Can anybody tell me their opinion on the NW-WW match up. i play this WW player online a lot named DarkSadoDragon, most of the time I'm down at least 4-5 games at least when we jus run a random crack session. Regardless this match up is annoying, normally i don't go in, i usually play extra patient against wonder woman. whenever i get the momentum and get a knockdown I'm taking life fast, at the same time her backdash kills my momentum soon or he'll find someway to get away. IMO im scared to challenge her to footsies is Escrima, i usually switch to Big Dick Grayson(Staff) and not be as worried. EVERYTIME he hits me no matter how and where i lose 30+. My Fellow Dicks....what are u guys intake and strategies against this amazonian whore![]()
Call me crazy but I really don't think GL is 7-3. 6-4 at worst. Like Staff just shits on him imo. Sure, the GL can play really, really safe and come out on top, but that's just how the matchup works, that's how the character is designed. It's one of those matchups you have to play over and over to work on and get comfortable in, like Superman. GL has really good ways to keep you off him while you have great ways of staying in (notice I did not say getting in, that can be a chore). But, the dude has no real mixup until he actually hits you with the 50/50 reset between b1 or f3 off a confirm. Like so many of NW's matchups against spacing/zoning/keepaway characters, it's one of those "get into Escrima until you're in, push your advantage with Staff" situations. You will have to take risks and make reads, but hey, welcome to fighting games.
Idk why everyone's set on backdashing b1 either. He doesn't get great advantage on it unless he does MB bf1. At least according to the frame data that's the case. Even MB gatling is apparently -2 on block.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not picking up other characters to "solve" bad matchups. The only thing that truly solves them is you becoming better as a player. Different characters may cushion learning the matchup, but they by no means solve them.
Also, no matter what I do I still get bodied by hawkgirl. Crazy fast attacks with no opening to attack
Well four out of five of those can be solved thusly: Never assume someone is going to do anything smart or advanced until they actually do it. Always just think that people are going to do the basic, braindead month 1 garbage. Once they have shown you, as an opponent, that they are actually good, then you can move your own thinking forward. Until then, just d2'ing those Batmen, blocking high all day on those BAs and Supes, blocking low at slide range on KF, etc.I am so free to f23 from supes, b13 GL, divekick and b23 BA, slide from kf, j2 and b23 from Batman, and any grappler. #dick4free
Should I just always be in Staff stance? I'm starting to learn that the range on Escrima is awful and that no one respects my low game in them unless I poke with f213 xx ground sparks... f213's range is pretty laughable too.Well four out of five of those can be solved thusly: Never assume someone is going to do anything smart or advanced until they actually do it. Always just think that people are going to do the basic, braindead month 1 garbage. Once they have shown you, as an opponent, that they are actually good, then you can move your own thinking forward. Until then, just d2'ing those Batmen, blocking high all day on those BAs and Supes, blocking low at slide range on KF, etc.
Now grapplers, that's a different story. Generally speaking, a grappler's mindgame is, "If you block then I'm grabbing you and you're gonna hold that." But then they aim to scare you into not moving, into not playing your game. If we're talking about Bane, then there's really no reason you should be losing. He has nothing for you to be scared of as long as you space yourself well and just stay at range where he can't touch you. What's he going to do, lvl1 armored charge through? Easily baited, as he really has no other options than to take tons of chip on the way in. Grundy's not really a pure grappler imo per se. Just treat him like he's a better Bane with a projectile you have to respect and you should be okay. Shazam, however, is a hella legit character with a real grab mixup game. If he can successfully scare you into doing things on your wakeup, his wakeup game gets ten times better. Don't ever let him completely shut off your wakeup options in your mind. He should be aware that you are more than willing to take a risk every now and again. Basically, stay on the move against grapplers, don't let them get close (Shazam has an okay ranged game though so fighting him up close is kind of whatever, approach that matchup how you want), and never let them mindfuck you.
No, Escrima is pretty slept on by NWs in general. To get them to respect your low game, you have to use d3, u3, and u3d3. b1,3 is pretty good too, but use it sparingly. If they take enough damage from your mixup game off knockdowns, they'll eventually want to duck. Like, it's gonna happen lol.Should I just always be in Staff stance? I'm starting to learn that the range on Escrima is awful and that no one respects my low game in them unless I poke with f213 xx ground sparks... f213's range is pretty laughable too.![]()
No, Escrima is pretty slept on by NWs in general. To get them to respect your low game, you have to use d3, u3, and u3d3. b1,3 is pretty good too, but use it sparingly. If they take enough damage from your mixup game off knockdowns, they'll eventually want to duck. Like, it's gonna happen lol.
Staff will also fuck you over in certain situations and matchups. Like vs. Wonder Woman Shield, or Superman, or GL. Unless you have an advantage or momentum already, you should be in Escrima for these.
b2 is a great poke in escrima, too. As are 1, b1, and d1.
As it is right now, people are learning to fight Staff, and NWs keep neglecting Escrima even though it's great. That just makes them way more beatable. You can't just sit in Staff all day, be a Staff master, and expect to win against someone who understands NW. Just keep at it, spend more time with Escrima, and you'll be comfortable with it in no time.
Sent from the Batcave
to watch all of your NW videos to see if I can learn. Currently watching the b2 videoEscrima is my go too stance in most situations, unless I want staff for a specific matchup.
Switching between both stances in a match is needed, but staff is not that great if your opponent understands how to deal with it/backdash. Staff is good for zoning/corner pressure but escrima's corner game is equally as strong if not better. Lots of people thing staff is great because people don't backdash out of pressure, punish YOLO flying Graysons, or just understand the matchup. The more NW experience my opponent has, the less I rely on staff.
There are certain matchups where I will stay in staff full time, mostly against character who are forced to try and rush NW down. Anybody who is forced to advance on staff is probably going to struggle dealing with staff's options, but that only applies to a handful of matchups.
Unless the move is -10, no you can't. Usually 1,1,3 will be your go-to string for punishment.Can you punish ANYTHING with f213? I feel like half of the time I just block in Escrima.I block and they block low so I do b2 drumline into j3. wingdings bc online its tough to link the 3 after b2 for me... if they are blocking high, I just sweep or b1d3. Theres gotta be someway we can get into f213
Can you punish ANYTHING with f213? I feel like half of the time I just block in Escrima.I block and they block low so I do b2 drumline into j3. wingdings bc online its tough to link the 3 after b2 for me... if they are blocking high, I just sweep or b1d3. Theres gotta be someway we can get into f213
Will f213 reach?against Shazam when he does his Raiden tornado body spin with the MB, it automatically changes if you're use to punishing special moves with will end up doing just be ready to follow the 13 right after with a 4 into staff spin or ground blast combo.
Yes it will reach, I remember punishing a Shazam with that before after blocking his psycho crusher.Will f213 reach?
Will f213 reach?
I placed higher than Michaelangelo at EVO actually. I was the 2nd furthest GL next to DJT there.KT Smith
By "2nd only in tournament standings" I was referring to EVO. Excuse my ignorance outside of that.
Thank you for correcting me.I placed higher than Michaelangelo at EVO actually. I was the 2nd furthest GL next to DJT there.
Yeah, it's one of my favorite matchups to play. Slayer and I always have the craziest/most close sets of all time. Plus he always yells out "For TheMyscira!" mid match and I almost die in laughter.Sajam explained it perfectly.
NW vs WW is a cat and mouse stance switch fest. It's really fun when you know it. Like, REALLY fun.
Murph and I play it a lot.
Escrima for shield stance, Staff for lasso stance. Escrima if she starts trying to air charge you all the time Staff if she is just going to constantly try b2'ing you.