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MK11 XBL & PSN Tourney


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I have to get some food and eat but if you guys want me to stream let me know, it shouldn't take long.


EFL Founder
Realizing you suck is always sobering. Would really like to get some sets in to improve.
You are quite the opposite of suck. We all lose sometimes, and I'm willing to bet you will be back with a vengeance in the next tourney if you join.

I remember your D'Vorah well when we briefly played and your ring cancel into full combo with Sonya. I'm down to play anytime if you want to lab some matchups or just chill and have a good time. Lord knows I need to play some more D'Vorah. Lol
I got sent a message around 3PM from @The_Tile that my 5PM match with him is postponed until sometime later on since he went out for some drinks. I'm here for the rest of the day, but unfortunately I can't give a time as to when it'll happen.
Not a problem, he is in UK I believe so whatever you guys work out within that large time difference is fine by exception. Just keep me posted. Thanks!