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Mortal Kombat to possibly be sold?

Scott Naylor


As much as it can't be helped.
NRS needs to be an independent studio, so they can make the game they want to make, with the ppl they want to work with, without corporate BS get in the middle, and so they can have all the time in the world to polish their games and not get rushed by PR

This would be a dream come true though, this will hardly ever happen.
As much as it can't be helped.
NRS needs to be an independent studio, so they can make the game they want to make, with the ppl they want to work with, without corporate BS get in the middle, and so they can have all the time in the world to polish their games and not get rushed by PR

This would be a dream come true though, this will hardly ever happen.
yep, because NRS might would be able to afford the high production cost (millions) to produce a MK game in today standard quality, so, I see other game company, as Microsoft, Sony or whatever, buying the MK IP and hiring NRS to work for them, or maybe, buying MK and NRS coming up as part of the deal package as well, who knows ? ;)

anyway, since the current WB financial instability is a reality, I think is the right time for the MK franchise series to change its ownership and having a real deal 180 degree change ..... let's see what happens ! :)
Please do it. WB could be using the MK license for more than just fighting games and shitty movies. NRS is awesome and should be able to keep doing what they’re doing, and you can do a lot of things other than fighting games with other developers having the license as well. An action game like DMC style or souls-like (souls-lite more like the Jedi games probably) would work really well with the MK universe.
I hope it doesn't get sold. It's not uncommon for a big publisher to buy a studio like NRS, dissolve it, and then use in house people to churn out sequels.

I'd hate to see people at NRS losing their jobs because they were bought out. Something similar happened with the original studio that made Dead Space.
MS will just shut them down lol
Sony would screw them up too. Bungie just had yet another round of layoffs and Destiny 3 is confirmed to not being developed. Some people are being relocated to other parts of Sony, after it was believed Bungie would remain free and generally independent to develop their games.

Again, the games industry as a whole is in a very bad way right now.
MK's identity at this point is "even crappier MCU"

Liquidate NRS. Sell off the IP. Hopefully the next owners/studio actually give a damn about the legacy of the series. Remember when MK was a trend-setter and not a trend-chaser? Let's get back to that.
Yes, we should push for people to lose their jobs in hopes that a decades-old series goes back to being a parody of Bloodsport, Terminator, Big Trouble In Little China, etc.

Truly trend-setting stuff.
Yes, we should push for people to lose their jobs in hopes that a decades-old series goes back to being a parody of Bloodsport, Terminator, Big Trouble In Little China, etc.
"Step back, m'lady multibillion dollar franchise with multimillion dollar studio! I'll protect you!"

The studio makes bad games. Why would I want it to stay around? I want good things to do good and, as part of the market, I think producers of bad content should not be rewarded.

Pretty simple.

I hope everyone of talent would go on to get better jobs at better places. I won't be held hostage in my opinion of a company because it employs people. That's hostage-level thinking. The studio is bad. Simple as.
"Step back, m'lady multibillion dollar franchise with multimillion dollar studio! I'll protect you!"

The studio makes bad games. Why would I want it to stay around? I want good things to do good and, as part of the market, I think producers of bad content should not be rewarded.

Pretty simple.

I hope everyone of talent would go on to get better jobs at better places. I won't be held hostage in my opinion of a company because it employs people. That's hostage-level thinking. The studio is bad. Simple as.

No one is holding you hostage. That's something you made up. If NRS as a studio is dissolved, people will lose their jobs. And you do not care.

Additionally, all NRS MK sales contradict your OPINION that the studio makes bad games. Reality does not conform to your OPINION.
No one is holding you hostage. That's something you made up. If NRS as a studio is dissolved, people will lose their jobs. And you do not care.
Loosen your fedora.

I am not going to be held hostage to believe a bad company should stay in business just because it employs people. "Guys, NRS is too big to fail! Think of all the people they employ! Just keep them in business! Keep consooming from them!"

Give me a break.

I care about the individuals. Not the company. It's unfortunate they'd be victims of their company's incompetence...as well as the incompetence of a bunch of their fellow employees. Sadly, them's the breaks. As I already said (and you ignored), I hope everyone of talent goes on to bigger & better things.

Additionally, all NRS MK sales contradict your OPINION that the studio makes bad games. Reality does not conform to your OPINION.
"ACKSHUALLY! The Transformers movies sold A LOT of tickets so clearly they're VERY good movies! Checkmate!"

Imagine unironically trying to use this argument. Holy shit. What an embarrassment.
Loosen your fedora.

I am not going to be held hostage to believe a bad company should stay in business just because it employs people. "Guys, NRS is too big to fail! Think of all the people they employ! Just keep them in business! Keep consooming from them!"

Give me a break.

I care about the individuals. Not the company. It's unfortunate they'd be victims of their company's incompetence...as well as the incompetence of a bunch of their fellow employees. Sadly, them's the breaks. As I already said (and you ignored), I hope everyone of talent goes on to bigger & better things.

"ACKSHUALLY! The Transformers movies sold A LOT of tickets so clearly they're VERY good movies! Checkmate!"

Imagine unironically trying to use this argument. Holy shit. What an embarrassment.
Strawmanning me. Amazing.

I'm not defending a company, you moron. I'm pushing back against the idea that people should lose their jobs because you personally don't like the studios' games.

Additionally, sales are an objective measure to go by. Your opinion that they make bad games is just that, just like my opinion that they make good games is just that.

What's appalling is that you don't care if people lose their jobs because you don't like to consume their products. Excuse me, only the, "people of talent" whatever that means.

Cheetos-dust, gamer brain rot.
Cheetos-dust, gamer brain rot.
It's my opinion that the studio is bad, yes. I don't want a bad studio continuing to pump out bad games.

Pretty simple.

As for gamer brain rot...bruh, you're challenging people that disagree with you on stuff to sets like an online fgc tough guy. That's the most brain rot cringe AF stuff I've seen on a forum in a long time. Get over yourself. Loosen the fedora.
It's my opinion that the studio is bad, yes. I don't want a bad studio continuing to pump out bad games.

Pretty simple.

As for gamer brain rot...bruh, you're challenging people that disagree with you on stuff to sets like an online fgc tough guy. That's the most brain rot cringe AF stuff I've seen on a forum in a long time. Get over yourself. Loosen the fedora.
Yes, you've made it clear that people should lose their livelihoods because they produce products you don't want to consume.

Sir, this is a fighting game forum.

Do you not know how things are settled in the FGC?

Of course you don't - you've never been to a tournament. Why am I not surprised.
Sony would screw them up too. Bungie just had yet another round of layoffs and Destiny 3 is confirmed to not being developed. Some people are being relocated to other parts of Sony, after it was believed Bungie would remain free and generally independent to develop their games.

Again, the games industry as a whole is in a very bad way right now.
I wouldn’t want Sony to get it either, I don’t like how they’ve been handling some of their games recently.

Only Capcom seems to be doing well yeah? They’re making more money than ever and have been producing absolute bangers the last few years.
They should sell Mortal Kombat to Capcom so we can get Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat vs Darkstalkers or they should sell Mortal Kombat to Namco so we can get Mortal Kombat vs Tekken and Mortal Kombat vs Soul Calibur. Also selling Mortal Kombat to SNK is a good idea so we can get Mortal Kombat vs Samurai Showdown and Mortal Kombat vs Fatal Fury along with Mortal Kombat vs King Of Fighters.