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MK X reveal predictions


bye felicia
My only concern with Konquest is that its purpose was to tell the story of newly introduced characters. It's still too soon for Shujinko so if there was a Konquest mode we would either play it from the multiple perspectives of MK characters like the MK9 campaign or they would need to introduce a new character earlier into the story.
Its not too soon for Shujinko, he'd just be younger. Given the major changes to the timeline in mk9 they could really write him whatever story they wanted, hell they could use him as the vehicle for some of the dead characters moves to return.


Am I the only one hoping its not next-gen only? I like my ps3 and 360. Plus both new systems look like a waste of cash at the moment.

Waiting for steam machines/ building one myself. Come on NRS give me PC simultaneous support!
I've been very adamant about not wanting it to be next-gen only. I don't think the user base is big enough on the PS4/One for that. But, as someone else said, if they were to go that route, they would probably start it off like that and then eventually announce that it's coming out for the PS3 and 360.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Trevor's hopes and dreams for mk10:
Fast gameplay similar to MKT.
Block button
Combo challenges
Good training mode
Solid netcode
And a whole bunch of gore.


I need my MK tag fix, so hopefully that returns.

Also, I think it would be great to have an actual tournament mode in a game all about a fighting tournament. UMK3 is the only one that did that, iirc.

MK9 upgraded to 1080p. just
Add Chapters that tell the story of Shinnok
Add STAGE WEAPONS (only drops in for the 3rd Round)
Add 3 vs 3
Add Injustice options to Ladder Mode
Add The Portal, Kombat Tomb, Slaughterhouse, Nethership Interior/Deck, Prison & Ying Yang
Add Tanya, Reiko, Shinnok, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, Havik, Blaze, Taven, Sareena and Ashrah
Add 6 NEW Characters

Include everything in the Season Pass


Tell me, do you bleed?
Random predictions.

Brand new character will be in the starting roster and have top billing in the marketing.

There will be some weird gimmick announced that will make all of TYM groan and call the game shit before they have any idea how it works.

All the woman look like men and the entire internet cries.
Ed Boon is really confident that he will satisfy the audience. Can't you just feel that he is proud of his team's work? By now, I say he KNOWS the Mortal Kombat community and what stirs it.

I want to see something like the MK9 reveal trailer, it shows us an inkling of what the story will be and then we see gameplay of a bunch of different characters. Not necessarily all of them poster boys of the franchise, like possibly: Johnny Cage, Sonya and Raiden confirmed to return, then like some clips of Quan Chi and Shinnok, then the newer characters like Kai, Fujin and Tanya.
I'm pretty sure that that is what we'll see. Tanya will probably be there, and Shinnok. Not sure about Sonya and Johnny Cage, though.

I agree. For the love of God please implement an Injustice type training mode in MK10. It would be so godlike
Definitely the best training mode ever, I'm sure that they know it, too.

Yes to brutalities, no to the run button lol.

I was thinking more of the transition between different parts of the stages which we've seen in previous MK titles. I think Injustice has by far the most epic form of this in a fighting game... bring it back to MK with the level of quality seen in Injustice and that should make for an epic fight every time.
I want bloody interactables! Imagine The Dead Pool with interactables.

Now that I quoted everyone, let's get to the point:

The only clues we have are that poster and Ed Boon's tweets. It's not little, though. Ed Boon tweeted about Gears of War "betraying" the fans in order to make something new and good, said that he agreed with that, that the only thing that you accomplish otherwise is boring the audience and making it move on. The poster says "Who's next?". It talks literally about the future. By now, Ed Boon knows that it's a real mistake to try to convince the audience, that sometimes you have to do something else, something that you know will be good for them, and they'll eventually need time to find out that it's good for them. Ed Boon recently said that he used to listen to "4", an album by foreigners. We already saw Shinnok at the end of MK 9, so the idea of a reboot of the franchise starting from MK 4 could be what's going on. Also, Ed Boon answered to a request: "You ask for a LOT. What about what I want? ;)". That makes me think of a completely new game, with different characters -maybe just a few of the old ones-. I don't think that they will send all of the kombatants to the trash can, I think they will do something similar to what they did in MK 3 and a few characters will remain. Some characters of MK 4 can't be saved. If I have to pick what characters will be in MK X, I would say: Shinnok, Tanya, Reiko, Jarek, Fujin. Raiden will be in the story, not playable. If Jarek's in the game, Kano isn't. If Jarek's not in the game, Kano is.
On the other hand, Ed posted a long time ago that maybe it was really soon to have an MK for the new generation. He may have been teasing, I personally can't forget one of his last tweets, where he says the logo looks, among other things, "updated". I think that's not an accidental word. Why updated? Maybe it's not going to be a new game, maybe they DID take seriously that petition of an ultimate balance patch, it's just that they know it wouldn't be fair nor serious -only Street Fighter releases four versions of the same game without feeling a little bit of shame-. So, what they decide to do, is a new MK 9 -yet still another game, not just a patch-, more balanced, with more graphics, more characters -and less, too, because I think Sheeva is beyond saving-, and something different. Maybe this is an extension of MK 9 -a HUGE extension, with some of the characters of MK 4, after all, MK 4 could be updated also-. That is my second hypothesis. If I have to choose, I pick the first one, though, this other one sounds crazy. I'm probably missing something.
Whatever MK X is, I'm sure it'll shake this community for good.
Your thesis scares me well the second one.. that could be a possibility jus cuz SF did 4 times but me personally I hold nether realm to a different standard I dnt think they would release the same game with just better graphics a few new characters etc and call it a next gen game.im jus more optimistic about it I guess.


