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Official Atlanta Injustice Ranking/Seeding System - Recommended to all scenes


After reading all of this, all I can say is, if a community decides to adopt the system and make a list, make sure everyone knows its just for FUN, nothing more. It doesnt mean someone is a better person are deserves to be treated any differently just because they are higher on the list. Have fun with it and realize that each week, the list can COMPLETELY change. It does not mean you are a shitty player just because you are not on the list.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
All ranked matches are a first to 5.

You may only challenge a player NO MORE THAN TWO RANKS ABOVE YOU. For example: Walker may challenge Reno or Tyler. Reno can Challenge Tyler and Tre.

Unranked players may ONLY challenge the Gatekeeper #10

If you win the first to 5 you take that players rank and the other moves down.
Example: Walker challenges Tyler and beat him 5-4

You Skunk your Opponent: Beating him 5-0 You swap ranks with your opponent.
Example: Walker beats Tyler 5-0

You may challenge a individual person once a week. That person may challenge you back as well.
Example: Walker challenges Reno and beat him. Walker moves up a rank. Reno can challenge me back. He beats me then Walker moves back down. After that Reno and walker can't have another ranking match for a week.

This also applies to the unranked guys as well. You may only challenge the Gatekeeper once a week. If you beat him and become #10 then they can turn around and challenge you as well but after that you two can't play another ranked battle for a week.

In order to stay on the list you must become a regular at these weekly gatherings either at Reno's place or a GA Tech. If you show up every once in a while then I'll take you off the board. I understand people can't make it out every week and that's fine. As long as you're a regular in the community.

You may not turn down a ranking match. If for some reason you HAVE to leave for whatever reason it must be done at the next level up session or you move down a rank.

You may not play online against someone for a ranking match. This is offline only.

This is seperate from tournament outcomes. Battle and Brew has no effect on this AT ALL.

Credit to Walker and Clint for creating it


YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
Current Atlanta Power Rankings

1. AK Pig Of The Hut
2. AK Reno_Racks
3. AK Smarrgasm
4. AK Trepound380
5. AK Harold
6. AK rtd
7. AK TylerLantern
8. AK Walker
9. AK Clint the Beast
10. The Gatekeeper XEN0M0RPH

The night's challenge matches began with AK Harold doing something none of us have had the balls to do since the Power Ranking system was implemented.. accept a challenge from the 6 time Tekken champ AK Clint the Beast. Since Clint is 5 ranks below Harold, Harold does not have to accept the challenge. However the Flash of the World put his 50 pound balls on the table and accepted the challenge.

Following Harold's display of top tier testicles, AK Smarrgasm who is currently ranked number 3 challenges AK Pig of the Hut for the number 1 spot.

Then the very salty AK Trepound who is ranked at number 4 challenges AK Reno_Racks for his number 2 spot. Just hours prior to this challenge Trepound lost a close set to Reno in the AKA tourney in which Reno was down 0-2 and came back to take the win while being rewarded the Xbox achievement "Only a Real Master" in the process. Now Trepound has his shot at redemption.

Next Number 2 Reno_Racks challenges the only player he can, Number 1 AK Pig of the Hut. The last series of challenges between these two resulted in Reno defeating Pig and tasting the sweet number one spot only for a short time because Pig immediately challenged Reno back and reclaimed his seat on the throne. Now Reno tries to slay the dragon again.

The final challenge of the night. The dragon is angry, very very angry.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Current Atlanta Power Rankings

1. AK Pig Of The Hut
2. AK Reno_Racks
3. AK Smarrgasm
4. AK Trepound380
5. AK Harold
6. AK rtd
7. AK TylerLantern
8. AK Walker
9. AK Clint the Beast
10. The Gatekeeper XEN0M0RPH

The night's challenge matches began with AK Harold doing something none of us have had the balls to do since the Power Ranking system was implemented.. accept a challenge from the 6 time Tekken champ AK Clint the Beast. Since Clint is 5 ranks below Harold, Harold does not have to accept the challenge. However the Flash of the World put his 50 pound balls on the table and accepted the challenge.

Following Harold's display of top tier testicles, AK Smarrgasm who is currently ranked number 3 challenges AK Pig of the Hut for the number 1 spot.

Then the very salty AK Trepound who is ranked at number 4 challenges AK Reno_Racks for his number 2 spot. Just hours prior to this challenge Trepound lost a close set to Reno in the AKA tourney in which Reno was down 0-2 and came back to take the win while being rewarded the Xbox achievement "Only a Real Master" in the process. Now Trepound has his shot at redemption.

Next Number 2 Reno_Racks challenges the only player he can, Number 1 AK Pig of the Hut. The last series of challenges between these two resulted in Reno defeating Pig and tasting the sweet number one spot only for a short time because Pig immediately challenged Reno back and reclaimed his seat on the throne. Now Reno tries to slay the dragon again.

The final challenge of the night. The dragon is angry, very very angry.

Awesome write up