,b+2
B-Elbow dash *ED = b,f+2
C-Elbow dahs side change = EDSC , means the ED will whiff for the sake of changing side and re juggle for loop
D-Fire Ball = FB (slow = b,b+1) , (fast = b,b+3)
E-Crouch = CR
F-Slide = b,f+4
G-Neutral jump punch = u+1 or 2 (NJP)*

all combos in here are just ideas, you can shorten most of them by saving your meter. though in here i am trying to maximize as much as possible. some of them are very rewarding for example combo number 04 or number 09, where u can uyse 3 meters for 50% done ANYwhere in the screen (stronger than any mid screen X ray combo and stronger than any regular combo done in any where in the screen)

01-Jp, 3,2~EX acid hand / Elbow dash side change*EBSC/ 3,2,1~ EDSC , 3,2,1~ slide
11 hit 36%, 1 meter. done anywhere

02-JP, 3,2,1~ EBSC , dash in 3,2~ EX acid Hand , dash in 3,2,1~ED (whiff), 3~EX slide
15 hit 44%, 2 meter. Done anywhere

03-Against jump ins(EG anti scorpion teleport):
cr+4~ EX acid hand / EDSC/ 3,2~ b,b+1, 3,2~EX Fast FB, 3,2,1~ slide
12 hit 38%, 3 meter. Done anywhere

04-jp, 3,2~EX acid Hand / EDSC/ njp, dash in 3,2~ ex Acid hand / EDSC/ 3,2~ EX Fast FB, Slow FB, 3,2~ slide
15 hit 45%, 3 Meter. Done anywhere

05-Slow EX FB whiff. njp, 3,2,1~ EDSC, NJP , EX invisibility ~ (EX slow ball hits), 3,2~ Slow FB, 3,2,1~EC slide
15 hit 46%, 3 meter. Done anywhere depending on the situation

06-JP, 3,2~ EX acid hand, dash in , 3,2,1~ EX fast ball, f+2,b+1, f+2,b+1 (opponent now in corner), 3,2~ex slow FB, f+2,b+1, 1,2~ slide
20 hit 44%, 3 meter. done in mid screen

07-Jp, 3~EX ED (opponent cornered), 3,2~ ex Acid hand, dash in 3,2,1~ EX Slow FB* /EDSC/ f+2,b+1, f+2,b+1, 1,2~slide
19 hit 51%, 3 meters. Done near corner
* Motion must be reversed depending on the side (instead of b,b, input f,f)

08-JP, 3,2~ ex acid hand (opponent now cornered), Jk, 3,2,1~EX Acid hand, Slow FB, 3,2~EX fast FB, f+2,b+1, 1,2~ slide
19 hits 53%, 3 meters. Done near corner

09-JP, 3,2,1~EDSC/ NJP, dash in 3,2~ Ex acid hand / EDSC/ 3,2~ EX slow FB, 3,2~EX Fast FB, 3,2~slide
17 hits 49%, 3 meters. Done anywhere

PS: for combo/ example 06, 07 and 08. he last hit 1,2 are considered only 1% and in some cases considered even 0% for both. the sole reason is that 1,2 pops up opponent further in the air as well as another 1,2 loop can be added, though in such case the amage of any extra 1,2 will be 0% for each hit! (due damage scale/ matigation)

Part - 2: Miscs:

01- Fireball cancel:
FB's can be canceled by re excuting the same FB but with an EX version ,though it depends on the distance the FB travels (the distance for re excuting is about full screen minus 2x regular dash). You can cancel EX ball into another EX ball or EX ball into regular or regular into EX ball, though you cannot cancel regular with regular (regular means non EX, simple Special Move). EX slow ball can be canceled as much as u want as long as you have 3 meteres, while Fast FB's are only cancelable once due to the speed of the EX fast FB.
the video will show you examples of how to use such trick and in general how the FB cancel looks like

02- Dash Cancel improved:
Of course this is known and old, though i believe it's very useful for reptile. One of the downunder of reptiles dash is that it's very short, but fast ofcourse. the problem is that any and other char can dash cancel from full screen with only 3 Dash cancels, while reptile will take him atleast 5 or 6 if not even more Dash cancels to reach opponent in close range from full distance. to compensate for the loss, here's another way of preforming an improved dash cancel with reptile that doesnt require full dash in animation, hence it's also completely safe and viable.
the Notaion is: f,f,d and then block.
reptile can reach opponent with 3 or tops 4 using such a dash cancel technique. note: this can be done with all roaster ofcourse! though the problem is that reptile is not very mobile when opponent is not knocked down (depending ofcourse on the distance your in, and the zone in situation with Elbow dash's)

