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General/Other - Mileena My Balance Suggestions

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    Votes: 46 86.8%
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    Votes: 7 13.2%

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b1 -6 on block
b12 -5 on block
f1 -1 on block
d1 7 frames startup
Tele kick can not be canceled on block
Sais build half as much meter on block

Damage is fine, whiff recovery is fine. Keep her as the strong space control character she is, just tone it down so that you have to condition me to block after b12 instead of getting to out poke me every time, and you don't get 5 breakers a game.

I agree with your ravenous changes.
Tele kick should be able to cancel and d1 is fine and so is f1


AUS FGC represent!
Tele kick should be able to cancel and d1 is fine and so is f1
Nah, the sai/no sai mixup on block is hella stupid. Either make it so the sai cancel window is tiny, or it can't be cancelled at all.

d1 is unlikely to be changed, but it's stupid. She already has roll as a reversal and insanely good pokes. Making it 7 frames startup is still hella better than pre-patch 9; while retaining it as a good poke.

As an armour breaking, easily hitconfirmable normal that can be gaplessly continued into a string and provides a mixup with the low and ex roll; it is absolutely not fine.


Nah, the sai/no sai mixup on block is hella stupid. Either make it so the sai cancel window is tiny, or it can't be cancelled at all.

d1 is unlikely to be changed, but it's stupid. She already has roll as a reversal and insanely good pokes. Making it 7 frames startup is still hella better than pre-patch 9; while retaining it as a good poke.

As an armour breaking, easily hitconfirmable normal that can be gaplessly continued into a string and provides a mixup with the low and ex roll; it is absolutely not fine.
I don't understand why The tele kick mixup is so hated. It's easily punishable. Thankfully d1 won't be changed. F1 is fine the way it is. It's just a really good string, I don't understand why it's needs to be -1.


AUS FGC represent!
I don't understand why The tele kick mixup is so hated. It's easily punishable. Thankfully d1 won't be changed. F1 is fine the way it is. It's just a really good string, I don't understand why it's needs to be -1.
It's not easy to punish for some characters who have to guess whether she's gonna sai or not unless they wanna waste a bar.

It should be -1 because it breaks armour and leads to a 50/50.


The anticipation is killing me
I don't understand why The tele kick mixup is so hated. It's easily punishable. Thankfully d1 won't be changed. F1 is fine the way it is. It's just a really good string, I don't understand why it's needs to be -1.
People hate it because you shouldn't have to guess how to punish a full combo punishable move. Pre XL, Air Sai was not only slower but was bugged so people had no issues with it Sai after Telekick on block. Now that it has changed it is a issue, unless you have a universal option to deal with both (eg Mileena's own Roll lol).

As for F1, a normal that breaks armour and is +2 is one thing. The fact that the full string can lead to a 50/50 can be seen as too much when you include the former properties. I don't think a change of F1 being -1 would be damaging.

Which reminds me @Pan1cMode out of interest would you make the F1 change universal or Piercing only?


A spaceman
b1 -6 on block
b12 -5 on block
f1 -1 on block
d1 7 frames startup
Tele kick can not be canceled on block
Sais build half as much meter on block

Damage is fine, whiff recovery is fine. Keep her as the strong space control character she is, just tone it down so that you have to condition me to block after b12 instead of getting to out poke me every time, and you don't get 5 breakers a game.

I agree with your ravenous changes.
These changes I agree with.

@EdenianWarrior You can still stagger f1. We already do that with B1. F1 being -1 would be completely fine.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Now I'm sure you all know there might be one final patch to this game. And you know how much people complain about Mileena now. Well if nothing is said she will get over normalized & not be effective anymore. I've put a lot of thought into this list of suggestions. So here they are.

Mileena Suggestions


-Make the B1,2 string -5 on block.

The reason for -5 is very simple. In it's current state B1,2 for Mileena does way too much & has way too much utility. It can be used for offense, defense, spacing, punishing, anti air, etc etc.. It can be used offensively due to the fact of Mileena's faster up close pokes & the variable frame data it has on block from different spaces. By making it -5 you eliminate the offensive use of it & give other characters a fighting chance against the string by allowing them to poke back when the string isn't spaced properly but at the same time allows the Mileena player excellent whiff punish opportunities if the string is spaced properly while keeping the mind games of "will the Mileena EX Roll to beat the follow up poke or not" & the mind games of B1,2 Low Sai or not to beat follow up pokes. In this way you keep the core of the character intact but at the same time it gives your opponent a fighting chance against this overwhelming string.

-Give B1 & B1,2 at least 8 extra frames of recovery.

There is one simple reason for this. Time & time again I have watched Mileena players whiff this normal & this string & I have watched them safely recover in time to block a whiff punish attempt or even catch an opponent's whiff punish attempt with the final active frames & hit them instead. By adding extra frames of whiff recovery you give opponents a more efficient way to land the whiff punish that they deserve when B1 or B1,2 is whiffed.

-Make B1,2 1+3, DD2 only +6 on hit.

