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Mortal Kombat Revival


I added the juggle push back for the jabs now, max 2 hits near the wall if enemy is in the air.

Max 5 hits standing near the wall, enemy can guard at any time.

Max 3 blocks near the wall

= freeze and push back.

For the damage, if my math is correct... which it may not be, I'm bad at math.

I did Mugen default life = 1000
Calculating the difference from MK life = 166

1000 / 166 = difference of 6.02

LP, Normal hit = 8 x 6.02 = 48.16
LP, Damage Protected = 4 x 6.02 = 24.08
LP, Blocked = 2 x 6.02 = 12.04

HP, Normal hit = 11x 6.02 = 66.72
HP, Damage Protected = 5x6.02 = 30.1
HP, Blocked = 3x6.02 = 8.06



I added some other things to MKR and UMK3 modes, like the MK canceling jumping and hop attacks to the standing combos.

In my mode right now, it's working more like MK vs DCU or Street Fighter.


[Spear escape]

I updated the code for the struggle sequence I made for this. In my mode any special holding move or anything that is like a throw probably has an escape command.

Tap any button twice to start the struggle when getting pulled by the spear.

Once the struggle starts, it works like the street fighter multi hit throws or the Test your might game.

A meter is set in the middle value and both players have to mash the attack buttons too pull one way or the other.

If Scorpion wins, he pulls them in again and they cant escape a second time. If Scorpion mashes extra fast, the rope turns orange and he will do a hard yank on the rope, to send the enemy flying toward him for an automatic follow up attack. Uppercut or Jump back kick depending on the distance.

If the enemy wins, they snap off the rope and fall back, Scorpion staggers back at the same time.

The Tug of War system I have for this can be used for other situations, grapples, power struggles, stun recovery... whatever.


I took out the fall bounce for the MKR and UMK3 modes. The enemy only bounces if they fall while in my mode, unless I change this later.

I added the fast fall recovery from UMK3 also. When you fall, hold down or up to crouch or jump when they start the kick stand animation.

I'm fixing a bunch of little things, but I think I'll be able to post a link any time now.


I'm going to have to ask on the elecbyte forum what the input delay is for mugen, I think it's 1 tic.

If I need a 2 tic delay, I may need to play the punching animation on the 2nd tic of that punching state. Just move everything over one or two tics.


I got the answer for mugen and it's Zero tics delay between command and when the state starts.

To get what you are asking for would be a little workaround, but I know where to look now and make the changes.


Two tic delay has been implemented, and it's only working with the first use of HP or LP

2 tick delay is not a huge issue right now, but just so you know, all moves in the games work with this two tick delay, at all times, it's just how the game is. It might become an issue eventually but I'm not sure really.

Alternating animations or anything past the first punches is using the normal time, starting from 0 tics, no delay during jab combos.

Only the first HP or LP can use the Kara cancel right now, unless you need it for every jab state?

All 3 types of jabs (LP/HP1, LP/HP2, and LP/HP1B) can be canceled in the same manner, specials cancel them at any time, BL, Run, HK and LK cancel them accordingly.


Other updates, some for my own system.

1 = Sound/Empty Hand or Weapon Type ID

Notes: Used to label what type of sound to play for an attack and there are Random values for each type.

* Type 1 = Empty Hand Light
* Type 2 = Empty Hand Med
* Type 3 = Empty Hand Strong
* Type 4 = Blade
* Type 5 = Metal Club
* Type 6 = Laser

2 = Attack Direction ID

Notes: Used to say what direction the attack is moving, Counter CW, Clock W, Straight, High, Mid, Low...

3 = Dynamic blocking system

Notes: Uses the Attack Direction ID + Weapon Type ID to play different block animations, corresponding to the incoming attack. The blocks change and make sense visually with this set up.

* After 6 tics of this custom block state, you can press any button to do a counter move during that block stun.