03- Guard pressure:
Reptile can completely shut down opponent into a complete stagger/ block mode. if EX elbow dash is block, reptile has Complete advantage right after making him superb in baiting and/or punishing. the Trick is do any of the follow;
A-cr+4~ acid hand
B-cr+4~ re EX ED
C-any other poke depending on the distance if cornered, "E.G: cr+1 " ~ into either acid hand or EX ED
as for cr+4 into acid hand or any Cr poke in acid hand: simply put, cannot be interrupted! even when both are not considered a proper link. if cr attack is block then u will be forced to blcok the acid hand as well, if CR hit opponent then Opponent will also be forced to block the incoming attack(wither acid hand or EX ED). cannot be reversed, cannot be interrupted.
hence, both cr+4~ acid hand and EX ED on block can be combined together making it completely safe for mixing both of them.
from all the tests done, there's only 1 way possible that can interrupt cr+4~ acid after EX elbow dash, and it's very char specific. after hour of testing, i can say it's REALLY situational frenzy. by means if this trap done in the corner then it's COmpletely safe. though in some situation i was able to break free by quickly poking Reptile after the full blocked EX ED....and only a certain poke and from some certain chars(so far only Kitana, Ermac(depending on the distance), Kung lao(depending on the distance) "cr+1"
it works sometimes and sometimes not depending on the distance your in (wither opponent is in corner or not).
But again, this is completely safe so far. and to make it even more safer then please continue the vid for the wake up mix ups making EX elbow dash into cr+4~acid hand completely 100% guarented on any char in the roaster.

PS:cr+4 is an OTG. by means if you laid down on the ground pretending you are dead, cr+4~ acid hand will OTG opponents

Part - 3: Wake up Traps: cr+4~ acid hand

now into Using EX Elbow dash into guarented cr+4~ acid hand with the help of wake up mix ups of EX slow ball.
the idea in here are two things:
Number One)1) The EX slow FB will force opponent to block, making EX ED into cr+4~ acid Completely safe to be used up to even Two loops! as well that it causes massive damage and that it forcing opponent to block. if opponent tried to react with Wake up or any sort of reverse/escape, opponent will be severly Punished!
Number Two)2) A Nasty anti any wake up move. As well that it's completely Safe for reptile to zone in VERY offensively while 100% safe. By means , when opponent is down on the ground then he/she rather leave the pad and dont react (yes that serious....unless it's some certain cases on certain chars to escape such a trap, though STILL reptile will be 100% safe)

so in conclusoin, this wake up mix ups makes reptile completely in advantage in every possible case. if reptile felt threatend , then reptile can simply block. Reptile feeling like made offensive, then trust me it's anti 90% of all wake up moves, OTG (so opponent cant play dead) as well as completely zone in reptile Favour.These mix ups works on all character against all Wake up moves, wither rolling or not or even playing dead. mix ups will always Be , Low, Med and High


Mix ups are:

01-IN combo: 3,2,1~ EDSC, NJP,dash in 3,2,1~ EX slow ball(whiff)
Example is done on Lui kang as well as lots of char.
basically after doin such a trap, approach opponent with a dash and OTG cr+4~ acid hand. this mix up will stuff in Moves as well as an incoming EX slow ball making it completely Reptile's favour. If opponent PLayed dead, Cr+4 will wake him up into Acid hand followed by Another mix up. if cr+4~ ex acid hand is done, then you can simply have fun juggeling opponent with or without the EX fireball (dont forget this distance will allow you to FB cancel)

So here's the conclusion: Anti Wake up game, complete safety for reptile, Complete Pressure guard up to two loops , and juggle freidnly

02- same exact Trap idea but can be done with a different combo variaty:
In combo: 3,2~ EX acid hand
as shown in the example on stryker. Stryker is set to NON roll as well to show viewer that rolling or not wont matter at all for such Mix up/wake up trap.

03- IN general: Full screen FB game. After fast FB hit, EX slow ball excuted(whiffing). approach opponent with Dash elbow ofcourse and start your cr+4 OTG.
any of the mentioned mix ups can completely stuff down Kabal's Wake up EX dash thanks to cr+4 as well as punishment of incoming un escapable EX slow ball.

04- IN general: a simple Elbow dash can even stuff in 60% of all wake up move. adding the EX slow fire ball mix up can making even more rewarding. if opponent decided to play dead, then you will cross him over as EX slow ball approachs toward him. thus making any OTG rewarding(Example Slide, cr+4...etc).
though in some cases, EX ED second hit can be blocked as shown in this example on sheeva.

