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Rate Your Main Injustice Character(s)

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player

(.1) Damage :3/3 ( Amazing Damage) midscreen, corner and interactables kick 50%and more by using 1 meter.

(2.) Offense :5/5 ( Great 50/50 set up. It is almost scary to get reset by catwoman because 2 resets can just take the first health bar away by doing a set up first. Then do a guessing reset and follow up with a Ra Helios MB catdash and end it with 122 reset or a high damaging catacratch ) plus she has alot of overhead,low,mid low mix ups)

(3.) Defense : 4.7/5(she can dodge alot of moves by doing b3 which is very useful and punish. she can also dodge by backing up as well. She has the best dodge punish move by using b3 in the game. Plus she can gain claws for using evade for extra damage and invisible wake up. Her wake ups sucks except for catclaw and catacratch. Her wake up mb catdash is great when people trying to jump over you while you on the ground)

(4.) Zoning : 1/3 ( no zoning tools)

(5.) Mobility Speed : 2/3 ( her catdash make up for the fake out to get close to her opponent which make it a 2/3 instead of a 1/3 because her mobility sucks even though her frames sucks as well making her a slow combo character which suppose to be the opposite. FIX THIS!!!!

(6.)Trait 3.8/5 (great for wake ups and high percentage damage to change the game around.)

(7.) anti zoning : 2.4/3 ( her jump 2 is amazing. Especially when you are trying to get in while people is trying to zone you out.

(8.) interactables 2.2/3 ( Average ) on hall of justice first stage a 3/3 because there are setups that catwoman can do with her meter burn catdash just by pressing the bomb toy car.) only certain character can get away with this tech.

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Offense (3/5) Shazam has solid offense once he gets in, but his shenanigans are easily avoided once you know the matchup well. He relies HEAVILY on wakeup game and characters with good wakeup attacks can negate his offense.

Defense (4/5) Shazam has no armor, but his wakeup teleport is an amazing defensive tool.

Trait (2/5) While Shazam's trait adds a nice amount of damage to his combos--its effectiveness is very limited. Also, his trait only adds damage to striking attacks--mainly punches--and does little for his grabs.

Damage (3/3) Shazam has a very high damage output when he has meter. I'd almost put a 2 here due to his low meterless damage, but he usually has 1-2 bars meaning his combos net 40-50% pretty easily.

Zoning (1/3) Shazam's Bolt isn't so much a zoning tool as it is a method of trading when being zoned by superior projectiles. It's a nice way to tack on damage when someone is knocked fullscreen but serves very little to keep characters at bay.

Anti-Zoning (1/3) Shazam gets zoned very easily as his teleport is highly vulnerable in every situation but wakeup. He has a lot of trouble against characters like Deathstroke, Sinestro, and Cyborg.

Mobility (2/3) His teleport is functional in certain situations and his dashes are pretty solid. Nothing too notable here.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Power character. Shazam can tag opponents while they throw airborn interactables with his B23 string. He's also able to avoid poorly timed objects on wakeup with his teleport.

Total: 19 / 30 Shazam has tools to be effective, but he has to work HARD to accomplish his goal.


Zoning Master

Offense: (5/5) - great j3, high/low mixup in b1u2 vs b2 or f3, decent dash to get in
Defense: (5/5) - MBb3 is tops, and d1~sword spin gets anyone off of you into an awkward range for them. Sword spin for wakeups and generally safe gtfo. And sword flip.
Trait: (5/5) - free unblockable damage from the right setup
Damage: (3/3) - has great abare
Zoning: (10/3) - low gun shots too stronk combined with high shots and air shots
Anti-Zoning: (10/3) - straight shots are so fast that they screw up almost everyone's zoning game
Mobility: (3/3) - solid dash and sword flip get him anywhere. Not that it matters since he can put a hitbox anywhere on the screen on a moment's notice.
Interactables: (3/3) - gadget characters are the new power characters with their resets and shit.

Total: 44/30. This character is beyond perfect. He's also the most fun character in the game, mostly due to how much fun it is to watch dave rage about him.

