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New screens, videos and info on IGN.com on UMK3 DS!!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, well I just read this story this morning on MKO, so figured you'd guys would want to see this.

I'll also post an update in my current thread.

Check it out, looks hot. A few newer vids are up also.

Article is here:
http://ds.ign.com/articles/827/827250p1.html :wink:

Video's are here:

The Screens, you can swap which screen you want, in both modes, new UKK format, in fighting mode you have one screen of your choosing to have fighting mode and the other move list and finishing move list!

Freaking AWESOME!!


Tim Static

:lol: @ the icons for the Animalites, etc.

This should be fun, but seriously, the controls are gonna suck for me. I didnt learn how to play this game on a handheld. I am so gonna suck online. :(


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Frankiebonez said:
That is a great fuckin idea... put the move lists on the other screen for special moves and fatalities/animalities/etc.
Indeed dude, this is pure genius because at the same time it helps the player or acts as a guide. Especially newer players that will no doubt pick this game up as well as veteran player. 8)


Dojo Trainee
This makes me really happy to hear that you can switch the screens around, I didnt want to play with the bottom screen as the fighting, so I will probably pick this up now.


You can really see the artifacting from the resize in these vids. BUt, as long as it plays right, I'm grab this the second it drops.


Premium Supporter
Yeah I was going to say that. They are finally showing a real product. Again, gameplay examples are terrible. I also noticed they don't have Block in Air listed as a move for Scorpion.
Shock said:
Yeah I was going to say that. They are finally showing a real product. Again, gameplay examples are terrible. I also noticed they don't have Block in Air listed as a move for Scorpion.
better then before :p


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I don't really care about nor see why people are complaining so much with these "gameplay" demos to be honest...it's not like anyone from here is going to be sporting those demos anyway.....

But anyway, the moveslist is a great idea. The Scorpion air throw, who knows it might be in the final build, we don't know yet. Remember, this is just a closer to finished product...not 100% finished just yet :wink:

Iori9 said:
This may turn out to be a better port then the 360 version.
I agree, especially since the DS has factually the highest amount of users out of any console worldwide, and considering wifi is hot right now and Halo 3 just killed any other game period for Xbox 360...I'd say this version is going to own.

MKK hanzo

I also noticed they don't have Block in Air listed as a move for Scorpion.
Ha! the programmers/testers of this day are so dumb/lazy. I just imagined something like morphing into H.Smoke and the move list remained like Robot...LOL

But anyway, the moveslist is a great idea. The Scorpion air throw, who knows it might be in the final build, we don't know yet. Remember, this is just a closer to finished product...not 100% finished just yet
i think Shock refers to the movelist typo "error". Being an arcade emulation, I dont think they will mess with the actual gameplay...


Premium Supporter
Showing people fumbling around playing, with slow, unispiring movement, not really even showing combos, just like, JK to sweep combos that don't even really combo etc. It's stupid. Show some serious gameplay and more people will be interested, it wouldn't cost anything and it would do nothing but increase sales even if it's 1%. I mean, if 2 or 3 random guys who play fighting games have their attention diverted by solid gameplay everytime there is a tournament casual gamers will be more likely to pick up a game that looks fun to play. All these vids are monotonous. I'm not saying exploit the broken shit that exists here and there, but show something more than what you can do in MK1 and MK2.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah man, I totally see what you're saying but at the same time we're not going to get that with these demos, they probably figure handhelds, who's going to care to see high level demos? Know what I mean?

I think this game honestly will sell bigtime regardless of these sub-par demos. UMK3 arcade goes to DS, that's going to be a big sell, not to mention MKD puzzle mode. Since I played MKD tons on xbox, I can tell you people will buy the game just for that mode as well :)


Premium Supporter
I can't see it selling less copies if they show people pushing the game just a little bit. It looks extremely dull in these videos, even the official trailers and teasers are lackluster displays of the game itself. It's not hard to show a pop up to a two hit juggle for example. Remember, a site like this only reaches a small part of the audience, and those people are looking for what we all supply them. More players will be interested in gameplay upon opening the game if they see the game played well. They might not know it's being played well, but it's a subconscious example of faster movements, and more extended segments of controlling the game to your advantage. It's like have a preview for the World Series and showing clips of players bunting and hitting fouls, or pitchers throwing balls. There's a built-in audience who will buy it no matter what, but there is another audience who will buy it based on what they see if they haven't seen it before and there are an enormous number of gamers who have a DS who never saw UMK3.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, it'll sell well though I'm not worried.

As for the people that never heard of the game to begin with, chances are they'll find this site to help them out like the 360's case 8)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
dreemernj said:
If my DS picks up a wireless connection at the office, I'm probably going to end up losing my job.

LOL ^^ :lol: I'm starting to think that you're as addicted to that UMK3 as I am with the MK series in general..

You've seen my MK tat right? ha, ha :wink:

At least I'll have something to do on my way to work now, I take PT so now I'll have something to do on the go! :)

There is a Mcdonalds near there so perhaps on my breaks I can go there and hope they have wifi. hehe

Tim Static

dreemernj said:
If my DS picks up a wireless connection at the office, I'm probably going to end up losing my job.
At my bowling alley, we have a good strong Wi-Fi connection. Now I will have something to do in between 5am and 9am. :D


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Tim Static said:
dreemernj said:
If my DS picks up a wireless connection at the office, I'm probably going to end up losing my job.
At my bowling alley, we have a good strong Wi-Fi connection. Now I will have something to do in between 5am and 9am. :D
A bowling alley supports wifi? wow...now I've heard everything, I mean the ones near me support good old bowling alley cheese burgers, fries, that bowling alley smell lol and some arcade machines but wifi, now that's something new for a bowling alley :shock:

Tim Static

The Wi-fi is for our computer system, not something we offer to customers. Even though some people know about it and bring their laptops in.