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Pick your perfect 5 (and 2 least)


I don't sell Avon.
Most important:
1. Aerial - everyone here likes to jump, quit lying
That may well be the case, however, in my case at least, a characters aerial prowess is not the absolute most important thing I look for.

Micahl Dickens

1. Set Ups
2. Pressure
3. Fast Normals
4. Okizeme
5. Range

a. Mobility
b. Meterbuild

I main MoS Raiden and Batman; pocket characters: CSZ, Ferra/Torr, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, MMH


"I still got it...but not much of it"
1. Mids
2. Fast Normals
3. Safety
4. Pressure
5. Damage

Honestly though i can't think of anything better than a fast forward advancing mid, especially if it's hit confirmable.



1. Counterzone
2. Safety
3. Damage
4. Wakeup
5. Mids


1. Zoning
2. Setups

But i really would add parry and footsies as choices. parry is my #1 criteria.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!

1. Counterzone
2. Safety
3. Damage
4. Wakeup
5. Mids


1. Zoning
2. Setups

But i really would add parry and footsies as choices. parry is my #1 criteria.
The likes of footsies and conditioning are skills of the player not something you just give a character

If I gave you a Fisherman tool set are you automatically a Fisherman?

No, but you got the tools provided to be a good fisherman, works the same with being good at conditioning/footsies

As said before the tools used to make a good footsie char are and can be a mix of Range, Mids, Mobility, Fast normals, etc

Making it one thing would be way too easy and make all of them things redundant and most importantly as I said first it's a skill set that needs a toolset to fully utilise
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AUS FGC represent!
1. Mixups
2. Safety
3. Damage
4. Mobility
5. Anti-Airs

1. Command Grabs
2. Armour

To be honest though, I'll play a character based on their personality/looks/lore way more than their play style. Looking at my mains through the games however (Batgirl, Zatanna, Killer Frost, High Tech, Special Forces, Shotgun, Full Auto, Pyromancer) they tend to follow the above criteria. In Injustice 2 I'll be using Black Canary and Posion Ivy (regardless of how they play) so we'll see if the trend continues.
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Official Sonya simp
1. Safe 50/50s
2. Crazy meterbuilding
3. High damage
4. High chip damage
5. Safe armored launcher

1. Balance patches
2. Complaints


On a serious note:

1. Mix-ups
2. Mids
3. Range
4. Mobility
5. Damage

1. Anti-air
2. Pressure


AUS FGC represent!
Cool idea for a thread. Gives perspective on players insight.

Top 5 for me are-

1- Zoning
2- Anti Air
3- Mobility
4- Counter Zoning
5- Damage

^^ Bring back Raven.

Bottom 2-

Cmd Grabs
Bring back Raven, but with updated face please. If supergirl and black canary are anything to go by, looks like NRS finally got female faces down.

Also, Meter build and pressure were much more part of Raven's game than anti-airs.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
1) Footsies
2) Footsies
3) Footsies
4) Footsies
5) Broke
Eh hem.....
4.You can only list an element once!
Listing Mix ups 5 time won't do shit

5.Keep it just within the elements I mention below. So just 5 most important and 2 least important.

Don't add in your own choices, if anything get creative and try use the tools to replicate your own choices.
I can see these things from a mile away

It's a great feeling


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Also shout outs to everybody who posted

I have not only read them all but write them all doing going to get a stat on them to see our trends

Also this is a part of MUCH bigger idea I have if I can actually execute it

It's all data and fun as fuck to read
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AUS FGC represent!
Mix and armor, or pressure and armor.

Anything else is extra who cares.
You can have Kenshi's armour and high tech's staggers/pressure.

But you have no 50/50s, the range of high tech, your fastest strings start at 10 frames and high, no mids (faster than 16 frames), very poor damage off all your conversions, anything that launches/combos is full combo punishable on block, no full screen presence (no ability to zone or counter zone), the walk speed of Ermac, the run speed of pre-patch Goro, no teleport or mobility tools, terrible anti-airs (outside of your armour of course), very poor meterbuild (outside of pressure on block), very poor meterless wakeups, no knockdown setups, terrible aerial attacks and very poor okizeme.

Or if you like you can replace high tech's pressure with Shtogun's ability to mix with a similar outcome. The other things matter too :).