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Rate Your Main Injustice Character(s)

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Green Lantern ... and take my points with a grain of salt as I'm not a very good player :)

- Offense: (4/5) decent damage, safe 50/50 with his OTG setup, amazing in footsie range (B1 OP)
- Defense: (4/5) lacks armor, but his wake up lift is amazing, also amazing anti-air into full combos, and his keep away game is not bad either. His specials in general are very good.
- Trait: (4.5/5) it's not perfect, but it's almost there. It adds damage, range on machine gun, and improves his lift (used in his OTG setup).
- Damage: (2/3) It doesn't compare to the heavy hitters, but it's decent and it fits his playstyle and overall tools (40%+ with interactables).
- Zoning: (2/3) decent zoning, but we all know GL is not a zoning character.
- Anti-Zoning: (1/3) Air rocket is good, but his mobility hurts him trying to get in, and Turbine Smash is not a safe option for mobility in general.
- Mobility: (1/3) Covered in Anti-Zoning ... it sucks :)
- Interactables: (3/3) amazing usage of interactables (power character duh) + his lift controls interactables really well (especially transitions and the pig).

Total: 21.5/30 ... all in all GL is pretty balanced in my opinion, and definitely a solid pick.

That's all I got. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated :)
4.5 trait and 4 defense? lol nah i can agree with the rest though


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Because I can trait and blow through almost anything and full combo you, then end the combo in trait.
so, u mean to say that lex has lengthy enough combo's that by the time he's finished his trait is recharged and he can go into it again??


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
btw, how does banes dash cancel ability function again? o.o i remember hearing about it but forgot.



Offense: 5/5 fast overhead in escrima with b2 which can lead to more mixups, MB staff spin that is good to keep your opponents off you and for pressure, go well against armor characters, left right mixups, 33 mixups, great j3 for air to air or for instant overhead, and godlike corner game with staff/escrima.

Defense: 4/5 - d1 staff is a great get off me move. staff spin wakeup is effective against armor moves, flying grayson is a decent wakeup to give yourself more space.

Trait: 4/5 -NW is two characters in one. Trait can be cancelled for some dirty mixups and allow escrima to have a low mixup. Two playstyles that can alter the MU.

Damage: 2/3 - Decent. Good NW players can pull off 38%-45% 1 bar midscreen bnb combos and alot more in the corner. Good zoning damage too.

Zoning: 2/3- Works on some like Aquaman but there are some matchups where if NW want to zone they have to hit first.

Anti-Zoning: 1/3 Against good zoning characters NW is freee. No way to punish from full screen with combo and NW have to basically chase them down.

Mobility: 1/3 Agree with TakeAChance. Slow walk speed and he needs to have a double jump.

Interactable Control 1/3-Nightwing can't do shit against power characters that chuck interactables. Depend on the stage press R1 for free damage against NW.



PTH|RM Relaxedstate

Offense (2/5)
--- Cyborg has a very difficult time opening up his opponents. Generates 80% of his offense from fireballs and fireball frame traps which can be quite good. Corner vortex is a death sentence if he touches you (but usually he puts himself in the corner, and the vortex happens so rarely that it has minimal consideration). He is not even close to having a mixup game, let a lone a strong/reliable 50-50. Many of his strings are actually interruptible or back dash-able. Overall, pretty average offense, he has lot's of frame traps, just not was of using them to score damage. (Considering 3/5)

Defense (3/5) Good dashing and grappling can be a great escape (although it often leads him very vulnerable). Has quick poke checks like d1, or 2, that are good at catching people dashing in. Unfortunately only has single hit wake-ups that is very unsafe (although has excellent reach and hit a bit behind him). Can end all strings safely in sonic disruptor. (Considering 2/5)

Trait (1/5) --- There is very rarely a (non-gimmick) opportunity to effectively use trait. Even then he can ONLY use it in his good MUs for which he already wins w/o trait use. Against any zoning/anti-zoning character trait is worthless. Does nothing to help him overcome his weaknesses.

