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I hear you man. I'm actually having trouble with that MU myself. His movement and counter zoning options seem to butt fuck me every time. And I feel like I can't pressure him due to that fact that "IMO" he out footies lantern, but I am also not foolish enough to believe a match is bad because I'm not that good in that match up. But when I think about it from a neutral stand point I can see that MU being very even.
If I went by MY Lantern vs Tom's AM it would like...9-1 lol.

Trying to get more games in. I don't even want to play any other AM until I get Tom's down.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
If I went by MY Lantern vs Tom's AM it would like...9-1 lol.

Trying to get more games in. I don't even want to play any other AM until I get Tom's down.
Damn, Tom is arguably the best Aquaman out there so there is no shame in losing to him. Though I can imagine that being very painful, cause Aquaman be irritating as hell. Just last week I got bodied by EmperorTheo's AM.
Damn, Tom is arguably the best Aquaman out there so there is no shame in losing to him. Though I can imagine that being very painful, cause Aquaman be irritating as hell. Just last week I got bodied by EmperorTheo's AM.
Theo's great. But against Tom I was being really dumb in that MU. Which is why I want to go at it again and at least even it up a little.


Scorpion Scrub
You should ask tom and rebelo. I know denzell agreed to even in the aqua forums. And rebelo and tom played a set and rebelo is one of the best GLs out there. You already know I think its even. It's all about getting the lifelead but I can give you some tips on what works best if you want.

I highly doubt aqua loses hes just such a solid character.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
You should ask tom and rebelo. I know denzell agreed to even in the aqua forums. And rebelo and tom played a set and rebelo is one of the best GLs out there. You already know I think its even. It's all about getting the lifelead but I can give you some tips on what works best if you want.

I highly doubt aqua loses hes just such a solid character.
Tips are more than welcome.


Scorpion Scrub
Well one thing we as GL players have is we can lift from the deep and scoop from mid range, it's tough to get rid of the habit of going for b1 as a punishment tool but well worth it vs. high level aqua players as it will make the difference between a win and a loss and nullify his trait.

Best place to have aqua is towards the corner, where you can activate your trait and just spam your air rockets very close to the ground. If you did not know, air rockets with trait have better recovery making them so much safer, anything aqua tries will be stuffed as long as the rockets are perfectly placed. What's so good about this is that air rockets do 2.20% chip 8.8% DAMAGE with trait, you can take about 10-12% of his life with just chip damage off air rockets and will build about 1 meter enough for you to activate trait and do a mb ground rocket to continue your pressure. (And I'm not saying hey get him in the corner activate trait and jump spam air rockets lol you gotta read if he's going to dash you can do a jump back instant air rocket, if he's gonna jump do j1 and such.)

Aqua players will try to double/triple dash your air rocket to punish with d2, this is where you want to do a standing rocket on a read and mb for a combo, they will also try to j2 to prevent your air rocket, beat them with a pre-emptive j1.

Up close it's about equal on footsies, but aquaman has 6f poke and a 6f f1 i believe so you have to be patient and know when you can try to poke and build some space to start your own pressure. Also I would not try to d2 his j2 seems to stuff it a lot.

Basically the match is all about making the right reads, and not get caught by his FTD, gain the life lead and threat with air rockets, activate trait when possible to make rockets safer until he starts to approach and bait jumps to lift, or b13, with minigun just mb to create some more space and continue spacing.
Well one thing we as GL players have is we can lift from the deep and scoop from mid range, it's tough to get rid of the habit of going for b1 as a punishment tool but well worth it vs. high level aqua players as it will make the difference between a win and a loss and nullify his trait.

Best place to have aqua is towards the corner, where you can activate your trait and just spam your air rockets very close to the ground. If you did not know, air rockets with trait have better recovery making them so much safer, anything aqua tries will be stuffed as long as the rockets are perfectly placed. What's so good about this is that air rockets do 2.20% chip 8.8% DAMAGE with trait, you can take about 10-12% of his life with just chip damage off air rockets and will build about 1 meter enough for you to activate trait and do a mb ground rocket to continue your pressure. (And I'm not saying hey get him in the corner activate trait and jump spam air rockets lol you gotta read if he's going to dash you can do a jump back instant air rocket, if he's gonna jump do j1 and such.)

Aqua players will try to double/triple dash your air rocket to punish with d2, this is where you want to do a standing rocket on a read and mb for a combo, they will also try to j2 to prevent your air rocket, beat them with a pre-emptive j1.

Up close it's about equal on footsies, but aquaman has 6f poke and a 6f f1 i believe so you have to be patient and know when you can try to poke and build some space to start your own pressure. Also I would not try to d2 his j2 seems to stuff it a lot.