I really just want an extension fo MK9, not a huge deparure. They had something good for a first actual serious try, it just needs to be refined.


"On your Knees!"
One part of my mind is saying "Buy MKX on launch day" and the other half is saying wait another yr for a Komplete edition. I mean I had to buy MK9 twice b/c of Komplete Edition cuz I dont like to buy DLC. BUT I will get a MKX promo poster they have in the windows after Gamestop stops promoting MKX. I didnt know you could ask for those posters b/c they throw them away anyways, If I would have known that I would have had a MK9 poster already.


cr. HP Master
One part of my mind is saying "Buy MKX on launch day" and the other half is saying wait another yr for a Komplete edition. I mean I had to buy MK9 twice b/c of Komplete Edition cuz I dont like to buy DLC. BUT I will get a MKX promo poster they have in the windows after Gamestop stops promoting MKX. I didnt know you could ask for those posters b/c they throw them away anyways, If I would have known that I would have had a MK9 poster already.
Absolutely no way I'm waiting another year AFTER THE GAME IS OUT. I like to find tech and get match up experience so I don't fall behind lol.


"On your Knees!"
Absolutely no way I'm waiting another year AFTER THE GAME IS OUT. I like to find tech and get match up experience so I don't fall behind lol.
Yeah I know, I will buy MKX for $60 bucks fuck it. But I know I'll hate myself when I have to buy it twice. Well I guess its not all bad, if one copy gets lost, or broken Ill have the other one.


Really likes to throw things at you.
How much you wanna bet after 1 month of MKX is out, online ppl are gonna have W/L ratio of 2000/500 smh fucking scrubs, stat padders, and Rage quitters etc. will all be in the mix.
Ya but nobody cares about records...or at least they shouldn't. I tend to find that the WizardRJGG's of the community are exposed quickly and always decline so fuck em lol.


The only clues we have are that poster and Ed Boon's tweets. It's not little, though. Ed Boon tweeted about Gears of War "betraying" the fans in order to make something new and good, said that he agreed with that, that the only thing that you accomplish otherwise is boring the audience and making it move on. The poster says "Who's next?". It talks literally about the future. By now, Ed Boon knows that it's a real mistake to try to convince the audience, that sometimes you have to do something else, something that you know will be good for them, and they'll eventually need time to find out that it's good for them. Ed Boon recently said that he used to listen to "4", an album by foreigners. We already saw Shinnok at the end of MK 9, so the idea of a reboot of the franchise starting from MK 4 could be what's going on. Also, Ed Boon answered to a request: "You ask for a LOT. What about what I want? ;)". That makes me think of a completely new game, with different characters -maybe just a few of the old ones-. I don't think that they will send all of the kombatants to the trash can, I think they will do something similar to what they did in MK 3 and a few characters will remain. Some characters of MK 4 can't be saved. If I have to pick what characters will be in MK X, I would say: Shinnok, Tanya, Reiko, Jarek, Fujin. Raiden will be in the story, not playable. If Jarek's in the game, Kano isn't. If Jarek's not in the game, Kano is.
yeah i think you right i also believe the 4 in foreigners is the four as in mortal kombat 4 and not in the countdown and different you mean fighters we haven't seen before?
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The first trailer should show Kabal being eviscerated by the netherealm forces. So much so that he may never be resurrected or return to an MK game ever.