* HP = Close MK3 HP
* LP = Low Jab
* HK = Round House
* LK = Close MK3 LK
* BLK = Instant Recovery
* Run = Back Dash

These may change, but it's what I have working for that right now.

To deal with this, combos could have high and low variations to beat a guard counter. Maybe add that Kara jab recovery to more moves. If you do an attack and the enemy blocks ~ counters. You can recover faster and counter them back.

This would be used for my play mode, not the UMK3 one. My mode will have all kinds of experimental stuff like this, so does MKR mode that FrozenWorm came up with.

High/Low blocking in combos would require a new blocking element, as you can't move from high to low block physically in the game (but can in terms of input) while being comboed unless there's enough recovery between hits, for example Kitana's 4 hit kick combo in UMK3, you can duck after the 2rd hit and block the 3rd and 4th hits ducking.


The wall push away and freeze from MK, now holds the point count until the enemy has fully recovered.

The amount of time characters remain frozen for varies depending on high you connect the jabs (or RH). To be honest, I've never been able to lock down exactly what determines this but I will research it as much as I can. for example, if you connect the RH in the corner as high as possible the attacking character will hold for 30 ticks and get pushed back a lot, but if you connect it as low as possible (in the air) or on the ground, it's as low as 18 ticks.

If you throw 4 punches and the enemy is staggering, delay and landing another hit will still cause the freeze and push back.

I also made it so the enemy can guard at any time during a weak stun = High and Low punches. So you can block during the rapid jabs like in MK.
Glad to see you're working on all this, but as far as getting a UMK3 version of the engine working, I would say just take it one step at a time. Finish getting jab cycling and jab canceling (since they go hand in hand) completed, and canceling jabs into specials at any time. The 2 tick delay is something that is built into the game so if there's a way to universally create this delay for everything in MUGEN, that's the only way it'll work.

For example if you cancel a jab with a special, it doesn't happen for 2 ticks and if you cancel a jab into another jab, it doesn't go into effect for 2 ticks either. So unless you cancel the jab by the 5th tick of the hold, you will not see them happen faster.

You can make 3 cycled jabs last anywhere from a minimum 37 (2nd tick or earlier cancel) ticks to a maximum of 49 (6th tick cancel) total ticks (beginning to end duration for all three jabs including 2 start up ticks depending on when you cancel the jabs during their durations). If you do the minimum while you're opponent is blocking, you will get pushed back from your opponent in the corner on contact on the third jab, and 5th if they are not blocking.

The game keeps track apparently of blocking and not blocking, because for example, if you block the first two, and let go, it will take 5 total jabs to push back if you don't block the rest, but if you don't block the first two and block the third, they will get pushed back as if you blocked all three. If you block the first, don't block the second and block the third, they will get pushed back. If you block on the 4th or 5th, and didn't block the first 3, it pushes them back. Hopefully this is enough to understand it.

But, if you stretch the jabs out to the maximum duration, you will never get pushed back. I will now get into the properties of this. I'm only going to talk in terms of the jab hold animations (1-8) to make this easier because really this only applies to this time frame.

If you do Jab1A, cancel on the 6th tick of the hold animation with another jab, then cancel on the 6th tick of Jab2, and again to Jab1B on the 6th hold tick etc, you will never be pushed back.

If you do Jab1A, cancel on the 4th tick of the hold animation with another jab, then cancel on the 4th tick of Jab2, you will be pushed back on contact of Jab1B. So basically, if one of those two Jab holds is canceled on the 4th tick then the other must be done on the 5th or 6th to prevent push back on the contact of the 3rd jab. I'm not sure how the match works here, but it can happen at any time during jabs.

Basically it's if two blocked jabs connect within a total of 36 ticks, or it might keep track of the canceling itself, in which case it would be two jabs canceled within 24 ticks I think. There are other ways to test this out through blocking and unblocking and making the collisions happen a frame later while still canceling the jabs on the same frames but I don't have the time or patience right to fully explore this. For now, it's basically, if two jabs are canceled and at least one holds for 7 frames (canceled on the 5th)


Thanks for the feed back, I'll have to do some more tweaking.