05- In general: Invisibility trap. same idea, but instead of acid hand do invisibility.
though it works on all the roaster most of the time (if you went offensive...by means doin this trap and then directly EX invisibility is Completely safe), smoke can get out of it by his EX Charge. Sadly EX charge can matigate the Cr+4 damage punishing reptile EX slow FB with a reversal of 5% damage

06- another example of invisibility done on Baraka.
the key is stuffing in Invisibility followed by ED~ jeutral jump forward to cross over if they tried to wake up move.
the move is still completely safe if you just want to go invisible, but for such a mix up then be aware of some Wake up moves! by means invisibility mix ups are VERY character specific depending on the match up.
for example: baraka's Spin, Kung lao's Spin,Cyrax Teleport (escapes and might punish reptile if cyrax rolled back ward after the wake up)

07- such mix up can punish and stuff in EVEN kitana's and Sendal's Fan lift and scream. making those character completely confused on what to do to counter any of cr+4~ acid hand mix ups.

08-Night wolf bug:
this is done on Night wolf waking up with EX reflect. the weird thing that after Reptile breaks and stuff in Night wolf wake up game, nightwolf will matigate the EX slow ball damage while blocking by reflecting it.
apparently (you can even try it our urself) if you broke Nightwolf's Reflect with an incomplete link forcing nightwolf to block and canceling his reflect, the reflect will be considered active EVEN when he's blocking! in such a period, he can still reflect/absorb any incoming FB matigating the FB damage completely.

09-some of the wake ups can punish Reptile if reptile tried to go offensive with cr+4 stuff in. doesnt mean that the trap itself is not safe! but it means that cr+4 doesnt work on all and every wake up game! you can change cr+4 into anything instead in such case, like EX Fast FB or EX ED (which will counter some of those certain wakeup)....though, be carefull in some cases.
and yah, also they can counter reptile's Cr+4...but CANNOT counter the slow EX FB! making this trap safe and reptile
s FAVOUR again!
some people who can punish cr+4 are:
-Jhonny cage's Ball crusher
-Sonya's hop kick can escape
-sonya's grab kick can punish (fully escape the rush in, hence it's wiser to block and then punish sonya's wake up move)
-Kano's Ball roll

....and so on

any questions then please feel free.
sorry for the long post and hope i was informal. also sorry if my english is aint that great!
have fun and thanks for reading and Watching


Monster Island Tournaments
Nice match Chef. I deal with cross over pressure with the elbow dash just to get out of there. If you link the whiff dash into a fb and the guy tries another JIP back to back he will be caught.

One thing I noticed you did a lot was just a random 2 input when standing over a guy or after an elbow wiff. Not sure what you're trying to do here.

I would try incorporating cr4 into acid hand more into your game. Its a very useful combo instead of just the cr1 poke because it cannot be interrupted and it creates spacing on block and nice wake up options on hit.

GGs man, hope this was useful.

Wenis of Lore

the random 2 links into a forceball for a full BnB combo.... i use it alot after jump-in punch since it's quick. but yes, i agree with you about the better option of cr+4 ~ acid hand. its soooooooooo good :)

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I think the 2 comes out for two reasons.

a.) I mess up another Dash input.

b.) I press 3 2 1 too early, so the 3 never registers, and only a 2 comes out.

As far as the cr.4 xx Acid Hand, I abuse the shit out of that, I'm not sure why it didn't happen in this video. Maybe I was trying to bait force pushes more.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Okay, I have some of my matches from a tournament last weekend. I think a lot of them have really solid play in them, some of my best.

Vs. Sub Zero

Vs. Cyrax

Vs. Johnny Cage

Vs. Kano (Only for the first round.)


GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Thank you for posting these vids, Chef. I always learn something new from your Reptile, can't tell you how much I appreciate learning from your vids. Using the EX-balls as a setup for the opponent jumping in is awesome! You fared well against Lameo, too! Gotta spam the spam unfortunately, can't blame you for going with Noob. Seems like Kano's got a 7/3 against Rep right now...

Wish they'd do something with Kano, I like him as a reaction character with his vertical and horizontal balls but his up ball, knife recovery and x-ray just disgust me.

In regards to your Ermac matchup I felt you did well, gotta block and elbow dash those forcelifts constantly though. Rep certainly does the best against Ermac being right in his face and baiting those out. Once you have your x-ray baiting out his projectiles is fun too!

Where's dem D4, EX Green hand >> 32 ball, 321 slides at?! :)