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Match-up Discussion Raven MU Chart


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Sami said something about this knockdown thing that makes all scorps wake ups mean jack shit. I'm convinced the mu is 5-5
Bane is 5-5 f2 is 2 hits, mb b3, teleport.
f.2 vs d.2, mine is longer. Mb b.3 will help you if you happen to catch us charging from half a screen, won't do you a thing if we lead into armor with d.1/d.2 like we usually would be. Teleport? d.2 and f.2.d, auto-correction and reach play a bigger role.

I'd be happy to run some sets, but no. I'm unconvinced that a short range poke, something we blew up catwomen for on stream all day, and a mid-air slow teleport that's as reactable as Charge makes it an even MU when we have your oki on lock.


Princess of the Sisterhood
f.2 vs d.2, mine is longer. Mb b.3 will help you if you happen to catch us charging from half a screen, won't do you a thing if we lead into armor with d.1/d.2 like we usually would be. Teleport? d.2 and f.2.d, auto-correction and reach play a bigger role.

I'd be happy to run some sets, but no. I'm unconvinced that a short range poke, something we blew up catwomen for on stream all day, and a mid-air slow teleport that's as reactable as Charge makes it an even MU when we have your oki on lock.
F2 after a blocked anything so range doesn't matter, you armor you lose. Mb b3 has more uses. Teleport doesn't need to be abused.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
F2 after a blocked anything so range doesn't matter, you armor you lose. Mb b3 has more uses. Teleport doesn't need to be abused.
Unless f.2 is 8 frames and reaches as far, no. d.1 to d.2 is a common block poke string for Banes to use, which means if you are tossing out f.2 to check us you'll likely get stuffed for it. MB b.3 doesn't have many in this MU because most good Banes aren't going to sit there meshing armor on you, and you'll have to fight up against armor clicks like d.2 and whatnot. Teleport doesn't need to, yeah, namely because it can't be. Not in this MU, where all it takes is a quick motion for Bane to snap you for a free 20%+ and oki.

Plus, while all of those are fine and dandy, it doesn't answer your problems about oki and having to actually fight off our armor when we do lead-ins to start them. Max gives the best example when he plays, he always does normal attacks into armor, and never just raw armor. That way, even if you want to Mb b.3/f.3 him you'll have to try your luck against him removing your armor and hitting you with his own.


My blades will find your heart
f.2 vs d.2, mine is longer. Mb b.3 will help you if you happen to catch us charging from half a screen, won't do you a thing if we lead into armor with d.1/d.2 like we usually would be. Teleport? d.2 and f.2.d, auto-correction and reach play a bigger role.

I'd be happy to run some sets, but no. I'm unconvinced that a short range poke, something we blew up catwomen for on stream all day, and a mid-air slow teleport that's as reactable as Charge makes it an even MU when we have your oki on lock.
Only reason we would use teleport is on wakeup or to punish a sloppy charge


Princess of the Sisterhood
Unless f.2 is 8 frames and reaches as far, no. d.1 to d.2 is a common block poke string for Banes to use, which means if you are tossing out f.2 to check us you'll likely get stuffed for it. MB b.3 doesn't have many in this MU because most good Banes aren't going to sit there meshing armor on you, and you'll have to fight up against armor clicks like d.2 and whatnot. Teleport doesn't need to, yeah, namely because it can't be. Not in this MU, where all it takes is a quick motion for Bane to snap you for a free 20%+ and oki.

Plus, while all of those are fine and dandy, it doesn't answer your problems about oki and having to actually fight off our armor when we do lead-ins to start them. Max gives the best example when he plays, he always does normal attacks into armor, and never just raw armor. That way, even if you want to Mb b.3/f.3 him you'll have to try your luck against him removing your armor and hitting you with his own.
I'm to tired to theory fight. Mu is 5-5. I'm always right etc. if Zoidberg747 would like to take over for the theory fighting or anyone else wants to then please go right ahead.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I'm to tired to theory fight. Mu is 5-5. I'm always right etc. if Zoidberg747 would like to take over for the theory fighting or anyone else wants to then please go right ahead.
I offered to play some matches. I'm not confident in my gameplay, but I'm still convinced that even with my lesser skills I could take matches off of you. The MU is 6-4, you may "always be right", but I've had a pretty good record of accuracy myself as of late.


