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Let's be serious here. KL is top 10. The "footsies KL" talking point needs to go away too. The Carl frantic KL jumping around like an idiot KL is the best KL. let's stop pretending otherwise. No one's doing anything with footsies KL. I don't even think people saying it know what they're talking about.
Exactly. KL's pokes are ass. His only real poke is spinning.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
Ermac? lol
I honestly believe one of kung laos most unfavorable, if not worst matchup is ermac.
iafb mind fuckery ensures safe jumpins or full combo punishes. aa uppercut angainst teleport for 35% with reset, 50 percent unbreakerable damage if he has xray. 50 percent on blocked dive kick. againsnt kung lao ermac has a pseudo vortex, after f4 reset, throw him or lift, kung lao has 2 options, jump or spin.
ending combos with ex forcepush wiff teleport put him in a similiar situation only with a few more options. but despite all of this kunglao can still put up a really good fight if he spends his meter carefully for ex teleports to escape such traps, unfortunately he might need his meter to break if ermac blocks a dive kick because he can punish it for 47% meterless.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Lao has bad pokes? lmao what? d4 is great and is d3 is decent, and the hit box on his d1 its pretty damn good. You think his pokes are bad?? lol

lemme introduce you to CSZ....

DJ L Toro

you know who else has a problem with low hit box characters?

well then, sounds like the top is kabal, characters beat low hitbox characters (cyrax dont give no fux), and then low hitbox characters, then everyone else. that makes lao what? 15? 16?

DJ L Toro

lao's not 15....
just in response to redeyes.only in that context and with those criteria is lao 15 or 16.
but nah he's probably 9 or 10
remember that the reason that PL says that he's not top 5/10 is that he doesnt have the tools to work around matchups that give him trouble. other characters have tools that dont necessarily make it less difficult, but make it more winnable. it's if a matchup is bad it's just bad, it's not good in certain situations, it's just bad.other characters a matchup can change based on meter or a slew of other factors, but kung lao really doesnt have that. or something like that


Button Masher
well then, sounds like the top is kabal, characters beat low hitbox characters (cyrax dont give no fux), and then low hitbox characters, then everyone else. that makes lao what? 15? 16?
no hitboxes dont affect tier lists otherwise kenshi would be at the bottom. people need to not make excuses PL didnt have a problem at evo vs low hit boxes.

DJ L Toro

no hitboxes dont affect tier lists otherwise kenshi would be at the bottom. people need to not make excuses PL didnt have a problem at evo vs low hit boxes.
henshi doesnt give a shit about low hitboxes. my point was that your post was dumb and your response proved it.
"who has a problem with low hitboxes? everyone" you say kenshi doesnt, im trying to figure out how else to dumb this down for you...


Button Masher
henshi doesnt give a shit about low hitboxes. my point was that your post was dumb and your response proved it.
"who has a problem with low hitboxes? everyone" you say kenshi doesnt, im trying to figure out how else to dumb this down for you...
you said it would be kabal cyrax then people with low hit boxes. if that was the case then high hit box = low tier?

DJ L Toro

you said it would be kabal cyrax then people with low hit boxes. if that was the case then high hit box = low tier?
damn, mount laurel, NJ needs better english teachers. cyrax is in parenthesis because he is an example of the category "characters that beat low hitbox characters." parenthesis do not preclude the text that comes before it, they clarify, elucidate, or provide an aside to the main text.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
no hitboxes dont affect tier lists otherwise kenshi would be at the bottom. people need to not make excuses PL didnt have a problem at evo vs low hit boxes.
its hard but you have to take players out of it. it doesnt really matter what he did at evo...he is the best (one of...) player in the world...that doesn't make KL any better or worse. He is where he is and we just need to figure out what that is despite tournament finishes. you cant deny that low hitbox characters make his life hard. If they are bad MU then its about how many he has. is he top ten? Probably. is he top 5? maybe.

but a tourney win makes PL good...not KL.


Button Masher
damn, mount laurel, NJ needs better english teachers. cyrax is in parenthesis because he is an example of the category "characters that beat low hitbox characters." parenthesis do not preclude the text that comes before it, they clarify, elucidate, or provide an aside to the main text.
im done with you every time i read something from you its pretty much hate for someone voicing their opinion you act like a dickhead plain and simple.

and do not talk shit on my home town ok? ok good.
That's from your imagination ? Even when PL dropped mk, ppl though KL was top 1 (before kabal rises by Warda/REO). This char is the biggest threat a newb can be with so far.

How many KL in top 8 since the game as been released ? comon.. PL has nothing to do with KL tier list. People can see by themself. And I think, PL didn't pick kabal as a second main just by coincidence. ;)
Please...nobody was even mentioning kung lao after the last patch. And people thought kung lao was 1 because they couldnt block low and lost to gimmicks, before PL came back everyone thought kitana, kabal, jax, sonya, johnny cage, smoke, freddy and kenshi were better than kung lao.

How many kung lao players consistently place top 8? forever king and PL and both these players counterpick as well. Believe me Pl has everything to do with people thinking kung lao is top 5. And why mention ''newb'' players using kung lao? sounds to me people abuse the gimmicks on you...
its hard but you have to take players out of it. it doesnt really matter what he did at evo...he is the best (one of...) player in the world...that doesn't make KL any better or worse. He is where he is and we just need to figure out what that is despite tournament finishes. you cant deny that low hitbox characters make his life hard. If they are bad MU then its about how many he has. is he top ten? Probably. is he top 5? maybe.

but a tourney win makes PL good...not KL.
People are funny because they dont even know lao and keep saying everyone has to deal with low hitbox characters...half of the cast has a low/midhitting string or something they can use to counter it, they dont even understand the problem, look at sonya, cage, kenshi, kabal, liu kang, smoke, cyrax, reptile freddy all have a string or other bullshit they can use against low hitbox characters even nightwolf has a string that hits mid that he can use.

Next to that his pokes are decent, even if his pokes were godlike he cant follow it up because he cant really make use of the advantage on hit because his strings dont hit mid which means when he tries to follow up a d3 on hit with his 7 frame jab, people can still uppercut d1/d3/d4 him out of it. GG's

Okay people saying every character has to deal with low hitbox characters just like kung lao....so what makes kung lao so special that he is top 3? People are basically saying he is top 5 while at the same time saying he has to deal with the same bullshit everyone does, basically they themselves said Pl and me are right. I say he ties with sonya and cage. Kenshi kabal and cyrax are better than kung lao.