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NEC 16 MKX Top 8 is Set

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Slave to burgers
I think it's funny that people refuse to subscribe to streams, refuse to pay 1 time fees to watch an event, refuse to disable their ad blocker, and still have the nerve to sh*t on streamers when things aren't perfect.

Streaming is expensive, it's a lot of work and it's a pain in the ass. And the people who do it get almost nothing in return for their effort. So what do you expect?

I'm annoyed that there's no stream as well, but f*ck it, at least someone is trying. If you're that salty, then fly your lazy entitled ass to the next event with thousands of dollars of your own equipment and stream this sh*t yourself.

If you aren't capable, don't put your self out there. Apparently KN is known for this. People wont give us money QQ. People don't want to pay for garbage. You won't get someone to hand you money if you have shit in return.

I can't stream, but I also don't pretend to either.

If I had paid into this stream, I have no faith it would have been better, given the rep they have.

No, It's on them to step up and make something worth paying for, or pack it up and stay home.
I think it's funny that people refuse to subscribe to streams, refuse to pay 1 time fees to watch an event, refuse to disable their ad blocker, and still have the nerve to sh*t on streamers when things aren't perfect.

Streaming is expensive, it's a lot of work and it's a pain in the ass. And the people who do it get almost nothing in return for their effort. So what do you expect?

I'm annoyed that there's no stream as well, but f*ck it, at least someone is trying. If you're that salty, then fly your lazy entitled ass to the next event with thousands of dollars of your own equipment and stream this sh*t yourself.
Lol no one is forcing KN to do to streams. They chose to do this to themselves...and well if they can't deliver it then of course they're gonna get blown up. They can always choose to not stream and not get blown up. Let someone else get blown up and then they can sit back and complain with us.

I hope the next time you go out to eat the chef undercooks your steak and when you complain, he comes out and tells you that you're an entitled customer and to go to the kitchen and cook it yourself
Apparently it was hardware failure. CPU fans dying caused the CPU to fry.
I know they are doing this for free, but it is really frustrating to miss all these good matches almost every time. Apparantly foxy got put into losers by a jason player, which we will never see how the fuck that happened.


PSN: Skkra
Streaming is expensive, it's a lot of work and it's a pain in the ass. And the people who do it get almost nothing in return for their effort. So what do you expect?
If you volunteer to do a job, do the job. I subscribe to all streams. Happily. Even to the famous canada cup $8.95.

I do coding and database administration for a living. I volunteer those services to nonprofits/charities in my spare time. Does that mean I should then have the right to completely screw it up and just say "well it was frre, so, lulz!"

No. Im an adult, and a professional. Whether its in a hobby, volunteer work, or my job, I do it 100% and am prepared for adversity, or I dont do it at all. My two cents.


I hope the next time you go out to eat the chef undercooks your steak and when you complain, he comes out and tells you that you're an entitled customer and to go to the kitchen and cook it yourself
Yeah that is a stupid analogy.

A chef trains for years to become good at what he does. And he spends that time training BECAUSE IT'S PROFITABLE.

If eating at restaurants was FREE, then you're damn right you'd have no right to complain about the food.
@infamy23 that's bs. If that's their complaint then they shouldn't agree to do it. Bottom line. Coincidentally, this happens at every single major event they stream.

I have the money and resources to resolve this situation for future events but personally, the FGC politics makes me uneasy to actually be willing to pursue.

Anyhow, this was expected and not the end of the world. I just hope a real discussion thread is made from this with a real solution. I have no issue making a monetary contribution towards an alternative.


Born on a Monday
it was going fine until whinny ungrateful stream monsters complained about quality then they tried to accomadate the whinny ungrateful stream monsters and things went to shit.
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