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Match-up Discussion Oooooh Numbers

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
And I'm saying that would never happen when I can properly knock your jump-happy ass out of the air.
You jump around like a retard too bro, or do you forget the amount of meter you lost from being plucked from the air like a gentle floating daisy?

You won 7 games total I think (against Rain), and we played for at least 3 and a half hours straight.


You jump around like a retard too bro, or do you forget the amount of meter you lost from being plucked from the air like a gentle floating daisy?

You won 7 games total I think (against Rain), and we played for at least 3 and a half hours straight.

I don't play like that normally. I HAVE to to counter you because I can't stand there and react to it.
You got more than a few 40%+ combos because my AA wouldn't work.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I don't play like that normally. I HAVE to to counter you because I can't stand there and react to it.
You got more than a few 40%+ combos because my AA wouldn't work.
Same applies to you.
But if you cant adjust to it after 3 hours...

Anyway, Baraka is free to Rain.

No Baraka has ever taken more than 2 games out of 10 against my Rain.
So perhaps its 8-2? ;P


Dead Kings Rise
I think its 5-5 but some think its really in reptiles favor. If reptile could easily punish the tele then it would be 6-4 rep.
Yeah, I know this post was made like 2 weeks ago, deal with it.
I think 5-5, but I could see a 6-4 in Reptile's favor.


My blades will find your heart

Where a crossover JIP becomes an unblockable combo starter

Id really love to see offline games of you playing Rain, so youd actually have some evidence of him being good.


Same applies to you.
But if you cant adjust to it after 3 hours...

Anyway, Baraka is free to Rain.

No Baraka has ever taken more than 2 games out of 10 against my Rain.
So perhaps its 8-2? ;P
Oh, you mean all that jumping I WASN'T doing for the longest time?
You came right out of the gate with it.


What's a Smarrgasm?
A F0xy Grampa and TheTetraSpirit guys this isn't a thread for you to yell at each other over some online matches you had. This is for MU discussion and should be used mainly for that. If you would like to continue your disagreement please take it to personal messages.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
A F0xy Grampa and TheTetraSpirit guys this isn't a thread for you to yell at each other over some online matches you had. This is for MU discussion and should be used mainly for that. If you would like to continue your disagreement please take it to personal messages.
Yea, I asked him if he still agreed with his number, he automatically released the salt.
Not my fault he got beat something like 60-7, changed up his strategy enough times, and still got beat. BADLY.
Because thats what Rain does to Baraka. Fucks him up.
That or TetraSpirit is free. I thought you were the best Baraka, but SomeCubanGuy put up a far better fight. :p

Baraka cant frame trap Rain cause Rain cause just option select his way out if he has a bar, if he doesnt have a bar he can just block, not a big deal, if they end their string after with slices and want to D3, (which pretty much EVERY Baraka player does) theyre gonna eat 4RH.

ALL that Baraka has over Rain is his blade charge, which can punish lightning at certain ranges. But not fullscreen, which will then bait the opponent to either block or jump. Jump and you've set yourself up for an easy AA.

Every scenario where either character can get damage, Rain gets more and its safe.


You have a 7f spin, piece of piss.
I have a 10f 1, yet I can still do it.

But whatever, I'm sure you're right about Baraka vs Rain, cause you REALLY proved it to me.

Play me again if you want.
I'm not wasting my time with you again because all it'll prove is you like to jump.
Don't even act like you didn't see yourself stuffing my Spin with all manner of shit that shouldn't have worked.

I'm done, fuck yourself, you egotistical cunt.


My blades will find your heart

Until I see you playing Baraka offline I will not believe it is 7-3.

I have ran this matchup offline hundreds of times and it has always felt 5-5, 6-4 for Rain AT WORST. if I zone correctly there is NOTHING Rain can do:
Lighting- Blade Charge Punish
Bubble- Jump over for punish
Teleport- Full Combo Punish
Armor- I can just backdash, and the whole process repeats itself

Yeah Rains RH pressure is good, but if I have breaker(Considering most of the match I am just max range blade charging, meter is not hard to come by in this match) I am going to spin after the string to force you to RH. In fact ill do that without meter and get combod, because that is better than letting you blockstring me to death. I may not be able to frametrap but why would I? Rushing down is playing right into rain's hands. This matchup is about careful spacing and keeping Rain out. If I get a 2,2 1+2 off I can just cancel it into slices for additional meter gain.

I dont care about 6-4, but if you want me to believe Rain rapes Baraka you better get me some videos of you facing a competent one offline.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Send me out there again and I'll beat Tetras all day long.

Still everybody says that they can punish Rains 'zoning'. No competent Rain will sit there throwing out bubbles. Blade charge can only punish lightning from certain ranges too.

Teleports are for wakeup options or if you know your opponent doesnt expect one (not hard to tell if they do btw).

The fact that you HAVE to backdash after your strings means that Rain has just reversed the game back into his favour, either that or you're eating 44% for attempting to cross over or 48% for continuing offense.

I could 4RH everytime on block, no need to do cancel pressure, because once the RH is blocked, all Raka can do is blade charge, nothing that makes the tradeoff any way in his favour. You cant just bladecharge Rain to death, not possible.

So you'll be using your spin, to compete with a potential 45% combo.

Also, you cant cancel 22 1+2 into slices (at least on the end), I can just armour through it. So the option select still applies. So if you cancelled earlier into slices all you're doing is giving Rain more room to retaliate. And as all Baraka players LOVE to d3 after slices, massive potential for destruction. D1 wont give him enough advantage to beat out Rains 4RH either

Rain can sit there and 4RH repeatedly against Baraka in the corner too.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
A F0xy Grampa, I think Jade vs Rain is 4-6.

They both have armor, but rain can drain meter which makes it hard for Jade. Next she can't zone because of lightning. He also out damages her.
Sounds about right, especially considering they both have moves that work from similar ranges.
This is one I've played a bit against Xarakamaka & UFG.


My blades will find your heart
Send me out there again and I'll beat Tetras all day long.

Still everybody says that they can punish Rains 'zoning'. No competent Rain will sit there throwing out bubbles. Blade charge can only punish lightning from certain ranges too.

Teleports are for wakeup options or if you know your opponent doesnt expect one (not hard to tell if they do btw).

The fact that you HAVE to backdash after your strings means that Rain has just reversed the game back into his favour, either that or you're eating 44% for attempting to cross over or 48% for continuing offense.

I could 4RH everytime on block, no need to do cancel pressure, because once the RH is blocked, all Raka can do is blade charge, nothing that makes the tradeoff any way in his favour. You cant just bladecharge Rain to death, not possible.

So you'll be using your spin, to compete with a potential 45% combo.

Also, you cant cancel 22 1+2 into slices (at least on the end), I can just armour through it. So the option select still applies. So if you cancelled earlier into slices all you're doing is giving Rain more room to retaliate. And as all Baraka players LOVE to d3 after slices, massive potential for destruction. D1 wont give him enough advantage to beat out Rains 4RH either

Rain can sit there and 4RH repeatedly against Baraka in the corner too.
After 4 RH I can spin to knock you away, which is what I want to do. And I mean I can cancel by doing 22 slices instead, but you can armor through that I guess.

If I backdash after your armor that is no way in your favor. I just made you waste a bar for nothing. You can however time it right when I do the charge to get pressure, but I will still be able to block.

Your still ignoring the fact that I will build meter in the match, which in turn allows for breakers. So even if you do get a lucky launcher off, I can still break. Not every RH is a free 45% combo.