Basically the match is all about making the right reads, and not get caught by his FTD, gain the life lead and threat with air rockets, activate trait when possible to make rockets safer until he starts to approach and bait jumps to lift, or b13, with minigun just mb to create some more space and continue spacing.
when i play aquaman they use FTD and throwing trident to punish/trade with air OR. can this be avoided by doing it closer to the ground?
when i play aquaman they use FTD and throwing trident to punish/trade with air OR. can this be avoided by doing it closer to the ground?
Varying the heights obviously can keep it from getting predictable. AM players tend to punish with FTD on the way down of an AOR.

And getting used to what height will hit what distance is essential to GL zoning.


Scorpion Scrub
when i play aquaman they use FTD and throwing trident to punish/trade with air OR. can this be avoided by doing it closer to the ground?
It depends if you have trait or not, how close to him you do them and how high you do them, you have to play the MU a lot to learn the timing on when it's safe to do it, for example if close enough air rocket will cause the animation of trident throw to be stuffed, he can't try to do from the deep on a perfect placed air rocket because the rocket will hit him out of the animation. Full screen your air rockets will trade or/and get punished so that's why I recommend pushing aquaman towards the corner where you can guarantee a hit and can make your rockets safer, air rockets with trait are so safe and hard to punish up close but you have to do them pretty close to the ground.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Hey guy one character that is starting to really irritate me is Hawkgirl, I'm at a loss in this match up. I can still win it, but its a struggle. Can someone give me some tips about how to deal with her safe everything? She gets off the ground for free, though I am aware that if I time life I can hit her out of mace dive, but is still a bitch to do. I know I can meter burn it. but her d1 in -2 on block but its like kitanna's d1, because of the push back you can't counter poke, and b1 is to slow you let you poke out. And her up close mix his meh, but the block stun she get is gdlk, I know this match up is like 6-4/7-3 in lanterns favor but I'm at a loss as to how to play it.


Scorpion Scrub
Hey guy one character that is starting to really irritate me is Hawkgirl, I'm at a loss in this match up. I can still win it, but its a struggle. Can someone give me some tips about how to deal with her safe everything? She gets off the ground for free, though I am aware that if I time life I can hit her out of mace dive, but is still a bitch to do. I know I can meter burn it. but her d1 in -2 on block but its like kitanna's d1, because of the push back you can't counter poke, and b1 is to slow you let you poke out. And her up close mix his meh, but the block stun she get is gdlk, I know this match up is like 6-4/7-3 in lanterns favor but I'm at a loss as to how to play it.
Blackula would know this match-up best.
Hey guy one character that is starting to really irritate me is Hawkgirl, I'm at a loss in this match up. I can still win it, but its a struggle. Can someone give me some tips about how to deal with her safe everything? She gets off the ground for free, though I am aware that if I time life I can hit her out of mace dive, but is still a bitch to do. I know I can meter burn it. but her d1 in -2 on block but its like kitanna's d1, because of the push back you can't counter poke, and b1 is to slow you let you poke out. And her up close mix his meh, but the block stun she get is gdlk, I know this match up is like 6-4/7-3 in lanterns favor but I'm at a loss as to how to play it.
Because of her safe strings and everything I was thinking it may be closer to even. At least once she's in. Pushblocking is one way to do it but it just takes one more Mace for her to get in so it feels like a waste of meter just to prolong the inevitable.

A zoning HG loses horribly to Lantern, but a pressuring HG may win or go even with him. I don't know for sure. We need someone who plays this MU alot to say what they think about it.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Because of her safe strings and everything I was thinking it may be closer to even. At least once she's in. Pushblocking is one way to do it but it just takes one more Mace for her to get in so it feels like a waste of meter just to prolong the inevitable.

A zoning HG loses horribly to Lantern, but a pressuring HG may win or go even with him. I don't know for sure. We need someone who plays this MU alot to say what they think about it.
Let them hang themselves by pushing buttons

They will do it thinking they'll "mix you up", and then you can reverse the pressure.
b1 probably crushes so of her strings because of the magical hitbox and hurtbox it has.

if all else fails.... i'm pretty sure his f3 crushes her d1.
Let them hang themselves by pushing buttons

They will do it thinking they'll "mix you up", and then you can reverse the pressure.
b1 probably crushes so of her strings because of the magical hitbox and hurtbox it has.

if all else fails.... i'm pretty sure his f3 crushes her d1.
We'll try it out. I barely ever play against HG. Even bad ones.


We'll try it out. I barely ever play against HG. Even bad ones.

We can run it, but she's not going to hang herself when pressuring unless she whiffs something, she's at worst slight disadvantage after her strings and mace charge. If someone is trying to beat out Green Lantern when they're at minus 3, the Hawkgirl player is just being mashy, but smart Hawkgirl players don't do that unless you're going for a really slow normal or a high hitting string, which in most cases I don't see GL doing that.

And purely rushing him down isn't a good idea because he has superior footsie range with back 1 and lift is always there to screw with her mobility. I'm not the best at this match up, but her beating him when she doesn't take away anything from his game doesn't make sense to me.

She should be playing a complete game, not focuses on just rushing down or zoning, they both have a place in this match up.
So the MMH match-up, Catwoman match-up, and Green Arrow match-up...