Damage (1/3) --- Cyborg deal most of his damage in 2% chip increments or 8% fireball blasts. The occasional 18-25% mid-screen corner combo or the very rare 50-70% corner vortex combos. (Too rare to qualify 2/3)

Zoning (3/3) --- IANB, Groundfireballs also have great chip, nice set-ups with TA missiles. Very effective if opponent lacks anti-zoning tools

Anti-Zoning (1/3) --- Grapple-hook has potential to be used as an anti-zoning tool, but it fall short (literally) and leaves him too vulnerable to really be considered great. Sometimes it can be used to absorb a move, and wiff punish (like sinestro boulder). Characters that can keep Cyborg in place usually do so pretty well, unless Cyborg takes extreme risks.

Mobility (3/3) --- Incredible forward dash recovery and 0frame start-up for grapple hook make Cyborgs mobility fantastic for the most part.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) --- Often gets the opportunity to throw objects since he is zoning backwards. Can also throw objects mid-grapple. Very effective control.

Total: 17/ 30
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cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3

Offense (2/5): He has no mixups and a shitty throw range. The vortex is NOT offense because it has to be set up. I consider characters with good offense to be Doomsday, Flash and Batman; characters that can mix you up and/or stay in your face.

Defense (4/5): His zoning works against alot of characters and his B12 buff means that he can control space and predict movement safely. The arachnid is a decent wakeup. Since his defense relies mostly on zoning, he has a much harder time defending against characters that nullify it.

Trait (5/5): One of the best traits in the game. It is the main reason he is viable.

Damage (2/3): His standard damage output is low but he takes alot of chip and he can get decent damage in the corner.

Zoning (3/3): He has some of the best zoning in the game, if not the best. If a character is not good at counterzoning and has to rely on movement to get in, he almost definitely beats them.

Anti-zoning (2/3): This is a tough one to call because it is MU dependent. Most characters cannot outzone him because his projectile is fast, the boulder checks aerial zoning, and teh shackles restrict movement. There are some characters like Aquaman, Frost, and Martian who can outzone him however.

Mobility (1/3): His forward dash is decent but his other movement options are forgettable. He has a shitty jump arc, which makes it harder for him to get over attacks like DD's venom.

Interactable control (3/3): He can usually get interactables because the opponent is busy respecting his zoning. His trait also makes interactables almost free.

Total: 22/30

Keep in mind that all of these (especially offense) get better when he has trait.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!

Offense (2/5): He has no mixups and a shitty throw range. The vortex is NOT offense because it has to be set up. I consider characters with good offense to be Doomsday, Flash and Batman; characters that can mix you up and/or stay in your face.

Defense (4/5): His zoning works against alot of characters and his B12 buff means that he can control space and predict movement safely. The arachnid is a decent wakeup. Since his defense relies mostly on zoning, he has a much harder time defending against characters that nullify it.

Trait (5/5): One of the best traits in the game. It is the main reason he is viable.

Damage (2/3): His standard damage output is low but he takes alot of chip and he can get decent damage in the corner.

Zoning (3/3): He has some of the best zoning in the game, if not the best. If a character is not good at counterzoning and has to rely on movement to get in, he almost definitely beats them.

Anti-zoning (2/3): This is a tough one to call because it is MU dependent. Most characters cannot outzone him because his projectile is fast, the boulder checks aerial zoning, and teh shackles restrict movement. There are some characters like Aquaman, Frost, and Martian who can outzone him however.

Mobility (1/3): His forward dash is decent but his other movement options are forgettable. He has a shitty jump arc, which makes it harder for him to get over attacks like DD's venom.

Interactable control (3/3): He can usually get interactables because the opponent is busy respecting his zoning. His trait also makes interactables almost free.

Total: 22/30

Keep in mind that all of these (especially offense) get better when he has trait.
grr so many need to know things that i don't know about, whats his vortex? x.x


Emperor of the Moon
The Flash

Offense (5/5) Meter + Trait = All 50/50 do over 50% into a hard knock down then another 50/50, oh and they're almost completely safe. Offense can begin from as far as 3/4 screen and most times combos end in the corner.

Defense (3/5) Speed dodge is great but hard to time for every attack. Wake up game is pretty good but if they're patient and know how to punish all his options it can be hard to get up. Back dash is very good but often puts Flash where he doesn't want to be.

Trait (5/5) One of the best in the game. Obviously great to use for combos but can also be a great hail Mary at the end of a match. Your opponent has already used clash and jumps? Trait and flash uppercut.

Damage (3/3) First hit with back 2 leads to 63% to start the match. MB Back 3 does extra damage because it is 2 hits. Even without trait flash can do 47% with a wall bounce cancel combo.