The push back I have now, holds the count till the enemy is no longer in a hit state. You can't delay to cause a trap unless you wait for the enemy to fully recover.

I can use a variable and reference it for every move, I'm doing a lot of that lately for these general details.


The blocking can be altered if I need it to do something special.

The MKDA style blocking only works while standing. High, Mid and Low moves that can be blocked while standing, cause the different block animations. It's basically just a different animation from the crossed arms in MK. That and you can link a counter to it.

Low moves that can be blocked high are standing low pokes, like if you play 3D fighters. DB+3 in Tekken with Baek. Stuff like that...

I have a standing transition system built in, like in those games. Standing, WhileCrouching, Crouching, While standing, Prejump, Jump

For example:

Standing LK = Normal middle kick

While crouching LK = Standing Low kick, I use this one for a ground game, like Tekken's. I have a wake up system in there.

Crouching LK = Normal Crouching LK


For now I would say to reproduce even all the flaws of UMK3 and save that as an engine. Later we can tweak things. I say this because there might be some universal things that can be fixed, or things that depends on other things to work right, and would also have to be corrected. Eventually we could do something to prevent jab lock down, an easy fix by making the window to perform it smaller.


Some more updates: I may have mentioned some before, but I forget..

I found a way to add the MK input delay to every move, using another general system setting. Sort of like I'm doing for the Hit properties.

It requires that I make a few changes to my command names, and I need to update every move to use the new delay variable instead of the normal commands. This is kind of a pain, it'll take a bit of time to do.

There's like a middle man, where you make the command which triggers a timer, which triggers the moves when it reaches 0.

The delay time can be set to anything, it can be 60 tics. or the two.

I created a pause menu with working buttons, when you scroll through the buttons they change size and make a slashing sound... I only have this altering the fighting styles for now.

I made the command error proof by having a delay, like how on Xbox 360 you need to hold the X for a little while for the menu to show up. So hold start for 1 second.

When it comes up, you can scroll up and down to select one of the 3 styles.
1 = UMK3
2 = Bleed
3 = MKR

Maybe the graphics for it can be re done later. It's not so cool looking now, but it works.

More moves all around were updated to use the general systems. Sounds, Hit properties, timers.....

I need to keep picking at these, I have a lot of moves to work with.


Some special move commands have been changed to not interfere with basic movement. So like if you dash in and do a back dash, a special move doesn't come out instead.

I made some changes to the movement and started having some trouble with that, so that's why.

Play mode specific details added to Hit states.

Things like push back
Combo meters
What causes a stumble


More moves were separated in to their respective play style settings.

Stuff like the new moves I did for my system don't work with the UMK3 or MKR modes.


Pre Jump state animations were changed to look like UMK3. Basically they go straight to the jump animation instead of ducking before. Depends on how you are jumping though. Like if you jump up, land and jump up again. He will do a ducking motion before jumping straight up the second time.


Fallen check

My system has a ground game like Tekken, so this checks if the enemy has fallen and not recovered after.

If this is on, the juggle bounce is set low. It doesn't return to normal till the enemy has fully recovered.

It's to try and keep a full relaunch from happening, so they stay low.


Fall animation changed in MK modes

The round house causes the normal blow back

In my mode, it causes the gyro spin fall

When the enemy lands in my mode they bounce and in the other modes they don't.

The effect of the sweep is different too, Sweep as a juggle in MK modes causes the fall back. In my mode they fall back still but in the sweep animation.

Wall slam removed from MK modes

My mode still has it


Back hand spring was re coded to use a cleaner system and animate smoother. Before if I did it near the back wall, he would jitter in and out of it.

Now he stays away from the wall, spinning in place if there is no room to move back.


Tech roll added to sweep fall in my mode.

Spring kick tech recovery added to sweep fall in my mode.


Quick recovery from lie down state to crouch or jump works like UMK3 now.
You can skip the kick stand.