Clearly DS needs more nerfs.
I cannot even remember the last time I "raged" about Deathstroke and low gunshots. I have realized that the character is not very good, so I am using one that is.
I cannot even remember the last time I "raged" about Deathstroke and low gunshots. I have realized that the character is not very good, so I am using one that is.
Actually, that's very true. You've been very good lately and have clearly moved on. I should stop poking fun.

Although despite the deeper discussion about KF, this sarcastic post is the one you picked up on :p

And the post kinda served a purpose - the numbers are going to be arbitrary, even if the initial weights are correct (which I don't think they can be, certain characteristics are going to be more important within the context of the rest of a character's tools). I think going straight to dissecting matchups is a better bet.


The Joker

Offense 3/5 - Joker is a nightmare in the corner with his multiple resets, OTG's and even anti push block setups. In the mid screen can also use a few of resets and OTG's. Most of his strings are safe on block on their own or can be cancelled into a safe Acid Blossom. His jump arc is low to the ground, combined with two of the best jump-ins in the game can make him annoying up close. He lacks 50/50's unless you set Chattering Teeth up first, which your opponent wont let you do. So he his not the best at opening people up.

Defense 2/5 - Only has Acid Blossom as his reliable wake-up attack and is single hitting so it is easy to counter if the opponent is looking for it. He can camp with Chattering Teeth beforehand, which can help break opponent's combos and throws.

Trait 1/5 - The active frames are very bad. The damage is very bad. There are no setups that can be done from this either. The speed boost does not compensate for the risk.

Damage 3/3 - Great damage on his combos for little meter, his BANG! cancels and Chattering Teeth camping help him have meter stocked for most of the game.

Zoning 1.5/3 - Joker can have an unorthodox zoning plan that only works against characters who cannot zone themselves. Using Chattering Teeth to camp near him while also throwing canisters from far away. The canisters can be meter burned very late, making opponent's respect them on block. He can also check reckless forward dashes and jumps with BANG! Against good zoners, this simply wont cut it, Joker will get out-zoned easily.

Anti-Zoning 1.5/3 - Can use BANG! to prevent character's with slow zoning to get hit out of their move. However, he is forced to block/crouch and back-dash against good zoners.

Mobility 1/3 - One of the worst dashes and walk speeds in the game. While his jump arc is short and great for cross-ups, it naturally suffers from getting hit out of by projectiles.

Interactable Object Control 2/3 - Can use BANG! to keep players who are reaching for some interactable objects in check.

15 / 30
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You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Offense (3/5)
His pressure midscreen was nerfed heavily so it forces some people to think outside the box. For example trait during a blockstring can lead to more pressure but a d1 or sweep from the opponent puts a stop to and you just sit there and watch your trait meter deplete as your opponent hold back. In the corner however, he is one of the most frighting of the entire cast. Since this patch did upgrade damage of MB f3 and b3 his bounce cancel mixups return his damage the way it was before the patch, leading to over 50% with 5 hits. Not to mention he stuffs wakeups with his otg.

Defense (4/5) Super has multiple invincible wakeups but are highly unsafe and are easily punished. His MB lasers on block along with his super breath provide nice push back and an opportunity to whiff punish. His j1 and j2 are amazing anti airs and f23 (although a loss of range) still keeps people from pushing buttons from a distance. Finally his air dash and regular dash cover nice distances but are easily punished if read by the opponent.

Trait (5/5) This is now probably one of the best traits in the game still. Superman's trait completely stuffs out armor and gives a nice damage boost. It puts those in there place who are MB b3/f3 happy and keeps doomsday, bane, and grundy in check as the trait also effects his projectiles. Lastly, his trait provides more combo opportunity since it can be activated to increase combo damage.

Damage (3/3) People might disagree with me on this but, Superman's damage is perfectly balanced. His max midscreen with a bar and trait is usually 42% and in the corner its insane but requires the heavy spending of bar and right reads on your opponent. Did I mention his super? His super might have been nerfed to 5 frames but this thing guarantees a lot of unclashable damage, allows easy punishes on things (example would be Aquaman's from the deep on block), and gets a boost from Superman's trait. His chip damage and hits on his lasers are really nice to plus his throw gets a boost and sends them away to be zoned.

Zoning (2/3) His lasers are extremely damaging, build good meter, can lead to huge damage from being hit confirmed into super or combo, but are easily punished. His heat zap has extremely so startup and gets beat by a lot of projectiles and even if the laser is fired, it will disappear. His breath has decent range and can send his opponent full screen and MB lasers on hit will do the same and hit overhead. His lasers also get a nice damage buff from trait.