Zoning (1/3) Lightning charge isn't exactly zoning but it can lock down movement from up to 3/4 screen. Still most of his game is meant to be up close, and LC is by no means a safe way to control an opponent's movement.

Anti-Zoning (3/3) Low hit box, speed dodge, lightning charge are all great tools to tell zoners to fuck off. Throw a projectile at Flash at the wrong time and he's in your face instantly.

Mobility (3/3) The fastest man alive damn well better have a 3/3 here. Great dash, walk speed and lighting charge put him in your face whenever he wants.

Interactable Object Control (?/3) I'm not clear on this one, are we rating their use of interactables or are we rating their ability to deal with the opponent using interactables? If it is using them I'd say 1/3 because as an acrobat a lot of them just aren't that useful to him. However if we are rating how he deals with them 3/3. Speed dodge makes interactables almost a non-issue in most cases. Plus flash uppercut can punish for going for one in the air.

Total: 24 or 26 / 30
General M2Dave - can address the interacble control question? What are responding to, how they use them or how they can control them from an opponent?



Offense: 4/5 Pretty much the usual here. d1~ES, raw ES on characters with no viable wakeup option in the corner makes their lives hell, MB Venom, 33, ridiculous throw and sweep range, d1 range by itself is ridiculous, bodysplash, and stellar corner pressure. I would put this at 5/5, but when more and more people get the hang of blocking ES consistently, it drops him down a notch.

Defense: 2/5 Wakeup options are just...bad. Nothing is fully invincible at all. Air Venom (whether it's MB or not) on block is punishable and so is Supernova if the opponent avoids it. His only "defense" is to block and guess right. His AA is nice and all, but if you're fighting anyone worth their salt, they won't give you much of an opportunity to use it.

Trait: 4/5 Interactables don't mean shit to you with trait, nor does much of anything else. The only things that negate it are parries, supers and characters with retarded MB moves (MB minigun, trident, etc). A lot of people try to just spam d1 to lock out your trait, but you can just walk backwards a bit if they do that and take it from there.

Damage: 2/3 He's not the worst, but he surely isn't the best when it comes down to damage output. He requires meter to break 40%~ and there are characters who can do 50%~ in the corner with no meter. The most damage in the corner I can manage with DD with 1 bar of meter is 42%. Anywhere else on screen is usually 35% tops with one meter off of a bodysplash HC.

Zoning: 1/3 Doesn't exist.

Anti-zoning: 2-2.5/3 His anti-zoning is obviously a lot better than it used to be due to getting two hits of armor on MB Venom now. I say it's 2-2.5 because some matchups can eat through the armor without a hitch.

Mobility: 2/3 For such a big character, the dude moves fast as shit with his dash. His walk speed (along with almost the entire flippin' cast) is nothing to write home about. But having such a fast dash AND being able to jump cancel it is great. MB Venom's also a really good way to get in safely (MU dependent, obviously).

Interactable Control: 2/3 Power character. Supernova. Air Venom. Nothing more needs to be said, really.

Total: 19/30
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My blades will find your heart

Offense: 2/5 She just isnt an offensive character. There are ghetto 50/50s that inexperienced players might fall for but you arent going to be rushing down as her very much

Defense: 3/5: One of the best walkspeeds in the game which helps making moves whiff, but also lacks a serious wakeup attack to deal with okizeme

Trait: 4/5: Makes or breaks her in some matchups. It has its advantages and disadvantages but the pros heavily outweigh the cons IMO

Damage 3/3: Does 40+ every combo almost

Zoning 3/3: One of if not the best zoners in the game. Fullscreen grab, pillar soul crush frame traps, and builds meter like crazy

Anti-Zoning 3/3: As said above she has one of the best walkspeeds which definitely helps. Add on her reflect that when MBd can lead to a full combo and zoners dont scare her very much.

Mobility 3/3: Dash is mediocre but has one of the best walkspeeds, making footsies much easier to play and spacing much easier to employ

Interactable Usage 2/3: Some stages they are useless while on others they make the opponents life hell. She also has a lot of tools to punish opponents for using them for 40% combos

Total: 23


Original Liu Kang cop.
Lex Luthor

Offense (3/5)

Fast unsafe advancing special is good (Corp Charge) but not as good as others who are safe on block. Mixup game is bad, has a hard time opening up the opponent. Damage output is low, averaging about %35 here and there. Optimal combo will do about %43~ but is hard to achieve in a real match. Good corner game but not the best. Just average all round. Horrible walk acceleration, average dash.

