I added the juggle push back for the jabs now, max 2 hits near the wall if enemy is in the air.
Max 5 hits standing near the wall, enemy can guard at any time.
Max 3 blocks near the wall
= freeze and push back.
For the damage, if my math is correct... which it may not be, I'm bad at math.
I did Mugen default life = 1000
Calculating the difference from MK life = 166
1000 / 166 = difference of 6.02
LP, Normal hit = 8 x 6.02 = 48.16
LP, Damage Protected = 4 x 6.02 = 24.08
LP, Blocked = 2 x 6.02 = 12.04
HP, Normal hit = 11x 6.02 = 66.72
HP, Damage Protected = 5x6.02 = 30.1
HP, Blocked = 3x6.02 = 8.06
I added some other things to MKR and UMK3 modes, like the MK canceling jumping and hop attacks to the standing combos.
In my mode right now, it's working more like MK vs DCU or Street Fighter.
[Spear escape]
I updated the code for the struggle sequence I made for this. In my mode any special holding move or anything that is like a throw probably has an escape command.
Tap any button twice to start the struggle when getting pulled by the spear.
Once the struggle starts, it works like the street fighter multi hit throws or the Test your might game.
A meter is set in the middle value and both players have to mash the attack buttons too pull one way or the other.
If Scorpion wins, he pulls them in again and they cant escape a second time. If Scorpion mashes extra fast, the rope turns orange and he will do a hard yank on the rope, to send the enemy flying toward him for an automatic follow up attack. Uppercut or Jump back kick depending on the distance.
If the enemy wins, they snap off the rope and fall back, Scorpion staggers back at the same time.
The Tug of War system I have for this can be used for other situations, grapples, power struggles, stun recovery... whatever.
I took out the fall bounce for the MKR and UMK3 modes. The enemy only bounces if they fall while in my mode, unless I change this later.
I added the fast fall recovery from UMK3 also. When you fall, hold down or up to crouch or jump when they start the kick stand animation.
I'm fixing a bunch of little things, but I think I'll be able to post a link any time now.
Max 5 hits standing near the wall, enemy can guard at any time.
Max 3 blocks near the wall
= freeze and push back.
For the damage, if my math is correct... which it may not be, I'm bad at math.
I did Mugen default life = 1000
Calculating the difference from MK life = 166
1000 / 166 = difference of 6.02
LP, Normal hit = 8 x 6.02 = 48.16
LP, Damage Protected = 4 x 6.02 = 24.08
LP, Blocked = 2 x 6.02 = 12.04
HP, Normal hit = 11x 6.02 = 66.72
HP, Damage Protected = 5x6.02 = 30.1
HP, Blocked = 3x6.02 = 8.06
I added some other things to MKR and UMK3 modes, like the MK canceling jumping and hop attacks to the standing combos.
In my mode right now, it's working more like MK vs DCU or Street Fighter.
[Spear escape]
I updated the code for the struggle sequence I made for this. In my mode any special holding move or anything that is like a throw probably has an escape command.
Tap any button twice to start the struggle when getting pulled by the spear.
Once the struggle starts, it works like the street fighter multi hit throws or the Test your might game.
A meter is set in the middle value and both players have to mash the attack buttons too pull one way or the other.
If Scorpion wins, he pulls them in again and they cant escape a second time. If Scorpion mashes extra fast, the rope turns orange and he will do a hard yank on the rope, to send the enemy flying toward him for an automatic follow up attack. Uppercut or Jump back kick depending on the distance.
If the enemy wins, they snap off the rope and fall back, Scorpion staggers back at the same time.
The Tug of War system I have for this can be used for other situations, grapples, power struggles, stun recovery... whatever.
I took out the fall bounce for the MKR and UMK3 modes. The enemy only bounces if they fall while in my mode, unless I change this later.
I added the fast fall recovery from UMK3 also. When you fall, hold down or up to crouch or jump when they start the kick stand animation.
I'm fixing a bunch of little things, but I think I'll be able to post a link any time now.