Anti-Zoning (2/3) The best to deal with zoning as Superman is usually to fight back with your own. His air dash allows him to dodge quite a lot of projectiles and punish it with his own but his air lasers (even when being instant aired), are punished by multiple things like Grundy's swamp hands, Joker's gunshot, MMH's teleport, etc. This will mean he will have to spend a bar to keep safe.

Mobility (2/3) Superman has a nice forward dash, and a decent backwards one but is easily punished by a good read. His air dash is quite quick and when instant aired leads to hard to block crossups. It is also used to play minds games with air lasers.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Next to bane's interactable damage has got to be Superman. His trait also increases his damage on interactables and his many hard knockdowns are great setups for it. On some stages, he gets a 50/50 otg off like the computer on the watchtower.


Best Doomsday in the world

Offense (3/5) Amazing ability to get in but no real damage or mix ups once he does. Lots of frame traps but no real damage off the frame traps either, amazing corner game but can easily be disrespected by some characters. Parrys blow Doomsday up free.

Defense (4/5) 6 frame anti air grab, 7 frame d1 with low forward range, Only reason this isn't a 5/5 is because his backdash is ass and so are his wake up options. Doomsday's mb b3 is also very godlike and underused even by myself and Noobe, I always tell myself to use it but end up forgetting.

Trait (4/5) Godlike trait with a lot of little bugs here and there. Would be 5/5 if you couldn't parry him while he was in it.

Damage (1/3) :c

Zoning (1/3) That no projectile lyfe. Unless you count hurling yourself at the opponent as a projectile, in which case he does have one.

Anti-Zoning (3/3) Venom and trait make this self explanatory.

Mobility (3/3) The only thing telling me to give him a 2/3 in this category is his poor backdash, but I think he more than makes up for that with decent walk speed, amazing forward hop (low evade), and body splash.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Power character and can avoid a lot of interactables by using mb nova, can also take half damage from them in trait or go completely through them and punish with venom if you want to take the damage. Wish I could give him a 4/3 in this category.

Total: (22/30)


Joker waiting room
This. My Lex combos almost always end on a probe or armor, depending on which one is up.

On a side note, I am a random, but going to do one for Joker anyway:

The Joker

Offense (3/5): This score may be a little generous, but allow me to explain. Joker has a wide variety of highs and lows, but sadly, none of them manage to work together to make any sort of 50/50 (Except for off of crowbar OTGs, but those are slow enough that you can react to them, which kind of defeats the purpose).

That said, he does have tools to create many different "unblockable" resets, especially on knockdown and in the corner. In fact in the corner Joker can easily take an entire health bar off of some truly stupid resets (Such as the low/high/low OTG which loops back into itself).
Unfortunately, once you have enough matchup experience against him, it can be difficult for him to get in since many of these resets are gimmicky and once you learn them can be escaped.

Outside of that, most of his strings are +, and most everything can be canceled into safe teeth or be made safe by canceling into flower or crowbar. MB laughing gas will also make everything safe, but it costs meter and due to frame gaps he can be poked out of it.

Defense (2.5/5): Here's the thing, Joker actually does have an amazing moveset for playing defensively (Teeth traps, especially when mixed with flower which stops people from pressing buttons and puts them back into teeth, gunshot, j3 and his amazing D2. Laughing Gas can actually be decent for this too.), but it doesn't really matter since in most matchups he HAS to play offensively. Very few characters are forced to approach the Joker, so while he seems like he would be a really good defensive character, nobody will ever put him in a position where he can.

Trait (1/5): I am only putting 1/5 because Dave said we couldn't use 0. This is the worst trait in the game without a doubt. Not only are the active frames on this counter terrible, but the reward is to get a HA, which speeds up dash and jump/fall speed. Unfortunately, this does not speed up his move activation or the ending frames on the dash. What this means is that when he gets 2 or 3 HAs, Joker actually becomes a worse character. At that point a lot of his combos and resets start working, and his dash, while faster, is still as unsafe. It also makes his already worthless backdash even worse.