Defense (3/5)
Advancing special is a good 'Get off me' move when you have to opportunity to use it. But if baited/blocked, full combo punish. Trait is good for nullifying zoning and chip damage, but slow to initiate and if interupted during startup, multiplies damage taken. Decent defensive setups in Probe and Mine which are very slow to start and can be blocked with just a little practice. Backdash sucks.

Trait (3/5) Average trait, has huge startup, if interupted during startup user will take multiplied damage, therefore must be dash cancelled which is unsafe. Trait is absolutely nullified by other traits like Banes venom, which will strip shields on block, Superman, Doomsday etc. - Lex shield is at the bottom of the 'Shield trait' list.

Damage (2/3) Kinda average damage one must work hard to achieve. With a successful setup Lex damage is respectful. Combos are weak alone.

Zoning (2/3)
Mine and probe are great when both on the screen. Otherwise separately very slow. Sky laser is super slow and easily avoided. Missile drop is decent in a setup. Lance will trade nicely against some opponents. Altogether slow slow zoning which, when used together in a setup, can be tricky to navigate but Lex can not outzone most of the cast.

Anti-Zoning (1/3)
Against true zoning characters like Raven and Deathstroke, Lex has virtually no chance of counter zoning. All Lex specials are very slow to start and Lex must slowly inch his way in with blocks and dashes.

Mobility (1/3)
Disgusting horrible walk acceleration, OK forward dash, terrible backdash, Corp Charge is fast and punishable but can cover some ground on foot or in air. Overall just bad. Hard time against good zoners.

Interactable Object Control (2/3)
Will interupt opponent interactable attempts from midscreen with Corp Charge, otherwise has no chance to interupt. Is a power character himself and with trait can sometimes net a free interactable, but overall average interactable control.

Total: 17 / 30
Bad offense? What?! Armoured 50/50's that end in hard knockdowns for either more armour or more straight up 50/50's?


thugs bunny

Offense (5/5)

Extremely oppressive offense

Far reaching 14 frame low that leads into meterless or metered vortex.

D1 into Batwheel has retarded reach and gives you a free 50/50 knockdown chance

111 string is +22 on hit for easy 50/50 into vortex

Every blocked j2 is a guessing game into vortex

MB f3 leads into vortex

Her most useful moves are either safe or hard to punish

Defense (5/5)

Guessing games for the opponent on wake-up

Wake-up Batwheel is hard to punish. Even characters that jump or box-jump have the risk of Batgirl waking up with smokebomb
instead and being put into a vortex situation.

Wake-up Smokebomb catches a lot of people trying to jump-in or throw interactables on knockdown.

Wake-up MB f3 can catch people who walk up and crouch block expecting wake-up Batwheel

Trait (3/5)

Decent trait. The extra chip damage is worth the damage decrease on hit since you will be playing the vortex game.

Hard to find a place to get trait out against some rushdown characters without sacrificing offense opportunities.

Damage (2/3)

Tons of damage with meter in the corner.

Mediocre meterless midscreen.

Zoning (2/3)

Bolas - +3 on block. Bolas can be held to play mind games and catch jumpers.

Batarangs -MB up Batarangs cover a good portion of the top screen.

Batevade into scatterbomb - Complete trash. Super slow and -39 on block

Anti-Zoning (3/3)

Smokebomb destroys most of the zoning in the game

Mobility (2/3)

Fast forward dash and decent backdash.

Bat evade to flying kick is a fairly safe way to close the distance in some situations.

Interactable Object Control (3/3)

Smokebomb destroys anyone trying to use interactables even on knockdown

Total: 25 / 30


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!

Offense (5/5)

Extremely oppressive offense

Far reaching 14 frame low that leads into meterless or metered vortex.

D1 into Batwheel has retarded reach and gives you a free 50/50 knockdown chance

111 string is +22 on hit for easy 50/50 into vortex

Every blocked j2 is a guessing game into vortex

MB f3 leads into vortex

Her most useful moves are either safe or hard to punish

Defense (5/5)

Guessing games for the opponent on wake-up

Wake-up Batwheel is hard to punish. Even characters that jump or box-jump have the risk of Batgirl waking up with smokebomb
instead and being put into a vortex situation.