I replaced the command for Spring kick Tech recovery from D to F like Tekken, so it doesn't interfere with the UMK3 Lie down cancel.

Move specific blocking is more accurate, checks for move trajectory, Height and if it's a weapon or empty handed.

Guard flows to counter moves if done fast enough.

Block and press a button quickly to do something.

attack buttons do some basic move.

block = quick recovery

Run = back dash

F+block = shove, similar effect to the parry in MKA.


Many system triggers have been added to check various details.

Height, Direction, Sound, Weapon , No weapon, Hit type, enemy states, timers, combo meter, etc... Lots of these


Forward Dash cancels with light attacks, like special moves in my mode.

How many times depends on the combo meter, same with special moves.

The combo meter keeps track of hits and says if you can do a 2 in 1 or not.


Spear escape, struggle code is cleaner and works better now.


Spear chain actions have been changed, some commands for moves that chain off it too.

Before I had it so they would fall past Scorpion on the pull if you don't do anything. Now they only do that if you hold back and do nothing. By default you get the regular daze instead.

The rope swing slam I made can be done both ways now from the spear pull. Before the enemy falls past scorpion or after to throw them to the left or right.

The spear works like Jax's MK4 multi slam, or King's chain throws in Tekken. Basic commands but it has that type of function.


Right now you can do some light stun advantage combos, like with the weak moves in street fighter. I need to add a timer difference or velocity settings, so it doesn't happen in the MK modes.


New realistic blood effects I got from an independent films website.


Run start up animation and speed changed for MK modes.

In my mode they do a quick step before the run, sort of like tapping F in MK2. In MK modes they go straight to the run at full speed.


Default weapon is mode dependent now.

In my mode you can use the Kunai and the Axe and switch them if you want.

In the MK modes it's locked on the Axe.


Hop kick hit effect is mode dependent

My mode = stumble

MK modes = whiplash


Low jump for my mode has updated velocity and animations depending on jump direction and speed pre jump.

Low Run jump = Longer distance

The low jump height can be altered with input timing, the sooner you let go of up, the lower the jump. The difference isn't much but is possible to alter.


Jabs were updated with the system delay, so instead of using an internal delay I had before. It's using the system one instead.


Gravity matters in my mode, I need to turn this off for the other modes.

Basically, gravity or enemy velocity pre hit alters the hit velocity.

If they jump at you and you do a round house, they won't go back so far, because they were moving forward before impact.

It makes it possible to juggle after the round house away from the wall.

If they are already moving back when juggled, they go back even faster.

If You do an MK2 style close hit you get a stumble normally, if they are running at you and you land the same move, they get a whiplash instead.

The hit effects in my mode are dynamic, not set in stone like normal.

I made the spear toss from the rope twirl cause a wall slam for more damage.

He swings it around, and if you do the spear off it. By default it will latch on and carry the enemy back for a wall slam, then reel them in.

I changed the arm he throws it with, so it makes more sense. Using the MK movie spear toss vs Johnny cage now.

For the Block stance, in MK modes you get the crossed arms, in my mode you get the sticky hands.

In MK modes, you don't have control till the block release animation ends. In my mode you can cancel it as soon as you let go of block.

The types of moves you can cancel specials in to change with the modes too.

In my mode, it's more like street fighter where a number of weaker moves can be used.

In Mk modes, only the jabs are letting you do that.


I think that's it for now... I need to work some more on the jabs.


I read through everything. Interesting stuff you've decided to do. As for the delay system, hopefully it works the way I think it will. It's important to have at least for the UMK3 engine because it will make it feel like a 2D MK. As I've said before, everything operates on the 2 frame delay in the game. When you get something working solid for jabs maybe give us something to test. To be honest, there doesn't have to be anything other than a character that can punch.


Right, I need to get something posted for you guys to test out, I just get distracted looking over everything.

The blocking commands are updated now, MK modes can only block using the block button.