Actually, the more I talk about it the more I hate it. Seriously the worst trait in the game by a long shot. There are other useless traits, but at least they don't make your character worse than he already was (Except maybe Deathstroke), so I'm putting a new, more fitting trait score:

New trait score: Cruel Joke/5

Damage (3/3): This is one area where Joker players can't complain. With good execution, we get 42% for 1 bar midscreen (Or roughly 40% meterless off of certain moves in the corner or teeth/AA d2 midscreen). We have countless resets into more damage. In the corner your lifebar is gone if you don't clash (Assuming the Joker player has good execution).

Zoning (1/3): While gunshot is a good move, it's not really a zoning tool. Neither are the gas canisters. They CAN be used to zone, but in reality that's not what they're for. Gunshot, while good, goes over a lot of other projectiles (By that I mean quite a few characters duck or move their hurtbox ever so slightly when they toss projectiles and therefore duck the gunshot) and dashes. You know what, actually I'm just going to stop explaining it and put it this way:

Shazam outzones Joker.

Enough said.

Anti-zoning (2/3): This is hard to categorize because of how character specific it is. Against zoners that don't duck when shooting projectiles, gunshot is a great way to keep them in check, especially since you can hold it or dash cancel it. Against characters like Batman, who duck when they throw projectiles, life is going to suck. Why? Because I can no longer keep him in check with gunshot which means all I have left to rely on is...

Mobility (1/3): Joker's mobility is atrocious. His forward dash is mediocre, but has more ending lag than I want it to, and his backdash is borderline worthless. Pretty much I use his backdash in much the same way I used spot dodges in Smash games: Any move that has few enough active frames that the backdash outlasts the active hitbox, you can use it. Everything else don't even bother. This tends to be just interactibles and GL's B13. You may wonder, what about projectiles? Well, that works for some, but when you can't backdash an Oa's Rocket, you know you have a shitty backdash.

Oh and his walkspeed is pretty bad too.

Basically, I play Lex and Joker, and I actually think Lex has the better mobility of the two. Just think about that.

Interactible control (1.5/3): Joker's not bad with interactibles per se, but really they're nothing special for the most part. I am however giving the .5 extra for the few interactibles that actually do help him tremendously.

Hall of Justice cars give Joker the ability to zone since Gunshot can be used to pin you in place while the car comes to you, or while waiting for a new one to appear.

The cars that tend to be in the corner and that Joker can plant bombs on can be used to set up corner combos, which in turn means you lost a healthbar.

This is something I haven't told anyone yet, but since I'm leaving for a month and can't use it, here you go: The electric wires on batcave grant an OTG-able knockdown if you let the opponent just drop from them. This allows Joker to do an unblockable OTG reset with teeth and any overhead. Lex can probably do the same thing with mine although I haven't tested it. ( rev0lver test this? Might be useful.)

The Lion's heads on Themyscara also allow Joker to control a large portion of the stage and can combo into teeth.

Total: 15/30
It's not horrendous, but compared to the rest of the cast he does seem to fall a bit short. Here's to hoping we find some sort of crazy new tech...

BONUS CATEGORY: Meter building! (3/3) This should actually be a category.
Anyway, Joker does do this well. Joker builds a LOT of meter. Gunshot gives an absurd amount of meter, especially since it still gains the same amount when canceled. Teeth also give good meter, and the fact that almost every string uses a special at the end, and combos tend to use a LOT of them, he builds meter incredibly fast.
Using 8-12 bars in per round is not unusual for me. This also allows me to use super to counter-zone without crippling myself for the entire match.


BONUS Category 2: Unclashable Damage (1/3)
Joker doesn't really have much unclashable damage. Everything is multihit and it generally takes 4-5 hits to get to something unclashable. All in all I just resign myself to the fact my opponent will clash every game.
You can't build 8-12 bars even by using both your opponent's and your lifebar dude lol. Think about the matchups in which you can safely lay down teeth in the neutral game / gunshot to zone/counterzone and you'll see just how easily Joker builds meter.

Shazam only outzones Joker if you don't hold a gunshot for a bit, same with most other hitbox reducing projectiles.

