ScheissNussen said:
Mileena looks like a high class whore until she takes her mask off.
Pseudo-thong, high heels, sports bra, knee pads... yup, all fighting gear.
At least she doesn't have her nipples showing, like that militant female rights activist Sonya.
Similar costumes & body figure (notice the boobs from Ivy and Mileena..) Also the head looks similar to Chole Frazer from Uncharted 2 w/ a ninja mask and longer hair.
Magintaspiro said:
i thing it's jax, first pic shows the arms little bit like a cyberetic.
I have to agree its looks like Jax. Boots, robotic arms and clearly looks like a mouth and a nose. As for reptile, it doesn't look like him. What I find interesting is if you look at the video again, at around 40 seconds, it does not seem to have any characteristics of any of the male ninjas waistline. Also, you can tell this mysterious figure in the shadows is muscular and you can barely see his muscular chest in no shirt unless its a tight shirt.
I can be wrong though.. maybe the ninja's waistline belt got ripped off or something.