Wake-up Smokebomb catches a lot of people trying to jump-in or throw interactables on knockdown.

Wake-up MB f3 can catch people who walk up and crouch block expecting wake-up Batwheel

Trait (3/5)

Decent trait. The extra chip damage is worth the damage decrease on hit since you will be playing the vortex game.

Hard to find a place to get trait out against some rushdown characters without sacrificing offense opportunities.

Damage (2/3)

Tons of damage with meter in the corner.

Mediocre meterless midscreen.

Zoning (2/3)

Bolas - +3 on block. Bolas can be held to play mind games and catch jumpers.

Batarangs -MB up Batarangs cover a good portion of the top screen.

Batevade into scatterbomb - Complete trash. Super slow and -39 on block

Anti-Zoning (3/3)

Smokebomb destroys most of the zoning in the game

Mobility (2/3)

Fast forward dash and decent backdash.

Bat evade to flying kick is a fairly safe way to close the distance in some situations.

Interactable Object Control (3/3)

Smokebomb destroys anyone trying to use interactables even on knockdown

Total: 25 / 30
box jumping....whats that?


I write too much.
Yeah, or do a setup that practically guarantees it.
This. My Lex combos almost always end on a probe or armor, depending on which one is up.

On a side note, I am a random, but going to do one for Joker anyway:

The Joker

Offense (3/5): This score may be a little generous, but allow me to explain. Joker has a wide variety of highs and lows, but sadly, none of them manage to work together to make any sort of 50/50 (Except for off of crowbar OTGs, but those are slow enough that you can react to them, which kind of defeats the purpose).

That said, he does have tools to create many different "unblockable" resets, especially on knockdown and in the corner. In fact in the corner Joker can easily take an entire health bar off of some truly stupid resets (Such as the low/high/low OTG which loops back into itself).
Unfortunately, once you have enough matchup experience against him, it can be difficult for him to get in since many of these resets are gimmicky and once you learn them can be escaped.

Outside of that, most of his strings are +, and most everything can be canceled into safe teeth or be made safe by canceling into flower or crowbar. MB laughing gas will also make everything safe, but it costs meter and due to frame gaps he can be poked out of it.

Defense (2.5/5): Here's the thing, Joker actually does have an amazing moveset for playing defensively (Teeth traps, especially when mixed with flower which stops people from pressing buttons and puts them back into teeth, gunshot, j3 and his amazing D2. Laughing Gas can actually be decent for this too.), but it doesn't really matter since in most matchups he HAS to play offensively. Very few characters are forced to approach the Joker, so while he seems like he would be a really good defensive character, nobody will ever put him in a position where he can.

Trait (1/5): I am only putting 1/5 because Dave said we couldn't use 0. This is the worst trait in the game without a doubt. Not only are the active frames on this counter terrible, but the reward is to get a HA, which speeds up dash and jump/fall speed. Unfortunately, this does not speed up his move activation or the ending frames on the dash. What this means is that when he gets 2 or 3 HAs, Joker actually becomes a worse character. At that point a lot of his combos and resets start working, and his dash, while faster, is still as unsafe. It also makes his already worthless backdash even worse.

Actually, the more I talk about it the more I hate it. Seriously the worst trait in the game by a long shot. There are other useless traits, but at least they don't make your character worse than he already was (Except maybe Deathstroke), so I'm putting a new, more fitting trait score:

New trait score: Cruel Joke/5

Damage (3/3): This is one area where Joker players can't complain. With good execution, we get 42% for 1 bar midscreen (Or roughly 40% meterless off of certain moves in the corner or teeth/AA d2 midscreen). We have countless resets into more damage. In the corner your lifebar is gone if you don't clash (Assuming the Joker player has good execution).

Zoning (1/3): While gunshot is a good move, it's not really a zoning tool. Neither are the gas canisters. They CAN be used to zone, but in reality that's not what they're for. Gunshot, while good, goes over a lot of other projectiles (By that I mean quite a few characters duck or move their hurtbox ever so slightly when they toss projectiles and therefore duck the gunshot) and dashes. You know what, actually I'm just going to stop explaining it and put it this way:

Shazam outzones Joker.

Enough said.

