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MK X reveal predictions

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
I'm a firm believer that it's going to be a prequel to MK so that they can add more characters, and not have to remove the dead ones. Moreover, and this is just a theory, but MK10 is the prequel, then the following MK would be the aftermath to MK9. That way the dead characters become irrelevant because you have a more in depth story and similar fighting styles to go along with what you like to play. Or who.
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I'm a firm believer that it's going to be a prequel to MK so that they can add more characters, and not have to remove the dead ones. Moreover, and this is just a theory, but MK10 is the prequel, then the following MK would be the aftermath to MK9. That way the dead characters become irrelevant because you have a more in depth story and similar fighting styles to go along with what you like to play. Or who.
what do you mean preqel?

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
uh didn't mk legacy did that for kano
Yes, but were talking about the game, not a series that someone is revamping. Also, MK10 was said to be released alongside a movie reboot, and my best guess is that it's going to deal with the beginning of MK. Rather than the MK that we're used to.
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Yes, but were talking about the game, not a series that someone is revamping. Also, MK10 was said to be released alongside a movie reboot, and my best guess is that it's going to deal with the begging of MK. Rather than the MK that we're used to.
the new movie is hiatus right now but yeah it would be intresing if thy did a prequel


Tell me, do you bleed?
I also want the MK3 Pit stage with the running blades.


- Brutalities
- Friendship
- Mercy
- Animalities
The Pit 3 would be really good. Brutalities could be nice, besides, I'm pretty sure they won't be there. On the other hand, I don't want a run button, but without run button, Brutalities will look kind of strange. Brutalities are too fast for a slow game, perhaps.
Mercy? Yes, it allows you to show honor. Friendship? Friendship was one of the worst finishing moves ever. Animalities were a little dumb, also, I mean, they're fighters, not transformers.


Tell me, do you bleed?
I'm a firm believer that it's going to be a prequel to MK so that they can add more characters, and not have to remove the dead ones. Moreover, and this is just a theory, but MK10 is the prequel, then the following MK would be the aftermath to MK9. That way the dead characters become irrelevant because you have a more in depth story and similar fighting styles to go along with what you like to play. Or who.
I don't think that it'll be a prequel. Your idea is awesome, though, I'd love to see the origins, and that'd be a good way to do what I mentioned earlier, balancing the characters once more. Maybe they're reserving that card for the future, when they have no idea of what to do next.
k, so take the mk x reveal on 2/6 as given. now whats it gonna be?

i predict the classic, scorpion vs subzero, maybe with a side appearance of the big evil, lets call it shinnok.
theyre gonna fight and Show off Specials and Basic mechanis, by the broken spine on the poster id say some Kind of x-ray may be shown. also some stupid and gimmicky mechanic "pro-Players" dont like is gonna be introduced, like freefall kombat.

what are youre thoughts?
quoting myself, ft


I really hope a run mechanic is implemented, however without a specific run button. You can simply hold forward while dashing for a run like in KOF for example.
A block button or holding back to block works fine with this(whichever NRS ends up choosing) I'm against having both a block and holding back option though, one player will just be playing with hig,low mixups and the other with high,low,left and right, seems hardly fair. I'm personally in favour of holding back as it keeps my hands free during blocking and it's faster to block on reaction with the additional mixup opportunities. But i'll be fine with whichever.

Hope MKX will allow for links(srry it's the sf player in me ...) where the frame data and spacing says it should be possible, but to stop infinites either pushback have to increased, or a specific mechanics....

From the little that has been released online seems to be a huge focus.

Also do people want breakers back, i hope they are gone, i want my guarenteed damage. In MK9 though it did allow for alot of fast paced back and forth netween opponents.


Tell me, do you bleed?
I really hope a run mechanic is implemented, however without a specific run button. You can simply hold forward while dashing for a run like in KOF for example.
A block button or holding back to block works fine with this(whichever NRS ends up choosing) I'm against having both a block and holding back option though, one player will just be playing with hig,low mixups and the other with high,low,left and right, seems hardly fair. I'm personally in favour of holding back as it keeps my hands free during blocking and it's faster to block on reaction with the additional mixup opportunities. But i'll be fine with whichever.

Hope MKX will allow for links(srry it's the sf player in me ...) where the frame data and spacing says it should be possible, but to stop infinites either pushback have to increased, or a specific mechanics....

From the little that has been released online seems to be a huge focus.

Also do people want breakers back, i hope they are gone, i want my guarenteed damage. In MK9 though it did allow for alot of fast paced back and forth netween opponents.
I prefer just dashing as in MK 9 and INJUSTICE. I don't dislike breakers, but I won't be sad if they're gone.


I prefer just dashing as in MK 9 and INJUSTICE. I don't dislike breakers, but I won't be sad if they're gone.
You can still dash, you just dont need to hold forward then :D dash blocking with running is also completely in effect...aside from a slight recovery from running into blocking i suppose.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Now that the trailers been released and we've had time to soak it in...

- I wouldn't shed a tear if the was no longer a dedicated block button. Back-to-block works fine, and allows for true cross-up opportunities, which I believe add more depth and strategy to the game.

- Have the story be unique and not so bogged down by MK4 - MKD continuity.

- Carry over some characters from MKDA and MKD, or at the least Havik and Hotaru #Kappa

- I'd be more than okay with a couple stances, or at the least weapon stances for characters like the old days, as long as they're not sacrificing balance to do so.

- I'm iffy about interactible environmental hazards. I would flip my shit like some, but I'm not sure it should really be an MK thing.

- Konquest Mode would be hype as fuck.

- Unique universal moves (D2, D4, Ji2, ect.) should be mandatory for all characters.

- Breakers should be limited to one per round.

- Environmental destruction (Injustice-esque, but not as ridiculous), like damage to walls and ground from combos and whatnot.

- Better netcode, for the love of Nutter Butters®!

- Bring some of the old cast of MK9 back, 14 at majority, with around 12 MK4 - MKD characters, and a handful of new characters for shits and giggles.


- Season Passes for DLC is fine as long as people know who the fuck they're getting (I'm looking at you, Injustice)!
- With back-to-block, R2 would be a great Run Button :DOGE