Plus on block.
I posted this on another forum but I'll post it here as well for the sake of strategy discussion.Ok, well rather than arguing over OP/not OP (Blizzard is going to do what they're going to do), how about tactics, hero strategy, map strategy? Any interesting finds?
Kind of too lazy to edit out the context behind my reply but here is my advice on Symmetra for "Attacking" game modes, because she's usually used for "Defend":
Pterodactyl said:Oh no not behind his shield, not at all.
You can't really do anything behind Reihardt's shield, her beam range is much too short, and her mega-buster is too slow to be shot out while standing behind a big obvious target like that shield.
I mean hovering around the tank's general area and ganking the squishes(including D.Va even in the mech) that try to run up and kill it with her beam. Now this isn't a style of play new or exclusive to her, it's just that she can do it and pretty well.
You're very fixated on the teleporter and yes it is very important but I think you're undervaluing her turrets. When you're pushing to the point they're valuable for extending your team's domain, as most enemy teams will send out a few hitters(with the rest staying back a bit to defend) to oppress you and slow your advance to their point, they'll occupy the area between what they're defending and your base. You hide turrets around the high traffic door ways and paths and they become easy fodder for teammates or they are repelled back if not killed. As you move up, so do your turrets. The area your teammates can safely(or at least easily) occupy has expanded.
I mean the mindset here is pretty clear. You(the enemy) walk through an area and start getting melted by a turret(s) you only have three options. You either back up and spend precious time looking for a safer way forward, or you keep going forward anyway and die/lose a good amount of health, or you open yourself up to your enemies by taking the few seconds to find and kill the turret(s) that has already weakened you to a varying degree. Now the last option is the option with the least amount of loss potentially, but chances are there's an opponent around with a ranged weapon that could easily kill you while you're distracted(and already hurt).
Once you get to the objective as Symmetra you of course hide them around so your teammates have an even easier time capturing it. Yes they break easy but they go back up just as easily. And of course throw up some shields and the teleporter when you have the option to.
That's for the Assault game mode.
For King of the Hill she's pretty damn strong. If your team has the point, or they keep the heat off of you, you can toss up a bunch of turrets and they help out tremendously. You stick to the paths that aren't directly in the line of conflict and pick off stragglers with your beam and turrets and in-and-out around the objective to replace any destroyed turrets. Also the teleporter's value goes without saying here.
Payload is pretty much the same either way, you have to work around the movement of the objective, your stuff is pretty useful but becomes useless quickly and has to be repositioned to regain effectiveness.
This is just what works for me against various types of players and various teams. Of course like every other character she has her counters and she's far from an OP superbadass, but she can squeeze out some real juice if played right in any game mode, and she's much more than just a teleporter maker.
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