All ranked matches are a first to 5.
You may only challenge a player NO MORE THAN TWO RANKS ABOVE YOU. For example: Walker may challenge Reno or Tyler. Reno can Challenge Tyler and Tre.
Unranked players may ONLY challenge the Gatekeeper #10
If you win the first to 5 you take that players rank and the other moves down.
Example: Walker challenges Tyler and beat him 5-4
You Skunk your Opponent: Beating him 5-0 You swap ranks with your opponent.
Example: Walker beats Tyler 5-0
You may challenge a individual person once a week. That person may challenge you back as well.
Example: Walker challenges Reno and beat him. Walker moves up a rank. Reno can challenge me back. He beats me then Walker moves back down. After that Reno and walker can't have another ranking match for a week.
This also applies to the unranked guys as well. You may only challenge the Gatekeeper once a week. If you beat him and become #10 then they can turn around and challenge you as well but after that you two can't play another ranked battle for a week.
In order to stay on the list you must become a regular at these weekly gatherings either at Reno's place or a GA Tech. If you show up every once in a while then I'll take you off the board. I understand people can't make it out every week and that's fine. As long as you're a regular in the community.
You may not turn down a ranking match. If for some reason you HAVE to leave for whatever reason it must be done at the next level up session or you move down a rank.
You may not play online against someone for a ranking match. This is offline only.
This is seperate from tournament outcomes. Battle and Brew has no effect on this AT ALL.
Credit to Walker and Clint for creating it