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NEC 16 MKX Top 8 is Set

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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Can a apology thread be made from the community to Pig and 16 Bit for calling this out years ago?

This is unacceptable. Biggest tournament since Evo and KN fails yet again. Surprise surprise. When are we gonna do something about it? They are literally hurting the community and growth of the game.
U know I ain't saying shit

That got me banned for 1 year from 6 majors and not really anyone fought for me other than closest friends and my friends I play w


Just stop. As a streamer it is part of your job to prepare your equipment for any kind of accident that might happen. If you purchase a premium account on tym, part of that money will go to kombatnetwork. People are financially supporting them to some extent. According to themselves it is not about money, because we have said many times that we were willing to donate for a better stream. They always say the stream goes down and the cause of it is something they couldnt do anything about. Their attitude towards this is just unprofessional and they are never willing to take any blame whatsoever. It is never their fault...
You're missing the point, simpleton.

The quality of KN is a byproduct of the absolute REFUSAL of the vast majority of stream monsters to support streaming financially. I live in Calgary, and my friends at Canada Cup dealt with so much bullsh*t just because they wanted to charge $8.95 for one of the best tournaments of all time. That experience was a shining example of the just how cheap and entitled this community is.

I'm not defending KN. If I was the one volunteering to do that job, then I would make damn sure that it was the highest quality possible. But the reality is, streaming is a financial black hole, and for that reason, KN is unfortunately our only f*cking option because there is zero incentive to even bother becoming a streamer.

If the FGC viewers weren't so god damn cheap, then more people would step up and create high quality streams in order to grab a share of that money. But since there is no money, THIS is what we get. So just stfu and accept it.


Chode Juggler
You're missing the point, simpleton.

The quality of KN is a byproduct of the absolute REFUSAL of the vast majority of stream monsters to support streaming financially. I live in Calgary, and my friends at Canada Cup dealt with so much bullsh*t just because they wanted to charge $8.95 for one of the best tournaments of all time. That experience was a shining example of the just how cheap and entitled this community is.

I'm not defending KN. If I was the one volunteering to do that job, then I would make damn sure that it was the highest quality possible. But the reality is, streaming is a financial black hole, and for that reason, KN is unfortunately our only f*cking option because there is zero incentive to even bother becoming a streamer.

If the FGC viewers weren't so god damn cheap, then more people would step up and create high quality streams in order to grab a share of that money. But since there is no money, THIS is what we get. So just stfu and accept it.
I dont accept this. They shouldnt volunteer to stream a huge 10k NRS sponsored tournament if they cant deliver. Its not like this is a one time thing, they always fuck up in some way or another; but its never their fault. No communication to the end users that actually do support this community, and they get agressive if anyone points thier bullshit out. Its about as unprofessional as its gets. I wouldnt be suprised if I get banned for this post
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You're missing the point, simpleton.

The quality of KN is a byproduct of the absolute REFUSAL of the vast majority of stream monsters to support streaming financially. I live in Calgary, and my friends at Canada Cup dealt with so much bullsh*t just because they wanted to charge $8.95 for one of the best tournaments of all time. That experience was a shining example of the just how cheap and entitled this community is.

I'm not defending KN. If I was the one volunteering to do that job, then I would make damn sure that it was the highest quality possible. But the reality is, streaming is a financial black hole, and for that reason, KN is unfortunately our only f*cking option because there is no no incentive to even bother becoming a streamer.

If the FGC viewers weren't so god damn cheap, then more people would step up and create high quality streams in order to grab a share of that money. But since there is no money, THIS is what we get. So just stfu and accept it.
I'm glad you're trying to keep this civil by calling me a simpleton and telling me to shut up. A lot of people on TYM have said they were willing to donate, KN said it wasn't about money, they said accidents happen.

So I am the one who is missing the point?


I'm glad you're trying to keep this civil by calling me a simpleton and telling me to shut up. A lot of people on TYM have said they were willing to donate, KN said it wasn't about money, they said accidents happen.

So I am the one who is missing the point?
Why do you keep bringing up KN? They are incompetent, I get it.

The point is, if all 2500 people watching chipped in $5 each, then quality streamers would be clamoring for the job so that KN wouldn't even HAVE to volunteer in the first place.

Just because you and a handful of other people on TYM aren't leeches, doesn't mean the other 2000 people in that stream are willing to give even 1 penny for a service that is clearly valuable to us all.
Why do you keep bringing up KN? They are incompetent, I get it.

The point is, if all 2500 people watching chipped in $5 each, then quality streamers would be clamoring for the job so that KN wouldn't even HAVE to volunteer in the first place.

Just because you and a handful of other people on TYM aren't leeches, doesn't mean the other 2000 people in that stream are willing to give even 1 penny for a service that is clearly valuable to us all.
Now now honey there is no need to be upset. So just because ''a few people on TYM'' were willing to donate they just refused their donations because it wasnt enough? As far as I know, they never asked for donations. And you are missing the point because they have said it themselves its not about money.

People on TYM have shown before that they can donate a lot of money to support the people within this community. If they had the right attitude towards this and it was about money, then they would have accepted the idea of gathering donations for a quality stream.


Now now honey there is no need to be upset. So just because ''a few people on TYM'' were willing to donate they just refused their donations because it wasnt enough? As far as I know, they never asked for donations. And you are missing the point because they have said it themselves its not about money.

People on TYM have shown before that they can donate a lot of money to support the people within this community. If they had the right attitude towards this and it was about money, then they would have accepted the idea of gathering donations for a quality stream.
If you are the type of person to contribute financially, then good for you, you are not part of the problem. But until the other 90% of the viewer base comes on board, we are stuck dealing with this type of crap, and there's no point crying about it because the only way it's going to change is if someone else decides to dedicate their time and money to a thankless job like streaming MKX.
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