Well, F3 2 being rendered essentially useless, and my prior interest in Sonya - who was nerfed even worse; has led me to the conclusion that
if I'm going to continue playing this game I'll be dropping Cage in a competitive sense and will just resort back to Reptile, Sub Zero and Ermac. While yes, F3 nut punch will still work, F3 2 helped him cover the distance to get in. That added to the dash system change is going to fuck him over big time.
Maybe in MK10 F3 2 will
juggle. What an absurdly retarded reasoning to 'fix' this. Let's say theoretically the string DID juggle, I'd still go for the reset, I'll always go for the reset given the opportunity.
Thanks, NRS. I'm wondering how F0xy won't drop this game all together - he must be
pissed. Such viable character variety with this patch. Maybe if JC and Sonya were generic ninjas they would've remained untouched or buffed.
^What Devastation is going to consist of.