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Match-up Discussion NKZero's Sektor MU Chart (NEW!)

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
It isn't stance specific. A blocked D3 puts you in perfect range. Also a blocked B3 does likewise as well as other scenarios I cannot remember. I think F2 works if its in the corner or something. I have this in my guide.
Whoops, my bad.. I meant to specify, it was her Mileena I did it on..

(Lethal Legend knew what I meant.)


Whoops, my bad.. I meant to specify, it was her Mileena I did it on..

(Lethal Legend knew what I meant.)
Oh ok lol. For the record I thought Jax, Sektor and Mileena were the 3 characters you could never link the 4 in if they were crouch blocking, regardless of the range. Interesting...

I'll chit chat about any match ups that I put in quotes if you want.
Cyrax (everyone seems to have him as an even MU).
Cyber Sub Zero (why does he beat Sektor?)
Rain (why does Sektor beat him, and convincingly at that?

I know your reasons for Kenshi btw :).

Thanks though that would help if you could explain those.

Interesting also how Smoke has gone down for you and Sonya and Mileena have become more difficult.


missiles are coming

Cyrax Pros:
- ability to TU on reaction to a net
- low hit box will void any non-jailed command grab
Cyrax Cons:
- if there are bombs on the screen it makes it much harder to look for the next TU, he can fire nets if he covers himself well
- must save most if not all meter for breaker, forgoing extended combos and homing missile pressure

Cyber Sub Pros:
- out footsie him
Cyber Sub Cons:
- can not zone him for long
- can not punish dive kick on block
- can not escape bomb trap combos unless you have a meter to EXTU on wake up, in which he can throw punish and put you back into a bomb trap (ask J360 about this match up to confirm my opinion)

Rain Pros:
- all around better footies
- can zone him and lame him out
- full combo punish on teleport, on reaction
- can easily bait roundhouses by standing 1 and then blocking to get out of his shitty pressure, or jump over him
Rain Cons:
- you'll feel bad about anyone who plays Rain

I think Sonya and Mileena are his worst match ups for similar, yet minute different reasons. Both their d4 will stuff all advancing strings thus voiding most of your footies and spacing game. You can not zone Mileena ever, and trying to keep Sonya out is really risky. One poorly shot missile or whiffed flamethrower and you'll be eating 40% into more pressure... which you have no armor to get out of. Mileena on reaction to most of your moves, specials or normals can roll or telekick you on reaction. If you fire a missile from anywhere but full screen you will get rolled.

I've been playing the Smoke match up a lot lately with our PA training crew and while Smoke can lame Sektor out with the life lead, Sektor can do just the same... just not as well. It's a slow match, and quite possibly the most annoying imo. But you can keep Smoke away with b1, f2, and flame thrower if you are carefull. I still think it's a losing match due to the insane amount of dmg you will take if you make a mistake.


SwiftTomHanks well you've convinced me on the Rain MU...you made some real good points there. As for Cyber Sub I feel as if Sektor just controls aerial space too well and while Cyber Sub's dive kick can often go unpunished....(btw can 21 not punish dive kick?), he has limited opportunities to get there if Sektor is using flame burner smartly. As you said he out-footsies him too and his missile traps are super effective against Cyber Sub wake-ups as well because slide is fully punishable and parry will get blown up by the right up missile.

I think Sektor can actually zone Cyber Sub the same way he out zones Cyrax to be honest. It's a very similar MU for me except Cyber Sub is better at escaping zoning and Cyrax has big damage and is a greater threat up close and in the corner. I still think Sektor beats both of those characters 6-4 because he heavily out zones them, can't be zoned by them at all, and he out-footsies them too.

You make good points about Sonya and Mileena but I don't think they cripple him that badly. Against Mileena you just have to maintain proper spacing and also counter her D4 with a jk-TU for some big damage. Once you have the life lead she is in trouble because she has a crappy come back factor. Sonya may be a little tougher and that MU in particular is footsie heavy for both characters. Sonya's rings can't be iaTU either so that's a bit annoying.

I still think 4-6 though and I maintain Smoke is his worst MU. Just too many downsides and very frustrating as you pointed out. Thanks for contributing though :).


Dead Kings Rise
BillStickers Jade limits or nullify the three areas where Sektor is strong: a) zoning b) footsies (especially the range of some normals) c) up missile and general wake-up set-ups.

Obviously Sektor cannot zone because of Jade's glow and anytime he uses a missile for set-ups it is completely negated by glow. His best move arguably (the homing missile) is thus rendered useless. So glow eliminates zoning and the up missile set-ups.

