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Mortal Kombat 11 - Jade Reveal Trailer [HD 1080P] GREEN AF!!!!


Looks great. Definitely going to look into her again if I can't sate the Reptile fix.

That variation's double-sweep is going to be fun online


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I wanted her back for story but I never actually used her, but I think I will be using her a lot in MK 11. Never saw a character that looks both zoney and anti zoney at the same time lol. Invincible purple haze and reflect move? Yeah....now that I rewatched her other options, moves etc. Loving how this game looks lol


Dojo Trainee
Her moves look generic to me. I would've liked to see her be incredibly acrobatic and mobile using the staff and without using a teleport since that's a bit overdone. Same with air projectile/up projectile being quite common. Her vault move she was doing off her run was neat but I wanna see more of that kind of stuff. U+3 in MK9 was one of my favourite anti air moves because of its unique hitbox and crazy hitbox. How about launching herself with the staff to do a full screen vault, or a low launching drop kick?

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Absolutely can NOT wait to play her!

She's more Sub Zero than Sub Zero is. Space control, mid range domination, and keep away. Fucking love it.

(finally got to watch the Kast so excuse the extra hype, I just finished it haha).

Shoutouts to making a GREAT face and 3 great skins for her NRS! You nailed it.

Time to finally main my favorite female MK character!


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Yet another one to mark off my bingo sheet!

My wish list just copied from an old thread.... I have marked in Green 100% Confirms... marked in Blue "soft" confirms... I think I am doing pretty well on "Roster Bingo" so far....

The Auto Includes : Sub, Scorpion, Radian, Liu Kang
The Regulars : Cage, Sonya, Kitana, Mileena, Jax, Kano
Return of the New Blood : Cassie, Kotal Khan, DeVorh, Scarlet
The "Missing" : Noob, Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Jade, Shang Tsung, Kabal
The Obscure : Ashrah, Nitara, Motaro (I do not care, make him work somehow!)
New : 5 new characters never seen before. 1/5
Last edited:


In my hater era
I love her human skins. She looks beautiful. I really hope she saves Kitana in the story. Also, she'll be a pain to fight against as Sonya :eek:


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Completely agree about the zombie skin
these kind of comments make no sense. The game is all about customization through skins. She has the revenant skin as MK story continuity has her dead, but on day 1 as soon as you load the game you can choose a different skin and literally never see the revenant skin. So what is there to complain about?


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
I think overall Jade looks really good. Her new animations are very nice, with the exception of the fatal blow. Doesnt really seem very Jade.

A different example: Start with a crotch shot with the staff (Mk9 jade), making the opponent bend over. Followed by a staff through the skull, and have her knee them in the head. While the opponent is standing... shadow kick through the chest. Finish with a reverse shadow kick. Boom.

Anyway. Im glad projectile immunituy & shadow kick are back. The run was cool. But she seems to be missing something.
Oh well. Theres my main.


First female character in MK11 that I feel looks 100% awesome, and I'm not even a Jade fan. They did her well