Offense: 3/5 Good offense and crowbar buff gave us some setup and staying potential instead of ending a combo in flower and them being able to just backdash away. In some matchups like WW and Bane, the offenders have a much better defense than Joker ironically and J3/D2 being your best normals doesn't help damage wise. Part of WW being so bad is that you fish for 11% J3s while she gets a combo if you're even touched due to the nature of her normals.

Defense: 3/5 MU specific, vs some character his defense is 5/5, vs others it's mediocre. Most people don't have to deal with his defense so it can only be used to max potential vs select few.

Trait: 1/5 Some stuff you can parry you can backdash instead for a better punish. They should've allowed Joker's parry to parry charges and other things since it's a trait parry.

Damage: 2/3 Flowchart damage with meter, none meterless, best in the game if a background bounce is present and you have meter which means 52-78% combos.

Zoning: 1/3 Teeth are his true zoning tools, gunshot is a shitty projectile but usable.

AntiZone: 1/3 Only with the lifelead and even then most characters full combo you if they duck it properly and reversal. Good in some matchups

Mobility: 1/3 Horrible backdash, shit forward dash, shit walkspeed.

Interactable: 3/3 for background bounces, 1/3 for anything else.
Total: 13-15 / 30


Neptune's Beard!!!
The Arrow

Offense (3/5) "Say cheese." Resets galore. Enough said.

Defense (3/5) With a broken J3 & arrows everywhere, opponents can't come at him willy nilly.

Trait (4/5) 1% damage yes, but spam the shit out of them, and your opponent will be about ready to break their tv screen. Puny arrows not doing the trick? He'll use the non-puny ones. Loses point for lack of Boxing Glove arrow.

Damage (2/3) Low damage, but with all of his resets, we don't want our matches to be TOO easy.

Zoning (2/3) Clearly not the best zoner, but he can hold his own when needed. And once he gets a decent life lead, he can zone all day.

Anti-Zoning (2/3) MU dependent but for the most part, ice arrows & the knockdown on fire arrows leave Arrow with more than enough time to close the gap if needed.

Mobility (2/3) Great dash. Backdash sucks, but with DB2, that's understandable.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Broken J3 with great forward dash punishes opponents attempts to use interactables. And those power characters love their interactables.

Total: 21 / 30 Requires some creativity & good reads, but holds his own against majority of the cast. A couple bad MU's can't slow him down. :)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
But what about Aquaman, Batman, Sinestro, and Zod who are highly trait dependent characters? If trait is only worth 3 points, they will not acquire the points they need to be where they should be.

I do like your numbers whereas ApocaLips is continuously downplaying.

How are Killer Frost's zoning tools "average"? She basically has Kano's old knife toss and one of the best anti-zoning tools in iceberg.
My suggestion was to make offense and defense worth more though. Did you read my post? The scale must be NORMALIZED.
Give me an example of what your scale would look like.
wouldnt it be a good idea to rate characters on safeness as well? some characters can do some good damage, but they have to make the right guesses and they aren't safe. While you have characters who can do almost just as good damage while being completely safe.

and just like how you can look at characters like sinestro and zod being trait dependend, you can also look at characters being very meter dependent like scorpion and doomsday. Then you have some characters who are less meterdependent like wonderwoman(who doesnt need meter to do over 40%)


Zoning Master
wouldnt it be a good idea to rate characters on safeness as well? some characters can do some good damage, but they have to make the right guesses and they aren't safe. While you have characters who can do almost just as good damage while being completely safe.

and just like how you can look at characters like sinestro and zod being trait dependend, you can also look at characters being very meter dependent like scorpion and doomsday. Then you have some characters who are less meterdependent like wonderwoman(who doesnt need meter to do over 40%)
But then we would be evaluating 30 categories for each character, which would be impractical. I think the current categories are fine, but the weighed numbers may be a little bit off. I am ready for suggestions.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
i think some people are mistaking Green Lantern's trait for a really good one just because its needed to play him

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Offense (3/5) Solid Frame Advantage but requires konditioning (since they kan fuzzy guard) and arrows for 50/50's. Lacks good footsie tools to keep the offense going from anywhere but klose range. Most of his moves kan be jumped out of and punished so this limits him even further. Has fast long range dash to start his offense and a long range jump 3.

Defense (4/5) Low hitbox and good hitbox on his AA but slow start up. Backdash doesn't travel far which both hinders and helps him depending on the match up.