Anti-zoning (2/3): This is hard to categorize because of how character specific it is. Against zoners that don't duck when shooting projectiles, gunshot is a great way to keep them in check, especially since you can hold it or dash cancel it. Against characters like Batman, who duck when they throw projectiles, life is going to suck. Why? Because I can no longer keep him in check with gunshot which means all I have left to rely on is...

Mobility (1/3): Joker's mobility is atrocious. His forward dash is mediocre, but has more ending lag than I want it to, and his backdash is borderline worthless. Pretty much I use his backdash in much the same way I used spot dodges in Smash games: Any move that has few enough active frames that the backdash outlasts the active hitbox, you can use it. Everything else don't even bother. This tends to be just interactibles and GL's B13. You may wonder, what about projectiles? Well, that works for some, but when you can't backdash an Oa's Rocket, you know you have a shitty backdash.

Oh and his walkspeed is pretty bad too.

Basically, I play Lex and Joker, and I actually think Lex has the better mobility of the two. Just think about that.

Interactible control (1.5/3): Joker's not bad with interactibles per se, but really they're nothing special for the most part. I am however giving the .5 extra for the few interactibles that actually do help him tremendously.

Hall of Justice cars give Joker the ability to zone since Gunshot can be used to pin you in place while the car comes to you, or while waiting for a new one to appear.

The cars that tend to be in the corner and that Joker can plant bombs on can be used to set up corner combos, which in turn means you lost a healthbar.

This is something I haven't told anyone yet, but since I'm leaving for a month and can't use it, here you go: The electric wires on batcave grant an OTG-able knockdown if you let the opponent just drop from them. This allows Joker to do an unblockable OTG reset with teeth and any overhead. Lex can probably do the same thing with mine although I haven't tested it. ( rev0lver test this? Might be useful.)

The Lion's heads on Themyscara also allow Joker to control a large portion of the stage and can combo into teeth.

Total: 15/30
It's not horrendous, but compared to the rest of the cast he does seem to fall a bit short. Here's to hoping we find some sort of crazy new tech...

BONUS CATEGORY: Meter building! (3/3) This should actually be a category.
Anyway, Joker does do this well. Joker builds a LOT of meter. Gunshot gives an absurd amount of meter, especially since it still gains the same amount when canceled. Teeth also give good meter, and the fact that almost every string uses a special at the end, and combos tend to use a LOT of them, he builds meter incredibly fast.
Using 8-12 bars in per round is not unusual for me. This also allows me to use super to counter-zone without crippling myself for the entire match.


BONUS Category 2: Unclashable Damage (1/3)
Joker doesn't really have much unclashable damage. Everything is multihit and it generally takes 4-5 hits to get to something unclashable. All in all I just resign myself to the fact my opponent will clash every game.
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Black Adam

Offense (3.5/5)
Doesn't really have any practical 50/50s. His forward dash is awesome. Almost all his strings are plus. He does get some setups on knockdown, though. Offense is mostly initiated through trait cancels and his DK. He is still at his best when on defense due to his B23 being slow for offense and his weakness vs alot the cast's air game.

Defense (5/5)
Although his defense is not what it was before the "Normalizations". (He was probably (7/5) pre patch lol. The only thing you had to worry about was backing yourself into a corner). He has: B23, an excellent wake-up lightning cage attack, trait to close out rounds, fast back walk speed, his still useful backdash, MB DK and MB Low Lightning to discourage movement. D1 is one of the best. D1xxlightninghands is very useful for checking people

Trait (5/5)
Great multipurpose trait. Can be used to close out rounds through chip damage. Can also be used to initiate offense and gain extreme advantage up close via trait cancels.
B2xxtraitxxthrow is one of the dirtiest things in the game.

Damage (3/3)
The damage nerf he received in the patch didn't matter. He can still take half life with no meter (using traited combos). Not to mention the chip damage he gets from trait cancels and throws.

Zoning (1.5/3)
Since his lightning was nerfed so you can jump it much easier than before it is usually risky to use to for zoning. He's not really your typical zoner anymore.
Black Magic is very negative on block. Lighting bombs are still super gimmicky and hardly worth the effort 90% of the time.

Anti-Zoning (2.5/3)
He has a great forward dash and DK to close the distance. Lighting can be used to counter zone. He still gets out zoned by a few characters and struggles, however...

Mobility (3/3)
Awesome mobility. Massive jump arc. Excellent back walk and forward dash. Dive Kick has amazing recovery for closing large distances.
He also restricts the ground movement of other characters so that also gives him an extra edge in the mobility department.