Princess of the Sisterhood
I offered to play some matches. I'm not confident in my gameplay, but I'm still convinced that even with my lesser skills I could take matches off of you. The MU is 6-4, you may "always be right", but I've had a pretty good record of accuracy myself as of late.
We can play later if you'd like. I'm starting to hate playing online and determining mu numbers based on online is started to look kinda bad to me.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
We can play later if you'd like. I'm starting to hate playing online and determining mu numbers based on online is started to look kinda bad to me.
I agree and don't like it either, but I'm in the middle of nowhere so ya know... :(
Don't play for numbers, just play. Its more about showing eachother the options we have rather than grinding out results.


Princess of the Sisterhood
I agree and don't like it either, but I'm in the middle of nowhere so ya know... :(
Don't play for numbers, just play. Its more about showing eachother the options we have rather than grinding out results.
Fair enough. See you online later today. <3


Basically what you need to know is if he charges and you are in demon stance you can teleport and db2 him for a full combo. If you are in regular stance you can MB B3 him unless he is in lvl 3 venom. If he tries to pressure you on wakeup you can try to teleport, but he can jump back d3 to punish you for it, but then he has to guess whether you are going to wakeup teleport or wakeup singularity(pulls him out of the air).

When he is on debuff he is just going to sit back in turtle, so just pelt him with pillars to gain more meter for the options above.

Yeah but a smart Bane doesn't just toss out Charges all willynilly. Bane doesn't need charge to get in, and once he is in he fucks Raven up hard. MB b3 and f2 are the saving graces in this MU, but you still have to play very smart and you can't afford to make nearly as many mistakes as Bane because once he knocks you down things go south real quick.


Blind_Man AK Pig Of The Hut Zoidberg747

I really need to the bookmark the post where I explained this :D. Here we go again...

Scorpion can not escape Raven's knockdown/cross-up (jump-in) setups. At all. He has to block correctly or risk being put into a full combo (by risk I mean it will happen the majority of the time, possibly all of the time if people test this out further). This is because Raven can abuse Scorpion's change in hitbox for wake-up teleport as an option select for the follow-up move after jump-in 2. First, lets explain how to input the ghetto option select:


Raven ends her combo with f22u1/F2~DB2 or any of the other set-ups, walks forward a tiny step to make it properly ambiguous and then goes for a jump-in 2. Just past the height where jump-in 2 would hit a standing opponent, she inputs a normal (3 is the best for this as it's soooooo easy to hit-confirm off it and is safe on block) in the air to buffer it so it comes out the moment she lands. After this, she then holds down forward (in relation to the direction she jumped in) for a moment until the Raven player works out what the outcome was.

Outcome #1: Jump-in 2 misses as Scorpion does wake-up tele-punch/slide/flip kick.

If Scorpion does wake-up teleport punch, wake-up slide or wake-up flip kick, the jump-in 2 will either miss completely or connect with an invincible hitbox AFTER the follow-up normal (3 in this case) has been input. This causes the game to lose the input as it will only buffer it if the jump-in attack hit before 3 was pressed. Thus, when she lands on the ground, no follow-up move will happen.

This is where the "holding forward" part kicks in. Raven's holding forward becomes holding backwards as Scorpion will have switched sides. Thus, she will automatically block the teleport punch standing allowing for maximum punish. Flip kick will miss and you have all the time in the world to react and punish, and slide will do the same (you can punish it as he starts to stand up with a Soul Crush into full combo). I don't know if Raven is left close enough after a MB teleport punch to punish it with 1 or D1 into lift/combo. If she is, then this is a guaranteed punish.

All of these combos lead to another knockdown/cross-up setup whether she has meter or not (all meter will dictate is how much damage she does before putting Scorp into another setup).

Note: I seem to remember you being able to back-dash away if you spot a MB teleport punch rather than just holding block, but don't quote me on it.