Trait (3/5) Arrow's trait is a big part of his game and it's pretty good in some instances. However, unlike plenty of other traits, it doesn't build up over time to bring something better. It requires manual loading which kan leave him vulnerable. So often times (like in the Batman match up), as he attempts to get in or run away, time is on the opponent's side.

Damage (1.5/3) Arrow doesn't do the highest damage in general and he doesn't particularly kontrol stages to mitigate this (with interactable damage). He does do good damage with meter but in order to get this you usually have to start with his low range 111 starter or a jump 3. For the meter it requires and kompared to other characters, isn't that much damage.

Zoning (1.5/3) His arrows recover really fast. However, they only do 1% on hit and he requires manual loading for better Arrows. Savage Blast is great at keeping some characters at bay but due to the start up frames of his arrows and the fact that he has to load him, he usually has to get in for most match ups. He typically loses the zoning wars since a basic arrow (on hit) does less damage than blocking an opponents projectile. Even loaded Arrows don't do much chip damage.

Anti-Zoning (2/3) Low arrows now properly lower his hitbox so this allows for kounter zoning. He also has a fast long range forward dash to get in. The frame advantage on low arrows is pretty low (pun intended) so it doesn't allow him a free dash in but generally helps him aim his own arrows (on hit).

Mobility (3/3) Jumping isn't that great but on the ground he has all the tools he kan ask for.

Interactable Object Control (1/3) Doesn't kontrol space well. Is usually to busy trying to run away from the few characters that he kan zone or is trying hard to get in while floaty jumping over interactables.. Arrows take time to aim so quickly attempting a kounter to stage interactable isn't quite feasible. Staying aiming to scout an interactable is both noticable and punishable since he kan't block while aiming.

Total: 19 / 30

Let me know what you guys think..
Scoot Magee
I posted a few pages back what I think of arrow. I put 3/5 for defense but it could be 4/5 because of that hitbox.

I think his trait is really good even with low damage. With momentum he can keep arrows on the screen, gain frame advantage and then load.

I think characters with air dashes and shit like that have the best mobility. Arrow is really only mobile on the ground while other characters are mobile in the ground and air.


Offense:5/5 F23
Defense: 5/5 F23 on wakeup or rising grab
Trait: 5/5 excellent chip damage
Damage: 3/3 does about 40-47 midscreen and about 70-100 in the corner.
Zoning: 3/3 controls the game from full screen, add this with trait make it a fun ride.
AntiZone: 2/3 i feel as if there are better characters that hande zoning. but i would have to say his rushdown stops most zoners.
Mobility: 3/3 has an airdash and his backdash is very good ever since BA's took a hit.
Interactable: 3/3 air laser is very good at opponents that love to use interactables.

this is a little over the top although i agree on somethings, but this was meant to be a serious view of your character.


Offense (3/5)
His pressure midscreen was nerfed heavily so it forces some people to think outside the box. For example trait during a blockstring can lead to more pressure but a d1 or sweep from the opponent puts a stop to and you just sit there and watch your trait meter deplete as your opponent hold back. In the corner however, he is one of the most frighting of the entire cast. Since this patch did upgrade damage of MB f3 and b3 his bounce cancel mixups return his damage the way it was before the patch, leading to over 50% with 5 hits. Not to mention he stuffs wakeups with his otg.

Defense (4/5) Super has multiple invincible wakeups but are highly unsafe and are easily punished. His MB lasers on block along with his super breath provide nice push back and an opportunity to whiff punish. His j1 and j2 are amazing anti airs and f23 (although a loss of range) still keeps people from pushing buttons from a distance. Finally his air dash and regular dash cover nice distances but are easily punished if read by the opponent.

Trait (5/5) This is now probably one of the best traits in the game still. Superman's trait completely stuffs out armor and gives a nice damage boost. It puts those in there place who are MB b3/f3 happy and keeps doomsday, bane, and grundy in check as the trait also effects his projectiles. Lastly, his trait provides more combo opportunity since it can be activated to increase combo damage.