Interactable Object Control (2/3)
Meh... He can add thrown interactables at the end of combos when in the animation of his B23 Up up combo animation.
Nothing special here, but he is a power character.

Total: 25.5/30
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The Flash

Offense (5/5) Meter + Trait = All 50/50 do over 50% into a hard knock down then another 50/50, oh and they're almost completely safe. Offense can begin from as far as 3/4 screen and most times combos end in the corner.

Defense (3/5) Speed dodge is great but hard to time for every attack. Wake up game is pretty good but if they're patient and know how to punish all his options it can be hard to get up. Back dash is very good but often puts Flash where he doesn't want to be.

Trait (5/5) One of the best in the game. Obviously great to use for combos but can also be a great hail Mary at the end of a match. Your opponent has already used clash and jumps? Trait and flash uppercut.

Damage (3/3) First hit with back 2 leads to 63% to start the match. MB Back 3 does extra damage because it is 2 hits. Even without trait flash can do 47% with a wall bounce cancel combo.

Zoning (1/3) Lightning charge isn't exactly zoning but it can lock down movement from up to 3/4 screen. Still most of his game is meant to be up close, and LC is by no means a safe way to control an opponent's movement.

Anti-Zoning (3/3) Low hit box, speed dodge, lightning charge are all great tools to tell zoners to fuck off. Throw a projectile at Flash at the wrong time and he's in your face instantly.

Mobility (3/3) The fastest man alive damn well better have a 3/3 here. Great dash, walk speed and lighting charge put him in your face whenever he wants.

Interactable Object Control (?/3) I'm not clear on this one, are we rating their use of interactables or are we rating their ability to deal with the opponent using interactables? If it is using them I'd say 1/3 because as an acrobat a lot of them just aren't that useful to him. However if we are rating how he deals with them 3/3. Speed dodge makes interactables almost a non-issue in most cases. Plus flash uppercut can punish for going for one in the air.

Total: 24 or 26 / 30
General M2Dave - can address the interacble control question? What are responding to, how they use them or how they can control them from an opponent?
Get out of here....


Bad offense? What?! Armoured 50/50's that end in hard knockdowns for either more armour or more straight up 50/50's?
that is a best possible scenario. i already discussed this with my friend, we agreed on 3.5 max offense. you gotta compare lex best case offense to characters like batgirl and killer frost who have endless unseeable 50/50s, killer frosts safe fast advancing special, batman and flash with their free safe pressure and ease of getting in, green lanterns high damage mixup 50/50 game, etc. I dont feel right giving lex a 4 in the face of a lot of characters who work way less for much better offense.


I write too much.
that is a best possible scenario. i already discussed this with my friend, we agreed on 3.5 max offense. you gotta compare lex best case offense to characters like batgirl and killer frost who have endless unseeable 50/50s, killer frosts safe fast advancing special, batman and flash with their free safe pressure and ease of getting in, green lanterns high damage mixup 50/50 game, etc. I dont feel right giving lex a 4 in the face of a lot of characters who work way less for much better offense.
I actually disagreed with you until I saw this post, but you're right. Lex may have some great offense when he's set up, but it takes quite a bit more work than most characters have to put in to get started.


Death is my business

Offense (4/5) : Good frametraps all around from J3 , f23 and f3 , his J3 is one of the best air normals in the game thanks to the huge hitbox and good active frames , unseable , safe and fast 50/50s ( b1 , d1 , b2 ) , f3 is a great space control footsie tool , wide arrange of knockdown setups to stuff most wakeups that lead into ambigous jump setups into 50/50s , midscreen crossup setups that allows for 33/33/33 mixups , great corner game that allows for bomb setups.

Defense (4/5) : between f3 , jumping back 3 , quickfire and air guns he controls how opponents have to approach and makes them hesitate more than they would normally , his wakeup game is way above average as his wakeups autocorrect on most ambigous crussup setups , multihit so he doesn't have to fear most MB f3/b3 , range on swordflip is good too , good anti air game with an underrated d2 , sword flip anti airs on reaction a good amount of jumpins and air quickfire to punish people jumping even fullscreen.

Trait (2/5) : has some good applications for setups or mindgames , depending on the stage i'd give him a 3/5 , good for closing out a round , gimmicky and punishable in the neutral game , corner setups are pretty scary.