My mode has both the Block button and D.pad, like in Dead or Alive. You can tap B,B to cancel out of block states with the back dash.


I made Scorpion's custom attack "Hammer stab" work two ways depending on if you are holding down when it hits or not.

(Tap DF)+LP will cause the spear to latch on, like if you did the spear toss, but he jams the blade in while standing close.

(Hold DF)+LP will cause a Ground Bounce, this can help with juggles, bouncing the enemy off the ground.


New wall slam effect added based on falling back speed and enemy height.

If you do a low wall slam with a move that causes a long blow back, the enemy will stumble away from the wall. Similar effect to the ground bounce moves, but off the wall.

There is a limit on it, so it can only be done once in a combo.

If the limit for that is reached, or the fall back was not fast enough, the enemy will just hit the wall and not move forward.


In terms of move limitations for MUGEN, can you apply time limit usage and hit limits? Like the standard 4 hit limit for a Spear, could that be done? Perform any 5 moves as a combo, and the Spear is disabled until the combo counter resets, or a time limit where say Scorpion does his spear in a combo, he cannot do it again for a certain number of ms, regardless of whether the combo counter resets or not.


That timer is possible, it's what I was using to stop specials from looping, before adding the altering effect instead.

With the timer, I had to wait for it to end before doing the move again. How or why it ends can be altered.

The moves altering that I have now, work something like the spear in MK vs DCU. Where sometimes it causes the stun, and other times it only does a throw.

Another update on the system.

Upside down wall slam for my mode, I added a new throw chain for scorpion that makes use of that.

Kick off throw sends the enemy high, Roll back and stand with a flash kick. The hit sends the enemy flying back upside down and they hit the wall that way.


We will get into time limits and hit limits for specials eventually, that stuff is pretty easy. I'm eager to get the basics done.

Edit: Also the amount of time you have to perform moves based on button presses.


The input time for each move can be set in the .CMD file nomally.

name = "sp1"
command = B,B,a
time = 20

The time is set as a default value unless told to be something else in the actual command definition, like you see here.

If you don't add the time = #, the time to complete the command will be whatever the default value was set to.

Is that what you mean, or something else?


Specifically how many ticks you have between presses. Some moves have larger windows of time to perform them, while others cut off quickly. For example, with Mileena's Roll, you can press Back Back Down, wait many ticks, and then hit HK, but for Scorpion's teleport punch, you cannot wait nearly as long. We'll get into this more once basics are done.


It sounds like something I'd be able to do with the delay timer I added for the commands. I can change the timer based on character names and specific moves.

Like if I tap B,B,D

Starts timer of BBD command for Mileena.


If you press HK while that timer is going, the move will be activated.

I can add it as a trigger to the state like this.

Trigger1 = var (BBD Timer) != 0 && command = "Y"

If the timer is not 0, and you press Y, do the roll.

Testing the move out in Mame, it looks like I can do the Joy stick motion slow too. I think they just gave it a long window on the basic input time.

time = 60 or some big number like that is all they did I think, from the looks of it.


Something I've noticed in at least one version of a MUGEN MK game, and I will use Stryker as an example, when I was trying to throw grenades or do the riot gun by buffering down+back, I would always do the grenades when going from down, to back, to forward. He should always do the Riot Gun in this situation and I always thought it was because you had to press the buttons within a specific amount of time (which is true), but also if you press the directions within the time you're allowed to perform the grenade, once you press another direction that wasn't one of the directions in the move, it logically cancels the input for the corresponding move, in this case, the grenade. So, D, F, B, HP will not do a grenade and B, F, D, HP will not do a Riot Gun, but D,B,D,HP will do a grenade.

So for example, Stryker's grenade limits in ticks:

Minimum input requirement = Down for 1, Back for 1, HP all in 3 ticks and a grenade will happen on the 6th tick (3 is the HP press, 4 and 5 are the 2 tick buffer)

and also can be done using up to 17 ticks by:

Down 5, nothing 5, Back 5, nothing 1, HP (17th tick) = Grenade performed over 17 ticks.