Now with the footsies, Jade has some very long reaching normals with the use of her staff and she actually out-reaches Sektor. So the only way in reality that Sektor can win this match is by capitalising on her mistakes by punishing with big damage (and finishing the combos with flame burner or TU).

Jade can also EX glow through a lot of Sektor's shit. Check out Mafia's new video and look at the Sektor part.

Now for Sektor, he has the damage output advantage and better low pokes as well as faster normals. Once he gets in he can give her a hard time, but even he cannot really pressure her because she has a low hit-box. This game is very footsie heavy and while Jade has more range on her pokes, Sektor's are quicker and more abusable. If Jade whiffs she can get punished big time.

Solid 5-5 imo.
I c wut u did thar.

In serious news, what are your thoughts on Reptile-Sektor? I've played that MU probably 5 times, so I'm lost there.


I c wut u did thar.

In serious news, what are your thoughts on Reptile-Sektor? I've played that MU probably 5 times, so I'm lost there.
An even MU but slightly more awkward for Sektor. So decimals wise maybe 5.5-4.5 Reptile but closer to even rather than Reptile's advantage.

For Reptile he has a great D4 which outranges Sektor's and if D4-acid hand is blocked it puts you in that range of Sektor's footsie tools such as B1 and F2. The threat of the dash will make Sektor think twice before throwing something out so often you have advantage there with the threat of the dash. The dash also punishes flame burner so always remember to do that. That cripples Sektor badly, meaning he struggles to keep Reptile off him. In essence you want to rush Sektor down, but don't get too overzealous with trying to stutter the 321 string because one correct guess from Sektor to interrupt and you are eating big damage. Remember in neutral situations Reptile's 6 frame dash will always beat Sektor's 6 frame jab so the fear of that alone gives you advantage. Also sometimes Sektor cannot even punish the dash because of 12B1 whiffing so it either has to be timed right or he has to use 21 as a punisher instead (higher start-up frames though so harder to punish).

For Sektor he has the advantage of possibly being able to outzone Reptile. Once Reptile gets a force ball on screen it's trouble but his iaTU will punish predictable zoning Reptiles big time. Sektor can also control space with up missiles fairly well especially on wake-up where Reptile has no real options to escape the set-ups. The in front missile covers elbow dash/slide and your other choices are to tech roll (behind up missile) or just get up normally (above up missile). Sektor has to be more careful but he can always punish hard if when given the opportunity.

So to summarise, Reptile wins from dash range and in because he severely limits Sektor's long-ranged footsie options but Sektor will win from anywhere behind dash range. 5-5.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Oh ok lol. For the record I thought Jax, Sektor and Mileena were the 3 characters you could never link the 4 in if they were crouch blocking, regardless of the range. Interesting...
It wasn't Jax.. It was Sektor, Mileena, and Quan Chi...

That's why I was surprised.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
You make a good point about Steve MU being even with Freddy I forgot to mention that. Curious to know why Mileena is 3-7 and why Sektor beats Sub Zero?
Sorry about the late reply man, STH pretty much summed up the Mileena matchup though, and anyway, me willingly playing Sektor against Mileena is like you using Shang against Cyber Sub, why work harder than you need to lol.

I feel Sektor beats Sub however largely because Sektor can out-turtle Sub to high heavens if he needs to, full screen he can't reliably slide or trade with iceball because of the knockdown frames on missiles and won't always get there in time to continue his combo/reset, and doesn't have an absolute go to wake-up for upmissile setups. On paper I'm making sound like a really bad MU for Sub but it's keep down to a 4-6 if his footsies are played right, Sektor isn't really able to exploit any of the holes in his pressure game besides 2 randomly whiffing on his low hitbox and can't reliably poke out due to the reach (or lack thereof) on 12B1 and D3. Hope I helped.


Sorry about the late reply man, STH pretty much summed up the Mileena matchup though, and anyway, me willingly playing Sektor against Mileena is like you using Shang against Cyber Sub, why work harder than you need to lol.

I feel Sektor beats Sub however largely because Sektor can out-turtle Sub to high heavens if he needs to, full screen he can't reliably slide or trade with iceball because of the knockdown frames on missiles and won't always get there in time to continue his combo/reset, and doesn't have an absolute go to wake-up for upmissile setups. On paper I'm making sound like a really bad MU for Sub but it's keep down to a 4-6 if his footsies are played right, Sektor isn't really able to exploit any of the holes in his pressure game besides 2 randomly whiffing on his low hitbox and can't reliably poke out due to the reach (or lack thereof) on 12B1 and D3. Hope I helped.
Thanks for your response man. Anyways I feel it's equal because firstly Sub Zero has a better D4, he can really kill Sektor in the corner (especially when Sektor has no armour for a reliable escape plan). Sub can abuse him on knockdown situations and he can easily bait out something like flame burner and whiff punish with ice ball, which also happens to trade with straight missile quite well.

