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Pick Two Guest Characters for MK11


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
It is hard to pick MK11 guests. As this game even more than ever seems to be very serious. I am not sure some of the crazy guests would work in this version of the game. So these choices are more "MKx" guests.. but I still think they would work in a MK game.

Ash Williams
Self explanatory. Wise cracking bad ass, full of humour and wields a chainsaw and a shotgun. It is like he IS a MK character (at least a MKx one anyway). His moves and stuff speak for themselves.

Herbert West
I see this guy as kind like The Atom. Throwing science at the opponent and summoning monsters to fight for him. Calling Bat-Heads to fight, throwing science and having zombies crawl from the ground. I think he could totally be a cool MK char. (He is from Re-Animator btw for those who are unfortunate enough not to have seen one of the best shlock horror comedies of all time)


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
How about no guest characters this time? There are so many MK characters that if we have everyone from The Trilogy we're looking at a gigantic roster.

I had to chuckle a bit.

Guests sell more than any MK DLC character could dream of selling. That should answer that. It was like that in MKX, it was like that in Injustice 2.

Guests are inevitable. NOTHING is going to change that now that they know how popular they are to the majority of their player base.

MK Led

Pinhead and Ash I'd love to see, doubly so if they got the original actors to voice them (ofc you have to with Ash, otherwise why have him, plus he fits the theme of young and old versions of characters showing up).

An unrealistic pick that would be my favourite is The Thing; its normal form could be a fully rugged up with goggles, etc. man who looks like a scientist from the movie and then do all sorts of crazy shit with its move animations. Not very likely though I think.
I wouldn't pick any horror guests. I think such characters as Ash Williams and Pennywise is hurting the overall feeling and athmosphere.

No guests would be better, but if I woild absolutely had to it would be more fantasy like dark characters
1) Spawn.
2) Darksiders anyone.
3) Some orc from middleearth.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
I'm sure you can Google it. I'm even sure Ed Boon said it himself as well. But, it's not like it's impossible to think about. Considering casual gamers are 90% of NRS' audience. I think they'd sooner throw their cash at someone like Jason Vorhees or Alien/Predator than Bo Rai Cho or Tanya. (Coming from someone who loves Tanya.)

Honestly, I think it's funny how we assume there's only going to be 2 Guest Characters. I could see them splitting it half and half. 3 MK characters and 3 Guests. So, make sure you guys don't get your panties all bunched up if they end up announcing that.

MKX had 4 guests. Injustice 2 had 4 guests. Just saying.


Just realized Ash Williams has 3 perfect customizable items: Handsaw, Boomstick and Necronomicon.

I prefer the modern Pennywise because the way he was animated with the creepy fast/slow moves was awesome. Think what Geras does on his grab but only on his face and limbs. All the eldritch-esque moves he could perform would feat great here.

I'm personally against guests but I know they're inevitable so those 2 seem the most apropiate IMO.


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I was gonna say Spawn and Pennywise, but you can keep them both if I can get Omar. I hope they give him Outworld ammo for his shotgun so he can have that ridiculous double shot like Lobo.
Baltimore could be a bonus stage.
It would fulfill the prophecy. The world would end, and Omar would still be robbing people.
The intro, quotes, and outro alone would be worth it. You come at the king, you best not miss.
Ash williams and termintor.
Both would fit in with the gore factor, the time travel aspect, both are A-list iconic and would sell well.


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
Akuma would fit perfectly. Imagine his Raging Demon as a fatality. Sadly, the probability of him being in is zero to none. But one can dream.

Also all these horror characters are lame,except maybe for Pinhead and Ash Williams. Pedowise and Myers can gtfo.