These are match-ups I've been having problems with recently. What you all think about them?


Scorpion Scrub
About MMH, I haven't played a really good one I'd say but he's def a BS character with all his options. What I do know is that I'm almost sure after a blocked overhead teleport he has to respect b13 every time, this allows us to free pressure since he can't backdash or jump away like he can other chars, I don't think he can even mb b3 but I'll need to further test this. His zoning is def a problem specially with all that meter building but MMH is def a problem for everyone since you're forced to play his game.

Arrow I feel is even and Catwoman slight advantage for GL just gotta lame her out and punish those dashes.


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
Been doing some matches with DJTMIT and it's definitely rough.

Catwoman and Arrow might just be online. The Arrow sets were with a guy with a horrible connection.
I think Arrow is def 5-5, I think your main strategy is get the life lead and zone him out, I played Theo's Green Arrow, which I will admit its not that good, but thats because he was trying to out zone me with him using the fire arrows and I don't think he has really put that much time into the character, but I digress. Zoning wise I think its slightly in GL's favor, the main thing is up close learning to fuzzy guard his mix ups. Also keep in mind that d1 ice arrow is not a true block string and can be interrupted. On knock down most green arrows shoot that downward arrow, at least most of the ones I've fought save for Theo. I'm not sure if you can lanterns might him out of that on read idk I havent tried. Another thing to keep in mind is that Green Arrows back dash is trash. LM almost always catches him out of it, so be mindful of that, and be aware that with the patch and the buff to Arrows mb slide, that last hit is an overhead so remember so stand block the arrow at the end of it. Against good Green Arrows, you wanna pressure them with mix up, but only for so long than bail out with minigun block string and go back to laming it out. One thing that also helps me personally in this match up is trying to pick up on the GA zoning pattern and j1ing around the arrows, and counter zoning him back. MBOR can also be a very valuable asset in this match up since if you have lost the life lead in can create a small window for turbine.

Against Catwoman, the main thing that I do try to keep her out. Stay on the ground cause her air to air almost ALWAYS beats your j1 and other jump in moves. Minigun is your best friend, she has no answer to it....period. Her regular catdash is full combo punishable on block being -14, and her MB Catdash is -11, so b1/22 or if you react fast enough you can do LM, though that last option is risky, and would only be a wise choice if your trying to stop her from clashing.


Scorpion Scrub
Ok so I tested some things vs Martian and GL can deal pretty well with his teleport, on block GL gets a free b1 check, martian HAS to block or b1 will stuff any jump back, mb back 3 or backdash he does. You have to be on point though cause there's only like a frame that you have to check in case he jumps back.

What this means is that once you condition your opponent to block low, you can go for stuff like b1, b13. or b1 f3, or b1 mb f3 to make it safe, you can even go for f2 into overhead low mixup or the whole string itself and you can jump once in a while at your own risk or if you're failing to punish his jump backs.

Not only this but GL has decent punishes if you block his overhead teleport in the opposite direction you can do

without meter without trait d1, b13 trait LM 223 LM for 23%
without meter with trait 123 LM 223 LM for 28%
with meter without trait 12 OA MB, f3, 223 LM for 36% or you can go into Turbine setup
with meter with trait 12, OA MB, f3, 223, LM, 22 LM for 43%

You can also grab, or do F3 if you want to go for more damage however your opponent can block this if he reads it right.

Or if you have meter to spare don't hesitate to MB b3, it's a decent combo starter that can lead up to 40%+ combos.

Vs wake-up happy martians you can go into a turbine set up and do mb b3 to stuff their wake ups, preferably with trait for optimum damage with one meter. OR you can even do a early ji3 if timed right it will go over his wake up attack and you can combo from it, once you master this ji3 martian will have no choice but to block high leaving you at an advantage.

His regular teleport leaves him airborne also best punish I found for this is with F3 starter.

Happy Martian hunting.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
So the MMH match-up, Catwoman match-up, and Green Arrow match-up...

These are match-ups I've been having problems with recently. What you all think about them?
GL has slight adv or even against catwoman, GA is even, Manhunter beats GL
also batgirl and superman even??? maybe its just online that makes those Mus feel bad


Scorpion Scrub
GL has slight adv or even against catwoman, GA is even, Manhunter beats GL
also batgirl and superman even??? maybe its just online that makes those Mus feel bad
Yeah online it's bad, bat and super are def even though. superman offline you can dash/jump his lasers counter with oas rocket, etc. too many options then it's a footsie battle.

batgirl, her zoning is fradulent, you can easily get in on her offline and GL's b1 beats all her main vortex strings so she has to be careful using them unless she has the vortex going, jumps get lifted, teleports gets punished, with the life lead it's gg, I play this matchup a LOT offline vs renegade and it's pretty even, if batgirl didn't have a vortex I think GL could beat her but with it it evens up.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Who is the best Green Lantern player in these forums that plays on PSN?