On the other side of things, Sektor in general has better footsie tools, but they're still negated by the ice clone. For the most part, Sektor does out-zone Sub Zero and can make him really uncomfortable with well placed up missiles. His UM set-ups also work well vs Sub because as you very correctly pointed out, Sub Zero doesn't have a reliable wake-up to combat such set-ups. Sektor can also give Sub Zero some problems in the corner, although not to the same degree.

I feel it's dead-even to be honest, but I respect your opinion so thanks for that.


What makes Noob Saibot a 7-3? I wouldn't dream of it being that bad... :(
Unfortunately it is. Noob's high hit-box is such that all Sektor's offensive weapons are available to him. 12B1, 122, 214 strings all connect on a crouch blocking Noob. Sektor has quicker pokes as well so he can really abuse Noob up close without even having to worry about any armour that Noob may have to break out of the pressure (because he doesn't lol). So it's clear that Noob loses the up close battle.

Noob normally wins a lot of zoning battles too. Not in this case. Not only does straight missile cause a knockdown (meaning that he can trade with shadow tackle more often than not), but Sektor's iaTU will destroy Noob considering the projectiles not only have slow-ish start-up but also have terrible recovery. From full screen Noob can ill afford to throw out any shadows, and if blocked up close he's eating big time damage.

Noob's shadows are somewhat useful in the footsie game, albeit a risky approach to combatting Sektor's advancing normals such as F2 or B21, or his defensive B1. Otherwise Sektor also wins in the footsie department.

The only reason why this MU is not worse is because Noob can actually give Sektor problems on wake-up and in the corner (two glaring weaknesses in Sektor's game). The corner especially is what saves Noob to be perfectly honest. He has a bunch of potentially devastating set-ups that any Sektor player will struggle to avoid. So really that's the only chance he has of winning.

If I'm looking at it from Noob's perspective I would say be very patient. Sektor can easily bait out the shadow up knee or shadow tackle and punish via advancing normals or TU. Sometimes you might have to throw something out but be smart about it. Stay out of range of Sektor's normals and be ready to counter with well timed shadow tackles or shadow slides. Try your best to bully Sektor into the corner because that's where you can capitalise on some big damage and tricky portal/ghost ball set-ups.

Or counter-pick :p


Unfortunately it is. Noob's high hit-box is such that all Sektor's offensive weapons are available to him. 12B1, 122, 214 strings all connect on a crouch blocking Noob. Sektor has quicker pokes as well so he can really abuse Noob up close without even having to worry about any armour that Noob may have to break out of the pressure (because he doesn't lol). So it's clear that Noob loses the up close battle.

Noob normally wins a lot of zoning battles too. Not in this case. Not only does straight missile cause a knockdown (meaning that he can trade with shadow tackle more often than not), but Sektor's iaTU will destroy Noob considering the projectiles not only have slow-ish start-up but also have terrible recovery. From full screen Noob can ill afford to throw out any shadows, and if blocked up close he's eating big time damage.

Noob's shadows are somewhat useful in the footsie game, albeit a risky approach to combatting Sektor's advancing normals such as F2 or B21, or his defensive B1. Otherwise Sektor also wins in the footsie department.

The only reason why this MU is not worse is because Noob can actually give Sektor problems on wake-up and in the corner (two glaring weaknesses in Sektor's game). The corner especially is what saves Noob to be perfectly honest. He has a bunch of potentially devastating set-ups that any Sektor player will struggle to avoid. So really that's the only chance he has of winning.

If I'm looking at it from Noob's perspective I would say be very patient. Sektor can easily bait out the shadow up knee or shadow tackle and punish via advancing normals or TU. Sometimes you might have to throw something out but be smart about it. Stay out of range of Sektor's normals and be ready to counter with well timed shadow tackles or shadow slides. Try your best to bully Sektor into the corner because that's where you can capitalise on some big damage and tricky portal/ghost ball set-ups.

Or counter-pick :p
Then the match-up is 6-4. Doesn't a 7-3 imply that all of Noob's tools are negated, despite saying that I can play footsies as well as give issues with wake-ups and the corner?

Also, maybe it's just me, but I can just as easily bait out teleports or flame-throwers. It's all about good reads.


Then the match-up is 6-4. Doesn't a 7-3 imply that all of Noob's tools are negated, despite saying that I can play footsies as well as give issues with wake-ups and the corner?

