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MK X reveal predictions


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
There will be some weird gimmick announced that will make all of TYM groan and call the game shit before they have any idea how it works.
You're trying too hard m'dear. The short way of saying it: MK10 HAS NO FOOTSIES
I predict some cutscene with Raiden and Fujin fighting against Shinnok and the situation looking ominous.

Then I predict some quick screen flashes of characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion and some of your general roster being revealed.

The trailer ends with some gruesome fatality (ie: Kung Lao Buzz Saw drag through, hopefully a Brutality), fade to black before you see the finality of it with sounds continuing to roll.

MK:X logo burns in.

Bonus: They show a new character reveal, you see ground rumbling/churning stalagmites break through the earth and Tremor emerges.
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Alone is where to find me.
I predict some cutscene with Raiden and Fujin fighting against Shinnok and the situation looking ominous.

Then I predict some quick screen flashes of characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion and some of your general roster being revealed.

The trailer ends with some gruesome fatality (ie: Kung Lao Buzz Saw drag through), fade to black before you see the finality of it with sounds continuing to roll.

MK:X logo burns in.

Bonus: They show a new character reveal, you see Earth rumbling/churning stalagmites break through the earth and Tremor emerges.
They used that Kung Lao drag through thing to end the MK9 reveal trailer so I doubt they would use the exact same thing again. Same with Scorpion and Subzero. They were used in the MK9 cinematic trailer so I'm quite sure they won't be used like that again. Some flashes ? Sure. They are fan favorites after all.


"On your Knees!"
Speaking of openings, I'd like to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero playing chess while drinking tea. They talk about how each time why they fight and this rivarly has to stop etc. Then Raiden and Shinnok come and say "Why aren't you fighting?" Scorp and Sub say "Ehhh I mean Forces of Darkness Vs Forces of light gets old, I just want some peace an quiet you know?" *Raiden and Shinnok look at each other and laugh* Then they both smack them upside the head and the MORTAL KOMBAT! scream is said then shit starts to happen.


Yeah I know, I will buy MKX for $60 bucks fuck it. But I know I'll hate myself when I have to buy it twice. Well I guess its not all bad, if one copy gets lost, or broken Ill have the other one.
60 bucks! Holy shit thats cheap are you only paying that much for new games in america!?
They used that Kung Lao drag through thing to end the MK9 reveal trailer so I doubt they would use the exact same thing again. Same with Scorpion and Subzero. They were used in the MK9 cinematic trailer so I'm quite sure they won't be used like that again. Some flashes ? Sure. They are fan favorites after all.
Right, i'm saying something equivalent of that as an example.

I remember the first time I saw it in the MK9 reveal trailer, they fade to black as Sub-Zero is being dragged through and you just had this sense of how over the top it was.

I think they'll do something similar that leaves that same kind of impact/effect.


"On your Knees!"
I also really hope there isn't a run button in this game.

I really like the concept of dash blocking, I think it allows for a greater range of freedom with movement.
Yeah, I dont like to run when Jax uses a ground pound and he gets free combos after a hit. In MK3 UMK3 and Trilogy Run was good because of the mechanics back then made sense. But now in this new MK dash blocking blends in with these mechanics. But I do like to hear the grunts they make when they run lol.


Alone is where to find me.
Right, i'm saying something equivalent of that as an example.

I remember the first time I saw it in the MK9 reveal trailer, they fade to black as Sub-Zero is being dragged through and you just had this sense of how over the top it was.

I think they'll do something similar that leaves that same kind of impact/effect.
ohh. got it. if they are going for a dark theme again I suppose they'll do something like that. the way MK9 was revealed was pretty good IMO. they might just stick to that formula.


I seriously just want MK9 with less (preferably none) glitches, revamped breaker system, more characters, more special moves, better balance, etc. etc.

I know that's not going to happen though. I'm hype either way.