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"Must I Remind You Of My Superiority" -- Lex Luthor General Discussion Thread

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Your Emporer
I started messing around with a different mine setup last night. You do your typical BnB - 112~MB pull, B3, Ji2, B2~normal gravity mine or far mine. I did a lot of testing with it and I find it very promising. :)

Ji2 and not 3? Three I think is more damage (though it is possible to hit too early), or do you find a notable difference in positioning between using the two?


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Ji2 and not 3? Three I think is more damage (though it is possible to hit too early), or do you find a notable difference in positioning between using the two?
You can do ji w/e. I'm just more comfortable with ji2 for some reason.

But try ending your BnB with B2 cancelled in to normal or far mine.


Your Emporer
You can do ji w/e. I'm talking about ending the combo with B2 as your ender to setup the mines.
Oh, no I was just suggesting that if you used 3 it would mean a tiny boost in your combo's damage with no potential downside?


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Good shit Chef. I've been confused on exactly what to use as an AA for jump ins.... well now I know what to use. Thanks!

His 2 does have a nice arc above Lex's head which is nice.


Yo Lex's 2 is a really really good AA! It beats Doomsday's Splash CLEAN. You also get some really good damage off of it. I made a video, if someone has better combos post them please because I feel like mine are suboptimal.

Pig Of The Hut
I don't know who plays this char!
AA 2, F2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (37 damage)
AA 2, F2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, U3~far mine (38 damage)

AA 2, B2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (34 damage)
AA 2, B2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, U3~far mine (36 damage)

AA 2, 2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (34 damage)
AA 2, 2~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, U3~far mine (36 damage)

AA 2, 2,1~DB2 MB, B3, ji2, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (33 damage)
AA 2, 2,1~DB2 MB, B3, ji2, U3~far mine (34 damage)

AA 2, 1~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (32 damage)
AA 2, 1~DB2 MB, B3, ji3, U3~far mine (33 damage)

AA 2, 1,1~DB2 MB, B3, ji2, 2,1~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (30 damage)
AA 2, 1,1~DB2 MB, B3, ji2, U3~far mine (31 damage)


AA 2, F2~DB2 MB, F3, 1,1, U3~corp charge/gravity pull/probe/trait (36 damage)
AA 2, 2~DB2 MB, F3, 1,1, U3~corp charge/gravity pull/probe/trait (34 damage)
AA 2, B2~DB2 MB, F3, 1,1, U3~corp charge/gravity pull/probe/trait (34 damage)


AA 2, B2, 1,1,3~corp charge/mine/probe/trait (19 damage)

i also tested more of those corner combos and ending the combos with U3~corp charge in the corner is amazing, you have enough time to get a probe out after the cc or you even have enough time to charge your trait to lvl3 and dashcancel forward! and block in time (tested against lex wakeup corp charge)


still dont have my copy :/, got a stupid question. lex get one armor and 100% damage reduction on lvl 3 trait, my question, if you block moves/strings/whatever with lvl3 trait, dose lex reseive chip damage?
ok so to answer my own question, if you block anything with lvl3 trait on, you reseive no chip damage. and ofc you reseive less chip damage with lvl2 trait on.
You guys might want to go and check out the Toryuken 2 championship game between GGA Jeremiah and GGA PPJeezus. He played Lex for a few rounds and he showed off some pretty gnarly corner stuff. He plays an extremely different Lex than anyone else I've ever seen. He make great use of the 22...b3? string.


You guys might want to go and check out the Toryuken 2 championship game between GGA Jeremiah and GGA PimPimJim. He played Lex for a few rounds and he showed off some pretty gnarly corner stuff. He plays an extremely different Lex than anyone else I've ever seen. He make great use of the 22...b3? string.
can you link? thanks


i agree but i have experience with few doomsdays. i play a dd main often enough and im ok with the matchup


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Has anyone found use for Lex's MB mines when and if the opponent gets hit by them?
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