Or for example, you can hold down for 15 ticks, press back for 1, then HP and that's also a grenade in 17 ticks. If you add one tick to either down, or back, or put a space between, it won't work, so I'm guessing 17 is the time limit.


Down for one, back for 15, then HP = 17 tick grenade

or, down 6, nothing 5, back 5, HP = grenade in 17 ticks

or down 1, nothing 14, back, HP = grenade in 17 ticks

If I do the minimum 3 tick input and press anything in between for even 1 tick, it cancels the movement, but for

Likewise the Riot Gun can be performed as:

Back 1, Forward 1, HP, or combinations up to 17 ticks.

Now a different example is Mileena's Roll, where you must put empty space between presses to get the move to happen, and hers has a very long delay time available, depending how quickly you perform the directions.

Minimum ticks to perform the Roll:

Back 2, nothing 2, Back 2, Down 1, HK = Roll in 8 ticks.

However, you can perform the move by doing

Back 2, nothing 2, Back 2, Down 1, nothing for 42 ticks HK = Roll in 50 ticks. I didn't test through in various increments, but for now I would assume if you break up the commands, you can reduce the buffer time of 42 ticks substantially.

Remember you can perform jabs within the directional movements and the activating button but not other directional movements for Stryker's moves, but for Mileena's, you can for the Roll at least. There might be a very short tick limit for holding different directions and it'll still allow a move. I'll test other things later.

For Mileena's sai shot it seems you must hold HP for 40 ticks, or 0.75 seconds.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I want to keep this stuff documented for later use anyway, much as you want to post stuff as well.
I decided to stop by, since this comunity seems to have now a better response to the project, and show some of the editing progress...

Besides enhancing the image amd giving him the white stripes I had to give him more muscles to match MK2 Cage's complextions. As most of you might know, MKT sprites are smaller than those of UMK3 arcade ones, and MK2 Cage's head is bigger than normal, so when I redimention MKT sprites they get really damaged, for this reason doing this work is something most people thought impossible.

The idea is to have different animations for EAM, so MKT Cage's sprites are going to be the default ones, while, MK2 Cage moves are going to be for EAM since they're more agressive in my opinion. When playing in my mode, players will have the feeling of having all 2D versions of Cage in one single character, because I'm planning to adapt MK1 sprites too and use most of them in a fighting stance, sort of like Kai has Handstand Stance in MK4.


The Cage sprites look really good. for future reference when you upscale the graphics, if you want them exact, MKT sprites are 85% height and 80% width of UMK3 sprites, so if you were to upscale all Cage's graphics to arcade res, that's how you should do it. Just FYI right now he's a bit narrow by like, 5%, but looks great. So multiply the height by 1.176 and the width by 1.25

The reason why this project is getting a better response now is because bleed is asking technical questions. That's more what this site is like, even though obviously we do appreciate and have suggestions for everything else.


Character Link

Been quiet for a few days, but I've done a lot of work on the code.

Making system changes is causing problems with stuff I had working before, so I'm having to do some clean up work to fix some bugs.

It's like I have something working fine, but I add something like the time delay for MK and other stuff starts to go wrong.

Anyway..., here's something to play around with, just to get something out there for critique. I know it still feels very different from UMK3, but we just have to keep messing with it.

I haven't tested it against regular mugen characters in a while, so there's probably going to be some weird stuff happening. Just play This character vs it self for now to see how it's working. Compatibility will take some time to clean up.

[File was updated, V2]

You need to play it on Mugen 1.0 which can be downloaded from elecbyte's home page.


There are lots of tutorials on youtube for how to install a character, but what you do is this.

Extract the folder from Scorpion's zip file.

Place it in Mugen's char folder.

Add the character's name to the select.def file which is in Mugen's Data folder.



In the select .def, find where the character list is and add the new character's name.

you can add the name a bunch of times to fight them over and over in arcade mode.