Damage (2/3) : his damage isn't spectacular ( around 27-35 ) for no bars but his tools and mixups allows his to get constant burst of damage anywhere on the screen wether it be from a gunshot punish or a 50/50 mixup , doesn't need meter unless to get more damage from his b2 overhead and that's hit confirmable , he can choose to boost his damage by 2-3% using a MB quickfire midscreen and most characters can't do nothing about LGS chip when knocked down fullscreen.

Zoning (2/3) : solid runaway zoning that forces people to close the gap , quickfire being 2 fast hits stuffs moves with average startup , very hard to react to and solid fullscreen whiff punisher , on block LGS are punishable by a few characters even then he can MB delay them to be safer and makes punishing regular LGS harder.

Anti Zoning (3/3) : quickfire interrupts randomly thrown specials , one of the best and reliable fullscreen block punishers , MB version does 16% wich is better than most block punishers MB projectiles , LGS low profiling under high projectiles allows him to win trades and take no damage , air gunshots keep people out of the air and negates air projectiles on reaction.

Mobility (2/3) : his dashes and walkspeed are average but he has one of the best jump arcs in the game ( very Mortal kombat-ish ) high and fast and that's why i'm putting it at 2/3.

Interactable Usage (3/3) : very solid zoning options in most stages thanks to gun zoning keeping people grounded and sets up interactables after his knockdowns , prevents people from using interactables with air guns / quickfire very consistently.

Overall score: 22


The community has just witnessed a great tournament, yet the character forums on this web site are mostly dead and abandoned. I want to start something serious and informative. Read the categories below carefully and rate your main Injustice character, or characters. The idea has been taken from Tekken and Tom Brady's and REO's old MK vs. DC tier list (I will post the link when I find it).

Offense (5/5) Everything that involves breaking down your opponent defensively (i.e., 50/50 mix ups, vortex, untechable knock downs, etc.). For example, Wonder Woman receives 5/5 because of strong 50/50 mix ups, especially in the corner. A character like Ares probably receives 2/5 because of average offensive potential.

Defense (5/5) Everything that involves defending, which includes armor, wake up attacks, "get off" me moves and special moves, forward and back dashes. For example, Bane receives 5/5 because of armor while a character like Martian Manhunter probably receives 3/5 because of single-hitting wake up attacks.

Trait (5/5) Rate the overall effectiveness of your character's trait. For example, Zod receives 5/5 in this category while Deathstroke probably receives 2/5 at best.

Damage (3/3) Rate your character's overall damage output. For example, Grundy receives 3/3 in this category while Cyborg receives 1/3.

Zoning (3/3) Everything that involves keeping your opponent at a specific spot on the screen, which includes more than just projectiles. For example. Cyborg receives 3/3 in this category while Grundy receives 1/3.

Anti-Zoning (3/3) Everything that stops your opponent from keeping you at a specific spot on the screen. For example, Martian Manhunter receives 3/3 in this category while The Joke receives 1/3.

Mobility (3/3) Everything that involves being mobile. For example, Black Adam receives 3/3 in this category while Lex Luthor receives 1/3.

Interactable Object Control (3/3) Rate your character's control of interactable objects. In general, power characters receive 3/3, gadget characters receive 2/3 while acrobatic characters receive 1/3.

Total: ?? / 30


- Include examples and descriptions
- Decimal numbers are acceptable
- No zeroes
- More than one player can rate a character
- No downplaying

Offence=3/5 No real 50/50 game unless your in the corner with IAGS and not a lot to choose from when it comes to combo variety, but what he does have works.
Defense=4/5 Pretty good defense but nothing special except the armor breaking trait can be a good defensive tool.
Trait=5/5 This is obvious, Armor breaking, Extra damage, can be cancelled into it.
Damage=3/3 Still one of the best in the corner in terms of damage. with trait on it can get up there.
Zoning=2/3 Zoning is really good but you got to be smart. Very powerful zoning when it comes to damage/chip
Mobility=3/3 Good forward/back dash and air dashes.
Interactable Object Control=3/3 Power Character.
I Edited to put some details.
Last edited:


Zoning Master
Interactable Object Control (?/3) I'm not clear on this one, are we rating their use of interactables or are we rating their ability to deal with the opponent using interactables?

Good question.