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Bison of Beat Downs
Trolling with Sheeva

Anyone ever "Troll" with Sheeva? Not like spam stoming and stuff like that, but leading people on and then whooping their ass with her?

I was fighting some kid with a mic a little bit ago and he choose sub-zero and started trash talking right away. So I decided to have a little fun. I choose Sheeva and the match begins. He does the typical hide behind the ice clones and throwing ice balls, then sliding out of it. I lead him along by taking most of his attacks and throwing in a stray spartan kick or uppercut. I lose, but it's not over....

He tries to hide behind his clones, I telestomp. He tries to slide out of it, block and then use her sweeping attack that flings them into the air and then bring him back down with an air grab. He tries to combo me, block it and respond with a combo of my own. The kid is spitting slurs and curses at me like it's his job! I beat him and do her skin rip fatality. He doesn't offer a rematch and cusses me out all the way until the end.

I'm not a good Sheeva player by any means, but I thought it was pretty funny. Anyone else ever do this?


Bad Reputation
Why would anyone do that? It's so stupid and such a waste of time. Instead of trolling, we should be contributing and trying to improve strategies for the character.

Here's my Sheeva tutorial:


Bison of Beat Downs
Why would anyone do that? It's so stupid and such a waste of time. Instead of trolling, we should be contributing and trying to improve strategies for the character.

Here's my Sheeva tutorial:
Oh you. I did not know about Sheeva's footsies, but I will definitely start using that. Also, her second BnB in the video is what I directly followed up with an anti-air grab.


Bad Reputation
Oh you. I did not know about Sheeva's footsies, but I will definitely start using that. Also, her second BnB in the video is what I directly followed up with an anti-air grab.
But then she doesn't do the laugh ... You fail at Sheeva trolling. :D


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Sheeva Frame trap?

I've heard Tom Brady briefly mention a possible frame trap with Sheeva. With all of this talk of new Kitana tech (I'm a Kitana player but Sheeva is my proud 3rd) I'm wondering if there is some awesome new tech we could find with Sheeva!? Any ideas?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
it has to do with her step kick (don't know the input) jailing you for a ground throw. She also has the same thing with d4 in the corner. She can rip off like 40 something percent with an exGround throw too... pretty neat stuff. Now if the online Sheeva's would do this instead of tele stomp, uppercut i wouldn't just jump around the entire match being a dick :)

B W1zZ

Yeah I've heard of the guaranteed low grab setups but I guess I've never bothered to learn them...is it the 212 while they are on the ground?
If they are crouch blocking when the 212 string connects, it will jail them into crouch block meaning even if they release crouch they will be stuck crouch blocking, allowing her to get a free low grab into some big damage.

Also after a blocked BF3 command grab her D4 is inescapable. So what she could do for example, is go into a blocked 212F1 command grab, then go into D4 command grab or D4 fireball.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Sheeva has a lot of traps into her low grab when opponents block low and block traps with her BF3 on block. Many of them are mentioned here already. Tom Brady may have been early to discover some Sheeva tech, but the few Sheeva players on this board probably know more about her now than he does since he has little match-up experience against her.


Follow up after low grab.

I've been playing Sheeva alot lately and have been playing really well with her, I like causing abit of trouble with F3 into Low grab to try and get as much damage as possible, and say 3/10 i manage to pull this off.

My question is though, after the low grab what should i follow up with? I usually do B2 1+2 DF2, but it doesn't hit majority of the time, I can hit it everytime in the lab but it doesn't seem to hit when i'm against other players.

What does everyone else do after the low grab?


Is this the best option yes? Its just everytime i went for it last night it resulted in my B2 hitting and when 1+2 was entered it just whiffed.

Is this my fault on the timing or the opponent being a different distance all the time?


Sheeva has a few options.

If you're midscreen, you can for, low-grab, walk (dont dash), 2, 1, WalknGrab, easy combo and does around 35%+ damage.

For something more damaging you can go for lowgrab, B2, 1+2, cancel into fireball. This is quite easy to do and does high damage. If you punch someone out the air, you can follow up with, B2, 1+2 as they land.

One of her strongest combos is low grab (and this can be done, midscreen), B2, 1+2, Walk and Grab. Sometimes the grab whiffs, but if you land it, you'll get around 49% damage I think (it's been awhile since I used her so not sure if that is correct), but its VERY HIGH DAMAGE for no bar use. I do know the EX WalknGrab will usually always connect, of course, this means using one bar.

You can also use her anti air grab in a variation of the above combos and that usually has high priority if you have someone in a juggle state.

Catching people with her low grab is hard enough as it is, but the B2, 1+2 cancel into special, is a good "punish" combo. Her 1, 2, B1 is also a combo launcher that sets up some other nice stuff.

Sheeva is one of those characters that's fairly easy to use, has high damage, but hard to win matches with.

I really wish they could buff her low grab somehow. Make it either faster or make it that you can cancel combos into a low grab.


Yeah man, I know how you feel.

I really like playing as Sheeva though, its just this low grab malarky was kind of making me rage last night with its "will i hit, wont i hit" attitude.

Guess i'll just have to play around after work or something!


Yeah man, I know how you feel.

I really like playing as Sheeva though, its just this low grab malarky was kind of making me rage last night with its "will i hit, wont i hit" attitude.

Guess i'll just have to play around after work or something!
I used to try and condition people and make them respect her sweep. Like, if I hit two sweeps on them i'd run up and low grab. This often wont work against a good player, as even with online, they have time to react to the grab. It can also be fuzzy guarded which sucks. Sheeva is a powerhouse in the game and truly underestimated, but it's like she's more of a character that just punishes. I mean she really struggles against someone like Jax.

They should at least make her Ex low grab either super fast or give it properties that it will grab the opponent whether they are blocking low or high. I know she got a great fireball buff and her damage is crazy...they even buffed her anti-air grab but low grab is still a move that hasn't changed at all since the game came out. Like, you can low grab Mileenas roll on block, but you cant low grab a blocked SZ slide.


Wow, Doesn't make much sense does it not being able to block Subby's slide... Hopefully something can be done in the future about that, but its not really priority is it considering the actual amount of Sheeva players. :(


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
The Sheeva cast is so low right now.

B2>1+2>DF2 is easiest
B2>1+2>DF1 has more damage and better wake-up

You can add a walk NJ punch before, but it has strict timing.