Also, maybe it's just me, but I can just as easily bait out teleports or flame-throwers. It's all about good reads.
6-4 means slight advantage but 7-3 is a comfortable advantage. A 9-1 implies that all Noob's tools are negated, and an 8-2 implies that Noob is handicapped severely in the MU.

Let's analyse this MU simply...

Rushdown: Sektor wins
Footsies: Sektor wins
Zoning: equal
Corner game: Noob wins
Oki: equal

Now Sektor wins 2 categories, draws 2, and Noob takes 1. So that MIGHT appear to be 6-4. Let's weight out the categories. Sektor wins in 2 of the 3 major categories and draws in the other. The last two are more situational (corner) and non-guaranteed wake-up set-ups. Noob wins one and is equal in the other. This seems like a comfortable win for Sektor.

You have to understand that once Sektor is in it's real tricky for Noob to get out considering he's slow hitting, has no armour and has a high hit-box. With other high hit-box characters like Raiden, Kenshi or Freddy they have tools to escape whether it's a teleport or a safe armoured move.

7-3 imo.

Also how are you going to bait out a TU? Flame burner I understand yes but what about the TU?


Ah, okay, 7-3 then. :/ I still think the footsies is even to be honest: Noob has far better reach on pokes and depending on how close they are, F3 will blow Sektor up for trying to poke. Plus he can keep him honest with d3/d4 into tackle/slide or d1/d3 upknee, it's a really good check.

I'd have to say smart spacing and conditioning them to think you're going to upknee. Or just throw out a portal to get them to do... something.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Ah, okay, 7-3 then. :/ I still think the footsies is even to be honest: Noob has far better reach on pokes and depending on how close they are, F3 will blow Sektor up for trying to poke. Plus he can keep him honest with d3/d4 into tackle/slide or d1/d3 upknee, it's a really good check.

I'd have to say smart spacing and conditioning them to think you're going to upknee. Or just throw out a portal to get them to do... something.
I think a good amount of it comes from the risk/reward.

I kan get hit by shadows but it doesn't really put me in a situation where I kan get kombo'd for making a bad read.

On the other hand, if I hit you with any normal or teleport I kan leave you klose and follow up my pressure (made easier thanx to Noob's Hitbox).


Ah, okay, 7-3 then. :/ I still think the footsies is even to be honest: Noob has far better reach on pokes and depending on how close they are, F3 will blow Sektor up for trying to poke. Plus he can keep him honest with d3/d4 into tackle/slide or d1/d3 upknee, it's a really good check.

I'd have to say smart spacing and conditioning them to think you're going to upknee. Or just throw out a portal to get them to do... something.
Noob does have decent footsies but other than F3 (in which the range is ok), the other moves are slow. B1 has good very nice reach but slow start-up and Sektor will gobble that up for breakfast. If you are going to keep Sektor out you are going to have to take a risk with the shadows and one bad one could mean 40-ish% percent into a safe up missile set-up and more pressure. That spells trouble.

But you make good points he can keep him honest with some of his moves. Just Sektor excels in this department.


Dojo Trainee
Well I've decided to renew the discussion really and maybe make a few amendments to the old chart. But instead of updating that one I thought we'd start afresh. You know the drill, discuss the MU's and if you have any objections to any no's just state what you think they should be and why. It would be nice to get some Sektor discussion going.

Baraka: 6-4
Cyber Sub Zero: 6-4
Cyrax: 6-4
Ermac: 5-5
Freddy: 4-6
Jade: 5-5
Jax: 5-5
Johnny Cage: 5-5
Kabal: 4-6
Kano: 6-4
Kenshi: 4-6
Kitana: 5-5
Kung Lao: 5-5
Liu Kang: 5-5
Mileena: 4-6
Nightwolf: 5-5
Noob Saibot: 7-3
Quan Chi: 6-4
Raiden: 5-5
Rain: 6-4
Reptile: 5-5
Scorpion: 6-4
Shang Tsung: 4-6
Sheeva: 8-2
Sindel: 5-5
Skarlet: 4-6
Smoke: 3-7
Sonya: 4-6
Stryker: 5-5
Sub Zero: 5-5

TOTAL: 153
Error in all matches lol

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Sektor - Scorpion: 6-4? Explain
That seems about right.

Fairly large hitbox. So B3 4 pressure isn't too hard to establish.
Slow normals 12 frame jab is the same start up as B3 4.
Bad pokes, making poke pressure more viable.
Jumping back to bait Spear kould work since it's highly wiff punishable.
Even though Scorpion has armor the risk/reward is skewed more toward Sektor's Favor.