Outcome #2: Jump-in 2 hits as Scorpion does wake-up Spear/Hell Fire/normal or blocks incorrectly.

In this scenario, Scorpion will have a standing hitbox. This means that the jump-in 2 hit and the 3 was buffered. Jump-in 2 beats spear and hell fire outright. When Raven lands, the 3 will automatically come out as it was buffered, and you can stop holding forward and cancel 3 into lift and full combo (3 hits twice and has a long active time so you have plenty of time to confirm and cancel into lift. Note that it doesn't matter whether you cancel the first or second hit of 3).

Like outcome #1, all of these combos lead to another knockdown/cross-up setup whether she has meter or not (all meter will dictate is how much damage she does before putting Scorp into another setup).

Outcome #3: Jump-in 2 hits armour as Scorpion does wake-up supermove

The start-up cinematic for the super should begin before jump 2 actually hits. This gives you what, a second and a half for the brain to say "I shouldn't input 3". Jump-in 2 will hit the armour, and she lands in time to block the actual hit of the super. She MAY be able to back-dash on landing to avoid the hit and punish it, but I didn't think to test that when I worked out the tech.

Outcome 4: Jump-in 2 is blocked

The only option (other than super and MB teleport, and those may be punishable if somebody tests it) that doesn't put Scorpion into a full combo and repeat setup. If Scorpion gets too excited and tries to punish the blocked attack there's a good chance he'll be hit by the buffered 3. If he keeps blocking, buffered 3 will come out and the end result will be Raven at +0.

In Conclusion

5-5. Raven needs 1 opening (demon grab, Soul Crush at a pretty close range, one successful jump-in, lift, 6 frame D1, etc) to do 40+% to Scorpion and make him guess right or have him take another 40+%, which he then needs to guess right or take etc etc etc :).

I'm not ignoring the grief Scorpion can give Raven in return as she really can't zone (then again, most chars can't against Scorpion). Fortunately she is good enough close-up in this MU to compensate and up close shuts down all of his escape tools.

Oh, this ghetto option select thing should apply to pretty much every character vs. Scorp who can put him into a knockdown/jump-in cross-up situation.

Extra Disclaimer

This was worked out mooooonths ago and patches may have changed it.


Also I still say Bane is disadvantage for Raven, but then I was such a fraud in that MU it wasn't even funny. I got as far as looking at his move list and pretty much went "fuck it" and gave up :p
If it is a 6-4 then I think it is a manageable one.

You have to also realize with MB B3 buffs Raven has more options too.
Yea 6-4 is always manageable.

Well basically I won't yolo charge full screen anymore lol since it's actually a decent punish. But yea every character got those buffs, we play around them still. Not denying it helps though


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Mb b.3 buffs help Bane too, you know. Gives us options outside of venom and the +50% damage lets us break 14% on level 3 cooldown which isn't much but it gets rid of the timer and the damage helps.


My blades will find your heart
Mb b.3 buffs help Bane too, you know. Gives us options outside of venom and the +50% damage lets us break 14% on level 3 cooldown which isn't much but it gets rid of the timer and the damage helps.
I never said it didnt. I said it also gives us options too.

Ill add 4-6 to the OP since that seems to be the overall consensus, but I will keep the 5-5 in parentheses in case the MU changes anytime soon.


We can play later if you'd like. I'm starting to hate playing online and determining mu numbers based on online is started to look kinda bad to me.
Playing ravens online seems like a bad idea in general. The online lag makes it to where she is just too easy to react to, when she should be reacting to you. For trolling purposes I just get bored and start out zoning raven players online just because it has gotten that bad. I can agree judging m.u numbers based online is a universally bad idea, and wish others would figure it out. But a good bane is going to be a real challenge if you don't play against him a lot. Good luck when you play one cause the buffs only added to his oki chase


My blades will find your heart
As much fervor as I put into my Bane defense, honestly most of our MU numbers are in the negative anyways so I don't care if its even or better, as long as its at or above 4-6 then its a winnable match.
Same way I feel about raven

Edit: Except about most of our MUs being negative, she def has better MU numbers than Bane lol