Save the file and run mugen.

Instructions for changing the play style are in the character's folder, check the README file.

OK..., so you can mess with that while we keep working on it.

The moves list is not in there for my mode, but you can probably find stuff trying MK, STF and Tekken type commands, there's a lot.

Some fatalities are

UU,HP ;Toasty (Jump Distance)

HCF,LP+HP = Stretcher or Quarter fatality (Close)

FFDU,Run = Mob fatality, not exactly like UMK3 but the same idea. (Under Jump distance)

Any spear move should do the MKDA decap fatality. (Any distance)

If you want to play with some MK like stages, there are some on this forum.

If mugen runs slow on your computer, try lowering the resolution to something like 640 x 480.


Open that file and scroll down to the GameHeight and GameWidth setting. Make the changes, save and try running the game again.

The command problem you are talking about Shock is due to order in the files.

The way you stack the codes for activating moves makes it so one will override the other if they have a similar command.

So if you have one move that is D,B and another that is B,F. I would put the one with D B, below the one with B F.

That way, if you do D,B,F+HP the gun will play instead of the grenade in Strykers case.

You can also specify which commands to override by using triggers. In that case, the order doesn't really matter. You can just force a move to work in a certain situation.


Ok cool, and I'm expecting to hear some people freaking out. It feels nothing like MK and it has bugs, yes I know... just bear with me.

I still want to know about all this stuff, so I can fix it.

Some things are like the Jab cancels. Now because I added the input delay to a few moves like the low kick, it will get buffered during the jab. So that's kind of irritating, but I can find some way to fix that.

The commands are using diagonal inputs too, so they may feel harder to pull off. The teleport punch is D,DB,B,HP Instead of D,B,HP.

I can make the input different for the modes, but I did that so the specials don't come out by mistake in my mode. I have a lot of basic moves using directional inputs, like in 3D fighters.

The feel of combos getting buffered feels off on some moves, because I was adding a trigger checking if the move connected.

Some parts of the combos are still using this in the MK mode, so you actually have to wait till the move touches the other player before doing the command for the next one. I found where the problem was for that, so for next time, I'll have it so you can do the next command at any time, even if the move has not connected.

The "Hammer punch to HK" part in Scorpion's HP,"HP,HK",B+HK combo is using this buffer now.

There are a lot of little details like this, that need tweaking.


I updated the file to V2, I noticed a couple bugs after posting the last one.


-Mob fatality was messed up in my mode, fixed now.
-The hit sound for the spear was like a weak punch some times, fixed now.
-I made the dial combos more fluid with the input timing. You don't need to connect to do the next command. Just do the command during the current animation, and the next move will come out if the current one makes contact.


As long as you program things in the UMK3 mode exactly as they are done in the game, there should be no problems.


I'm working on his AI today, I have him doing the dial combos like 90% of the time now. The special moves have some triggers based on what the enemy is doing, so he can do counters and not spam the moves at random.

I'm going to look around for some combo videos or whatever I can find to work some of that in to his AI.

Any tips like that would help, like what would you do or not do in a given situation.

It is possible for me to code the AI to do some juggles, like in the videos around here. The stretcher fatality is basically a juggle combo done by the AI. So I can work more of that in to the fights. Stuff like Ermac's juggles and Reptiles infinites are things I can add in for the AI to perform.

It's also possible to give it a preference and a range of error, to mess up combos or choose a better one depending on the situation.


Yup, we can get into all of that eventually, but the AI should wait until the gameplay is solid enough. We can give you plenty of scenarios to program in and different difficulty level should dictate how often they drop combos, or what they do when you attack, etc.

Lucky Day

I like the direction the project is going overall, and hopefully you can continue to tweak it more and more and eventually get a solid base to build.

Keep working, you're doing it the right way little by little.

Also, the uncensored clone fatality is awesome.

I know fatalities don't really matter, but that was pretty cool and put a smile on my face.