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Didn't notice her damage output, I don't get past 45% with raven one meter, which is around the cut off point I have with gl off a situational attack. But I still need to fight a good online ravens for a few rounds so will test the uphill horror of this battle again later.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
GnG CrimsonPanther
AK Pig Of The Hut

I played a pretty decent Green Lantern online yesterday and I attempted the turtle and won with half my white bar left. He got salty but it definitely worked. I like the MU in Batman's favor slightly, 5.5-4.5....it doesn't help that the guy tried to wake up with Lantern's Might every time that I was close
GnG CrimsonPanther
AK Pig Of The Hut

I played a pretty decent Green Lantern online yesterday and I attempted the turtle and won with half my white bar left. He got salty but it definitely worked. I like the MU in Batman's favor slightly, 5.5-4.5....it doesn't help that the guy tried to wake up with Lantern's Might every time that I was close
With BMs trait, Batarangs and the threat of a MB Grapple, a turtling BM is rough.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
GnG CrimsonPanther
AK Pig Of The Hut

I played a pretty decent Green Lantern online yesterday and I attempted the turtle and won with half my white bar left. He got salty but it definitely worked. I like the MU in Batman's favor slightly, 5.5-4.5....it doesn't help that the guy tried to wake up with Lantern's Might every time that I was close
And a good GL should never wake up LM unless you jump at him during the wake up window. It's waaaay too punishable to just throw out.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2
Yea it is time for a new matchup chart, hopefully the new chart takes into consideration the ability to change styles of play from both parties so you don't see any outlandish numbers like 8/2 and 9/1 like in other character's charts. also turtle batman isn't as bad as he used to be for me anymore. Throwing the person off with the varying speeds of different projectiles helps greatly. Like oa rocket trait oa rocket trait gatlin trait into even rocket power. It is possible to get a little life lead and turtle yourself till he has to approach. And if the batman is used to trying to see if his trait hit first b4 grapple, its easy to time jump back then duck the last of the 3. I just had to adapt to his j2 b.s when in and batarang trait when out.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
GnG CrimsonPanther

Yeah, I told him afterwards that LM isn't the best wakeup...especially if you keep doing it. All other aspects of his game was pretty good...I'm not gonna say he's a top 10 GL in the game, but he was alright
Yea it is time for a new matchup chart, hopefully the new chart takes into consideration the ability to change styles of play from both parties so you don't see any outlandish numbers like 8/2 and 9/1 like in other character's charts. also turtle batman isn't as bad as he used to be for me anymore. Throwing the person off with the varying speeds of different projectiles helps greatly. Like oa rocket trait oa rocket trait gatlin trait into even rocket power. It is possible to get a little life lead and turtle yourself till he has to approach. And if the batman is used to trying to see if his trait hit first b4 grapple, its easy to time jump back then duck the last of the 3. I just had to adapt to his j2 b.s when in and batarang trait when out.
Sorry, just now saw this. Is trait OR/MG actually faster? And getting the life lead and turtling yourself is a good tactic, however, it's easier for BM to get in to get rid of that life lead than it is for GL. BM has to respect OR MB, LM and even B1 but with BM's trait it makes it a little easier for him. I do believe it is a slight advantage for BM because of all this. Still very winnable for GL but definitely not within his comfort zone.

Sent from my SCH-R830 using Tapatalk 2


Scorpion Scrub
Maybe we should play some time? It may be a couple days before I can get on...but I can still play ya then after I play DarthArma and maybe Pig again

I'll play ya, I have a good hang on Batman and can beat most that play on xbox except counterhitter and nightmare.
I want to say that even though KDZ did an awesome job with Superman at Evo, that does not make that match up 6-4 in my head. I don't want to throw out numbers in the first place, but there were a lot of times where DJT could've done a lot more... from more damage, to different mix-ups etc..
Shout outs to both of those guys though. They did incredible, and DJT being in Grand Finals in two games is godlike.


Scorpion Scrub
Yeah wish someone could've told djt that you can OAs rocket between lasers to take some heat off the zoning and lower baits from KDZ, his GL is really solid though beating Chris G's Green Arrow.


Gaming4Satan Founder
Yea, Denzel looked like he wasn't totally familiar with the match up.

I still think lantern v. Superman is even

EDIT: did he play any batmen or cyborgs on stream? I'd be curious to see how he handled the match up

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I've really gotten better at the GL vs Supes zoning game but I still truly believe it's Superman advantage.

He still does better up close, still has an advantage in zoning (mostly due to mobility), and does waaaaaaaay more damage.


Just a slightly above average player.....
GL vs Superman is feeling pretty even. I played with KDZ for about 3 hours at CEO and he helped me level up in that mu. Plus some of my corner frame traps worked rather well against him. Also found some corner tech vs most of the cast.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I'm gonna co-main lantern and aquaman from now on. Together they handle the whole cast pretty well while remaining similar in principle/play style. Batman gets rocked in this MU unless the batman player has a ton of experience in it, and then it's just a rough fight instead of a blow out.

Have yet to fight a good cyborg.

It's funny because aquaman works better for me with SF controls on. Since he's so reliant on d2, getting trident spike from going down > down+back and pressing 2 was happening almost 50% of the time. So, rather than break capcom habits like that (which are essentially good habits in almost every other circumstance) I use alternate controls.

The only problem is, you can't switch control schemes while online, so I have to go all the way back to the main character to change characters. I'll sometimes still forget and pick GL with alternate controls and just let myself get bodied since I deserve it.