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More on Krypt Chests and Unlockables


Guys, I did some calculation. Bad news.

I run the Krypt, opened all coin chest first because I had to save those 16,5k soul fragments to progress the Krypt. Then I rerolled all chests (so just coin ones). Then I opened all chests (coins, souls, hearts). Then I crafted all what's possible in forge and traded all with Kollector (still have 5 items for him). Then I spent ~3 milion coins in the shrine.

I'm still missing in total:
446 pieces of gear
371 skins
These are just my missing Krypt unlockables. I counted this manually and created spreadsheet to track it.

Do the math. If I was to use the shrine only, it would take at least 55 milion coins to unlock it all. Meanwhile I would get a sh*tload of soul fragments with nothing for (I already have 13k of those).

Here's what I decided: I'm refilling chests again. I will open soul vaults only as there is a better chance to get good loot from it. There are like 130 of them so it takes exactly my 13k to open them all. I will let you know the results. Yes, I will count.


If the previous maps are accurate, there are 137 soul vaults in total. Without opening 10k one again, I need exactly 13,6k soul fragments to open it all.

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Refilling the Soul chests fills them with more skins and gear. Koin chests seem to just be refilled with augments, konsumables and concept art


Refilling the Soul chests fills them with more skins and gear. Koin chests seem to just be refilled with augments, konsumables and concept art
Yes although...
I completed the above exercise. I opened ~110 soul vaults (looks like 900k coins to refill is not enough). I kept getting gear mostly BUT after opening around 65 vaults I started getting mostly upgrades.
~110 soul vaults open
78 gear
15 skins
925 soul fragments + ~400k coins
+some hearts and upgrades.

So I paid in total 500k coins and 10k soul fragments and got stuff worth 4,5 milion coins.

Point taken. After refilling, do not open regular chests, just soul vaults. And keep refilling just those.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
See, I'm starting to think when you look at your character skins and it says "Found in the Krypt", what that means is you can really only find the top shelf items with the Kollector...which is bullshit.
I've basically given up on finding the outfit I want. I've cleared out every chest and refilled/reopened soul containers to the point where they no longer give me anything but junk, and there are still almost 300 skins still in here. The only place they can be is the shrine, so you could potentially have to throw millions upon millions of coins at this thing to get what you want. It's just too much.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
I've basically given up on finding the outfit I want. I've cleared out every chest and refilled/reopened soul containers to the point where they no longer give me anything but junk, and there are still almost 300 skins still in here. The only place they can be is the shrine, so you could potentially have to throw millions upon millions of coins at this thing to get what you want. It's just too much.
Did you check the invisi chests?


See, I'm starting to think when you look at your character skins and it says "Found in the Krypt", what that means is you can really only find the top shelf items with the Kollector...which is bullshit.
Nope. On second Krypt run I got very little items to trade with him. I believe top shelf gear/skins are in the shrine. I see that I still need like 50m coins to unlock the rest. Keep grinding...


Kollector changes his stuff every time you visit Krypt. If you see him, trade, exit Krypt, enter and trade again. Rinse and repeat until you have no more treadable items. Or until he vanishes.


Shirai Ryu
Guys, I did some calculation. Bad news.

I run the Krypt, opened all coin chest first because I had to save those 16,5k soul fragments to progress the Krypt. Then I rerolled all chests (so just coin ones). Then I opened all chests (coins, souls, hearts). Then I crafted all what's possible in forge and traded all with Kollector (still have 5 items for him). Then I spent ~3 milion coins in the shrine.

I'm still missing in total:
446 pieces of gear
371 skins
These are just my missing Krypt unlockables. I counted this manually and created spreadsheet to track it.

Do the math. If I was to use the shrine only, it would take at least 55 milion coins to unlock it all. Meanwhile I would get a sh*tload of soul fragments with nothing for (I already have 13k of those).

Here's what I decided: I'm refilling chests again. I will open soul vaults only as there is a better chance to get good loot from it. There are like 130 of them so it takes exactly my 13k to open them all. I will let you know the results. Yes, I will count.
How many skins DO you have unlocked, for every character? Something like 40-50 per character?


Has anyone ever had an issues with duplicate gear pieces in the Krypt?
I refilled and opened ~500 chests, over 100 of those soulthingys and i had a shit load of duplicate, up to 7 times the same item:(


At this point I would have just preferred MK themed mini games to earn things. I’ll leave a few here for free for NRS.

Shao Kahn: Whack-a-Mole
Whack various characters with Kahn’s hammer.

Frost: RoboBasketball
Launch frosts head and make baskets.

Sub Zero: Hockey
Time to hit the ice and play a game of hockey with a severed head.

Erron Black: Trick Shooting contest
Uses his guns to test your shooting skill with moving and stationary targets.

Kotal Khan: Chariot Racing
Race outworld beasts in Kahn’s arena or just place bets.

Kollector: Casino
Play games of chance to earn more rewards.

Liu Kang: Limb Ninja
Like fruit ninja but you nunchuck limbs.

Scorpion: Cooking with Scorpion
Turn those old videos into mini games.

I could go on. And all of them would be more fun than krypt grinding.

Snake Sound 222

Tonight, Tarkata feasts
Anyone know where Baraka's gear "The Warrior's Ferocious Blades" is at? I've opened his Shao Kahn chest and completely cleared Shang Tsung's treasure room and still don't have it. Is it in a flame chest or in a soul vault/koin chest?


Has anyone ever had an issues with duplicate gear pieces in the Krypt?
I refilled and opened ~500 chests, over 100 of those soulthingys and i had a shit load of duplicate, up to 7 times the same item:(
Not just the krypt, AI battles give out duplicates as well.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
What ever happened with the gift of koins and hearts and shit we were supposed to get from NRS? I looked everywhere I could think of in-game and didn’t see anything about it.


Thrill Kill

So there are things still left up to chance. They took the worst aspect of MKX's Krypt and made it the standard smh
What ever happened with the gift of koins and hearts and shit we were supposed to get from NRS? I looked everywhere I could think of in-game and didn’t see anything about it.
Happened for me, gave a giant notification that it had stuff for me. It's really not that much.


How many skins DO you have unlocked, for every character? Something like 40-50 per character?
More like 20-30. I still have ~360 skins to unlock in the Krypt which makes 14-15 per character. The rest is in AI battles and Towers of Time.

Also, you unlock "???" skins by hitting top 5% in ToT time trial. You can see it in rewards. Although I believe there is more than one way to get it.


you can call me blue cheese, because I am DRESSING
At this point I would have just preferred MK themed mini games to earn things.
Yes i totally agree with this. I'm sorry if you like it, but the krypt is a fucking stupid game mode and I'm amazed that in the year 2019 a box opening simulator made it into the game.

I don't care about the grind, or skins honestly. It's just a brainless way to disperse content.