I think we should wait for the game to come out before we decide on tournament rules.
I'm not seeking a decision to be made, I'm seeking a discussion about the topic as it's an important one.
Character lock with winner having to pick first appears to be the standard set by other games that have variations on the same character (like SSFIV).
Please keep things civil between comments. For example, calling someone else retarded for their opinion is not acceptable. Opinions can change and that's the point of this thread - to educate on current standards and to
theorize based on what we know (very little) to try and come up with ideas that would make the most sense.
Just to remind everyone, I understand there is very little truly known about MKX right now and what we do know is subject to change. The 3 variations of each character, however, doesn't seem to be one of those things so it's a topic we can actually discuss relatively legitimately.
Overall good thread so far, thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.