Once again this is a combo ender that I feel must be normalized for one simple reason. This ender does damage, IS A RESTAND, offers free pressure (especially in the corner), & by having a variation that is supposed to be a defensive & spacing type variation to have this type of ender the other variations kind of become pointless & it makes all her other combo enders pointless. By making it only +5 Mileena keeps advantage but it's not to the point that she gets absolutely free offense after hitting a combo which takes a third of your life bar. In the corner she will still keep an advantageous position but it gives your opponent a chance to at least use an armor attack if they choose to in order to try & escape which can be easily baited out & punished.

-Normalize Damage Scaling on B2,1 2+4

This combo ender is another reason in which the other enders are pointless & makes the other variations pointless due to it's high damage output & positioning it leaves Mileena in. Not only that with a bar in the corner this ender allows for absurds amount of damage that the other variations can't even reach. By normalizing the damage scaling on this ender Piercing no longer is the highest damaging variation but Ravenous does which gives Ravenous more purpose.


Before I list my suggestions I will say that I feel out of the 3 variations Ravenous needs to be the purely offensive variation of Mileena.

-B1,2 1+3 should be a restand & B1,2 1+3 UU2 should offer at least 4% health back.

I feel one of the areas that Ravenous fails to shine at is the usefulness of the unique ender that it offers. I feel that the restand that Piercing has should go to the Ravenous ender since this variation was designed to fight up close & personal. When Mileena goes for the B1,2 1+3 in Ravenous it should restand but if she adds the UU2 it should retain it's current properties but give her increased health gain since it knocks the opponent away & she has to work her way back in.

-More advantage to the 1st & 2nd parts of High Pounce & Low Pounce.

The reasoning behind this is very simple. Damage vs Positioning. If the Mileena player only does the 1st part of either Pounce or the 2nd part I feel they should be rewarded with more hit advantage in turn for giving up the free damage. I feel with that change the Pounces become much scarier of a tool to deal with & makes Ravenous much scarier up close.


No changes. I believe this variation is perfect the way that it is & any further buffing to it will make it too strong.

Please take the time to review these suggestions & tell me what you think.
Agree 100% and this is what should happen to Mileena i hope they take your suggestions they are fair and actually takle all issues we have with Mileenas strengths. Nice to see a Mileena player suggesting these as well. So we know a player at your level understands how the changes can effect the character as a whole, and at the same time, offered how to effectivly normalize the character without Taking away her effectiveness. Very well thought out.

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
Agree 100% and this is what should happen to Mileena i hope they take your suggestions they are fair and actually takle all issues we have with Mileenas strengths. Nice to see a Mileena player suggesting these as well. So we know a player at your level understands how the changes can effect the character as a whole, and at the same time, offered how to effectivly normalize the character without Taking away her effectiveness. Very well thought out.
Thanks man I thought a lot about it.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Thanks man I thought a lot about it.
like you said i do have problemns with her B12 especially with my Cyrax, it feels like she has that magical range that i can't touch, and at any point she can OS into full combo. another character that mnakes me feel this way is Mystic Ermac, i always feel like i can't do anything with that Push Fear.

You think something along the same lines can be done with KAno CT as well. like make his EX Power up like only +5 then we can backdash and have options, but at the same time, Kano gets to keep the tool and use it but has to be more careful when he does it?

Not to get off topic but i figured why not ask?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
People hate it because you shouldn't have to guess how to punish a full combo punishable move. Pre XL, Air Sai was not only slower but was bugged so people had no issues with it Sai after Telekick on block. Now that it has changed it is a issue, unless you have a universal option to deal with both (eg Mileena's own Roll lol).

As for F1, a normal that breaks armour and is +2 is one thing. The fact that the full string can lead to a 50/50 can be seen as too much when you include the former properties. I don't think a change of F1 being -1 would be damaging.

Which reminds me @Pan1cMode out of interest would you make the F1 change universal or Piercing only?
they could make it universal along with nerfing B21-2+4 and slightly buffing B22-1+3 and Ravenous moves including Pounce would make others pick the other two over pirceing, once B12 is nerfed the other two variation suddenly become Apparent. Honeslty what would Piercing have over the other two besides Low Sai.

Id love to see Ethereal and Ravenous used more frequently and it looks like we might gravitate to and embrace this change.


The anticipation is killing me
they could make it universal along with nerfing B21-2+4 and slightly buffing B22-1+3 and Ravenous moves including Pounce would make others pick the other two over pirceing, once B12 is nerfed the other two variation suddenly become Apparent. Honeslty what would Piercing have over the other two besides Low Sai.

Id love to see Ethereal and Ravenous used more frequently and it looks like we might gravitate to and embrace this change.
Depends on what and how hard Piercing gets hit by potential nerfs. If she is destroyed then yes you will probably see Rav and Ethe more frequently but maybe less representation in tournament
....still too late/noobish to propose her u4 from 2,1>u4 that can be done as a stand alone move for all variations?

May not be mk9 u4 but it's a very nice offensive tool IMO :)