Damage (3/3) People might disagree with me on this but, Superman's damage is perfectly balanced. His max midscreen with a bar and trait is usually 42% and in the corner its insane but requires the heavy spending of bar and right reads on your opponent. Did I mention his super? His super might have been nerfed to 5 frames but this thing guarantees a lot of unclashable damage, allows easy punishes on things (example would be Aquaman's from the deep on block), and gets a boost from Superman's trait. His chip damage and hits on his lasers are really nice to plus his throw gets a boost and sends them away to be zoned.

Zoning (2/3) His lasers are extremely damaging, build good meter, can lead to huge damage from being hit confirmed into super or combo, but are easily punished. His heat zap has extremely so startup and gets beat by a lot of projectiles and even if the laser is fired, it will disappear. His breath has decent range and can send his opponent full screen and MB lasers on hit will do the same and hit overhead. His lasers also get a nice damage buff from trait.

Anti-Zoning (2/3) The best to deal with zoning as Superman is usually to fight back with your own. His air dash allows him to dodge quite a lot of projectiles and punish it with his own but his air lasers (even when being instant aired), are punished by multiple things like Grundy's swamp hands, Joker's gunshot, MMH's teleport, etc. This will mean he will have to spend a bar to keep safe.

Mobility (2/3) Superman has a nice forward dash, and a decent backwards one but is easily punished by a good read. His air dash is quite quick and when instant aired leads to hard to block crossups. It is also used to play minds games with air lasers.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Next to bane's interactable damage has got to be Superman. His trait also increases his damage on interactables and his many hard knockdowns are great setups for it. On some stages, he gets a 50/50 otg off like the computer on the watchtower.
This is a pretty good break down. very realistic. Good stuff man.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Geez, all this character rating has gained my interest of a lot of characters. I kinda want to try them out.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
This is how I feel about Green Arrow

Offense (3/5)
It's hard to open people up without having them in the corner or an ice arrow equipped. I think is offense is average at best.

Defense (3/5) Savage blast and MB slide are decent wake up options. Sky alert and bow spin have their uses also. D1 is pretty fast with good range, it's good to get out of pressure when canceled into savage blast.

Trait (4/5) His trait is one of the best imo because of how many different options you have with it. Frame traps, zoning, 50/50 and ect.

Damage (1/3) His damage is really low compared to the rest of the cast. He gets good damage when uses lots of meter or a wall bounce but overall it's below average.

Zoning (2/3) It's hard to say for sure so I will go with 2/3. I think his zoning could be slightly better than that. When arrow gets momentum with arrows he can really control whats going on. Not to mention being able to dash cancel, high/low and hold. You can really open certain characters up from mid range with the threat of an arrow.

Anti-Zoning (2/3) I would say 2/3 for the same reasons as above.

Mobility (2/3) Because he has one of the best forward dashes in the game and savage blast for running away. Not so good are his back dash and walk speed.

Interactable Object Control (2/3) It's hard to avoid power objects but you can get over some with dead on, arrows can stop people from grabbing them though.. He has some useful stuff, most notably with the machine gun and the laser but power characters usually control the stage. Objects you can plant bombs on are decent as well.

Total: 19 / 30
I posted a few pages back what I think of arrow. I put 3/5 for defense but it could be 4/5 because of that hitbox.

I think his trait is really good even with low damage. With momentum he can keep arrows on the screen, gain frame advantage and then load.

I think characters with air dashes and shit like that have the best mobility. Arrow is really only mobile on the ground while other characters are mobile in the ground and air.
I think it's pretty funny that we both rated him with a score of 19 despite our slight changes..

I think we have very similar ideas. In particular, I didn't rate his zoning that high because I haven't been able to zone characters that kan actually zone like Batman or Superman. I don't see how it's that effective against a lot of characters in this game but it is great in some match ups.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I think it's pretty funny that we both rated him with a score of 19 despite our slight changes..

I think we have very similar ideas. In particular, I didn't rate his zoning that high because I haven't been able to zone characters that kan actually zone like Batman or Superman. I don't see how it's that effective against a lot of characters in this game but it is great in some match ups.
I feel against a lot of the cast arrow can really play his zoning game as long as he gets the first arrow on screen safely. I really don't just shoot arrows but I mix in dash cancels, delayed shots, arrow loads and ect. With momentum it opens up options for arrow to get in which makes people respect what you do after shooting an arrow. It's not really pure zoning but it's effective.