Same, but more along the lines of " to folks who spout gibberish at game developers without knowing how fancy textures and lighting are added and WHEN in a dev pipeline they actually begin implementing the detailed ones".
Kept telling folks that so long as the model was sculpted with enough polygons then they shouldn't worry. You NEVER add full texture, depth, pitting, reflection, ambient occlusion, highlight, shading, or whatever other maps in one go early in a fighting game. You tackle animation and gameplay first and add more details to the map later because your lighting engine, and game shit may change a bunch through testing. Would suck to have to redo maps or replace them entirely down the line if you made them before doing full changes to their animations, effects and lighting. Thats why everything ALWAYS looks low quality texture/lighting-wise in early builds. Because they have to.
It takes a helluva long time to paint an image that looks real. Even longer to do it right in 3d on an object moving around tons of interactible environments. Folks who expect alpha footage to look like final footage in a fighting game (which are all gameplay driven) are completely out of touch and consume too much footage from open world AAA pipelines. Different game genre and budget folks. Different pipelines at play on when things get added too.